You can only post in this thread if you have been called a racist

You can only post in this thread if you have been called a racist

I'm white, does that count?

That is everyone here who supported Trump, whether warranted or not.


That's like saying you can only post here if you breathe.

>be me at Christmas party a few weeks ago
>pretty drunk, discussing politics with lefties
>decide to reveal my power level because I hate all these people anyway
>answer all their questions with 100% honesty
>race realism, Holocaust denial, antifeminism, etc
>literal faggot with 6 rings in each ear asks about race and IQ
>lay it out straight
>"I find you utterly offensive. Everything you've said has been incredibly racist. There is no chance we will ever be friends, and I'm leaving this conversation."
>he leaves the party
>i'm drunk as fuck, did that really just happen

If I had a dollar for every time I was called a racist I could build a wall around my house to keep caribbean immigrants out.

Love it when leftists spit the dummy.

To clarify: you can only post in this thread if you personally have to your face been called a racist irl, because of something you said or did. Post greentexts if you want.

A girl gave me her number after we'd argued for 30 minutes, and a guy asked if I'd be interested in going out for drinks sometime so we could discuss that stuff in a more focused capacity instead of at a loud party.

Turns out smart people who live in echo chambers are pretty fascinated by people who think differently

Almost every time I drink

Actually disregard the 'almost'


> was called an antisemite when I said that holocaust guilt was partially responsible for the whole mess that the middle east is.

>Kicker? I'm an History Doctorate*,oh and i'm Jewish btw

>One colleague got "grounded" (litterally like a child) because he explained that slavery was part of african culture way before the XVth century and that riangular trade was a product of demographic expansion of tribes in brush type subsaharian africa, leadind to war with tribes in subtropical aeras.

>kicker : He is black, specialized in slavery and from AImé Césaire descent...

>other colleague got the same amount of flack for explaining on how it takes apx 125 for a country to become a democracy and that goes with a lot of try and errors...
And pressing revolution on secularists dictators in the middle east was the surest way to ensure chaos in thoses zone,
Tl dr, arabs can't into democracy for now.

>kicker? He is kebab, kabyl (mountain ethnicity persecuted by slimes, basically algerian kurds) harki (arabs that helped the french) and fled his country to avoid "machete conversion"

Fachism is the state negating argumentation of the individual over a coercitive ideology.

* specialty? any opressive regime, my thesis was on cambodian Red Khmer regime and it's propaganda in the western world.
I work on french communist propaganda, algerian civil war, Balkans, and even south africa.

I've been called a racist by a black friend who says "fucking white people," a lot, does that count?

got called racist in greggs

Black people cant be racist muh oppression

It's easy to be called a racist here.
I just said I was more for Trump than Hillary and I was immediately called a racist.

We call him a nigger to his face pretty often so I think he's justified tbqh.


Scary as heck, to be honest

I've been called a racist, for sure.

>Said I wanted children with same skin/hair color as me
>am racist, also narcissist.

lol yeah I once fucked a Jewess after telling her at a party that all aid to Israel should be cut. she was initially offended but I stood my ground and she was impressed

Dude every white person in my country who lives in a blue state has been called a racist at some point.

>tfw havent been called racist because all my associates are racist as well

>try to talk politics with co-worker
>disagree on something
>"Oh of course you like Trump, you're a cis white male"
I was actually stunned because l didn't realize that was a thing people said in real life

ebin meem

what's your hair colour?

I hate that faggots comics.

Yes, finally a thread for me!

>start going on Sup Forums
>girlfriend says I've sounded oddly racist against Jews and muslims recently
>not like me

i was playing Taboo with a group of about 15 friends and family over christmas, which is the game where you have to make the table say certain words without saying other words yourself.

anyway, this kid draws a card and says "this happens to you a lot if you're a feminist" and I yelled "triggered!" and nobody else at the table got it, and wanted to know how i figured it out so fast. it's actually a hard concept to explain from square 1...

What's your stance on this?
Here is mine, I don't believe in god, don't practice other than few rites to keep my mother happy but I can't reasonably go full shill mode and embrace what the Isralian policies are (especially now)
We were culturally relevant as diaspora people and our culture went to the shitter when sedentarized and mixed with """"jews"""" from russia.

Don't get me wrong, I know how palestinians acts (and muzzie as a whole btw) but :
>being alied with Saudi
>colonies that exist solely for breeding brainwashed haskhenazis
>jewish extremists such as mea shearim fgts that will stone you for an unveiled/unwigged bride but are afraid of trashing old books and dried bread...

>shitty food quality (despite progress tought)

>expensive cost of life, shitty currency, shitty real estate

>lack of pork ribs, unpasterized cheeses and shellfish.

I Lived next to petah tikva (Telaviv)

... blonde. I mean, why would anyone try for something else?

Kek being jewed as a jew

you're a guy with blonde hair? that's not something to be proud of

... no? And why exactly?

African cocksucker came into work and didn't get what he wanted from me so he called me a racist. My boss made me give him what he asked for, despite absolutely no racial interactions to any degree. When I say African, I mean an African immigrant from Liberia. My job was considerably more lucrative than I could have done without at that point in my life, so I didn't automatically up and quit, but I will if faced with the same thing again.

That particular Liberian is what every rational man on earth would call a nigger. He deserves the epithet and every bit of vile that comes with it.

Niggers come in all colors, shapes and sizes, though. This one just fit the description well in more ways than one.

Because it looks ugly/weak. Girls prefer darker hair.

>it's actually a hard concept to explain from square 1
That's because SJWs are practicing psychological warfare. Most normal people aren't going to pick up on that straight away. It makes sense that you have to go in depth to deconstruct it.

It doesn't fyi. But I'm not interested in what "girls" "think."


It does. Kek even confirmed.

weak. sure.

>The source is a lie.

I have asked girls about it and I have heard them talk. The lighter the blonde hair, the uglier it is to them.

t. Jealousy

There are college campuses across America filled with leftist kikes who hate Israel and will suck your dick for being against Zionists.

Isn't half the population there blonde?

Why are we arguing about this when Jews are the issue?

I said to an Iranian that his people are natural terrorists. It was supposed to be a joke and I was superdrunk but that's pretty racist, right?


Jews are always the issue, or niggers. We don't talk much about blonde hair vs dark hair.

By my family at christmas dinner.

Does being called racist ironically count? My black friend called me racist after I said fuck whitey.

No, I think that's founded.

Phew, so I am a good goy after all?

No, because I don't talk about this stuff with friends and family.

You guys realize how obnoxious you become when you talk about issues such as race in family gatherings and stuff like that, right ?

I have blonde hair myself...

I read that in Vegeta's DBZ abridged voice. I regret nothing.

God not even close. Yet again Germany is the cuckiest

His ass

>arguing with my hyperliberal sister about some BLM shit

>"That's racist."
>"It's also true."

Family gatherings, I can pull out every single red pill because my family is antisemitic, racist, anti-fag, and anti-feminist. I'm not obnoxious because we're all saying the same things.

Non-family gatherings, the leftists feel comfortable advocating openly communist ideas. Anti-white jokes are freely thrown around, and they assume everyone in their age group agrees with them. I decided last year I would follow their model and see how they like it.

50% of them enjoy the debate. 50% of them are assblasted when we're done. Either way, I have a good time.

>be me
>at shitty hippy festival for drugs and Sup Forums
>dirty fuck on stage says "no human is illegal"
>bull fucking shit.jpg at the top of my lungs
>look of disapproval.gif
>long dreads next to me calls me racis
>pretty uneventful

It largely depends on how calm you are during the debate. It also helps if you are attractive.

Most Sup Forumsacks are pretty antisocial and they end up sperging out, thus embarrassing themselves, and ruining their relationships with their families or friends.

Generally in political discussions your best bet is to assume a more centrist position initially, and if you are winning start revealing your true beliefs. The transition is easier that way.

Not the new arrivals.

delet ur acount

Wasn't that some sort of meme for shits and giggles? Who would take that seriously? She sounds like one of those idiot girls on twitter that unironically talks about being grossed out because she receiving a green bubble on her iphone. And this is coming from someone who doesn't prefer blonde hair.

Nothing uglier than self-hating white.

Thanks for the (You), burgerfriend.

I usually get called racist when I pretend to be a lefty.

>We don't talk much about blonde hair vs dark hair.
Come to Russia, if you care about good looking to get 8/10 then she will put your dick in chasity belt because of how sissy you are.
We just have to be a bit more handsome than monkey and after that personality and wealth counts.

i have been called racist in front of 20 girls in a classroom by a syrian refugee for saying in a powerpoint presentation that romania will never be muslim and that all pro islam people will be struck by gods almighty fury kek
i look over my shoulder ever since


Top kek

>I don't know what's got into you user, I think you're quite racist
>thanks mum

Fuck potatoe niggers, fuck spaghetti niggers, and most importantly fuck taco niggers.

Imagine being so fat that you look at races and see food

Yeah, there's no doubt in my mind that if I were a spergy slob, I'd be railroaded out of every party I go to. As it is, I'm tall, in shape, and able to keep my cool even when the person I'm arguing with has started raising their voice and getting obviously flustered.

Definitely don't goosestep into the place and start picking fights. The best intro step in the last year and a half has been Trump support. Just controversial enough to get people talking, but not so bad that I can't bail on the conversation if shit looks like it'll get seriously ugly.

i got called racist, but it wasn't even for anything that was remotely racist. like i've done things that are like 10 time more racist and not been called out on it, but this one fucking beaner got triggered one day and decided to call me racist.

In October 2016 called 'racist' by a beaner after I prevented him from punching a women in an elementary child pickup line after he cut to the front of everyone with his car and she called him on it. Other people called the cops and as the guy ran to his car and raced off was caught doing 45 in a 15mph school zone, a big no-no in the states. While being arrested he started berating all the white people picking up their kids for being racist against beaners, his children were driven home by the school principal. The family disappeared after that, hopefully they are back in bean town South of the border because both parents turned out to be illegal. Really need to recompile that 14th amendment...