Someone explain to me how can a country this cucked exist? I really can't understand it at all, how is it even possible?

Someone explain to me how can a country this cucked exist? I really can't understand it at all, how is it even possible?

So my country can avoid becoming the next sweden.

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I hate Swedish Leftist with a passion. I HATE THEM!!!!!

They are destroying one of the greatest Nation on the planet.


Imagine how I feel...

>get into the thread to check which flag started taunting sweden

Ever glorious!

Stop bullying sweden, mongolia, you're just jealous that they're more tolerant than you are!

USA is even more cucked

Lmao have you seen America?

>Greatest nation
In what way? Litterally all good Swedish scientists were immigrants(mainly jews). Our culture is almost entirely imported from other european countries.
Sweden is a none country that needs to get over itself.

Hispanics are white you dumb britbong

>when you've fallen so far you have to try and convince other people blatant lies to try and save some face



Diversity will only make us stronger

Sweden suffers from a sort of misguided altruism.
The US is literally begging to be cucked

pick one


I live with a Swedish girl and I regularly hang out with swedes through my university.

Very polite and nice people, but they are all so fucking leftist it's insane. If you say that you support Trump or that you think illegal migrants should be deported back to Africa and Asia then they literally think that you are Hitler.

Most of them are from wealthy and white areas in Sweden and they turn a blind eye to the fact that they have no-go-zones in Malmoe and other cities. They are completely delusional.

I have been trying to redpill one of them for a long time but he will always brush it of like "sure Malmoe has a lot of crime, but so does other cities like Chicago or Detroit. The problem is poverty - not the fact that they are Muslim or of African ancestry." and so on.

Denmark takes skåne
Finland takes northern Sweden
Norway takes Jemtland and Herjedalen
Russia takes Gotland

We are saving the swedes and Shit, senpai

What are you gonna do, Norway? You're in the same position
>muh Workers' Youth League

Just google swedish scientsts and you'll see.

Breivik and Shit.... Never has Trudeau been more right "if you kill your enemies they win"

God, as a German I'll probably never date a foreign qt girl since they'd all expect me to be super progressive - but in reality I'm just a filthy Nat Soc and therefore literally Hitler.

>nat soc
>wants to date a foreign girl
how does that work

There are Germanics outside of Germany.

False, mooslims praying in the street en masse would result in bloodshed. We're in the process of pumping the brakes we depot the kebabs and beaneaters


There are more German Americans than any other group. Unfortunately, most are fat and in the Midwest.

Aren't the Germans in Germany enough? American women aren't German, not by nationality anyway. A lot of them have German ancestry but they're all terribly mixed.

Obviously that's a special situation where they were protected by Obama. Trying that in TX would be hilarious.

Not denying that we're pretty cucked, but pic related isn't a regular thing. I honestly couldn't even tell you when this took place.

You know how? By giving women too much power. This is what happens when you have a lot of women in politics - you get a cuck nation.

Sweden was the greatest country in the history of the world. I have zero nordic blood and I still admit that. You had virtually no rape, no murder at all, etc in your country. A beautiful, clean, peaceful country, one that was truly a model for the world to follow.

And then you started letting immigrants in and it turned into a third world shithole.

Old Sweden was like paradise on earth, new Sweden is more dangerous than Somalia.

To be honest it was immigration and pacifism that brought us prosperity, not the "Swedes".
New Sweden is just in it's infant state, it will be glorious one day.

To be honest har du inte en ugn att brinna i?