/AfD/ general - FORSA edition

ITT discussion on Alternative for Germany (AfD) and the 2017 German elections.

>Who are Alternative for Germany (AfD)?

>AfD's Basic Program

>Petry's Interview on NATO, Refugees, Sharia, Turkey and Borders

>AfD MEP on Trump's victory

>60 Genders - AfD's Steffen Königer gives the Greens a Reality Check

>AfD pro-Syria on FB: "Merkel must go!"


>7 Refugees try to burn homeless man alive


>Meme Collection v1.3
postimg org/gallery/2n33gjr90/
>Video Tribute

>Find English-speaking AfD followers from twitter
>Gather lurkers
>Make memes
>Spell-check memes
>Spread memes
>Come up with new ideas
>Find or create a friendly guide for voting
>Ignore the shills

Other urls found in this thread:


FORSA 19.12.–23.12 (inclusive Berlin massacre?)

AfD 12 % +1
CDU/CSU 38 % +2
SPD 20 % -2
GRÜNE 10 %
FDP 5 %


with just 4 days remaining - looks like we can do it:
> 1.779.773 Euro (27. Dez. 2016)
around 400k Euro have been donated over the Christmas days. AfD need ~220k more to reach the 2 million goal after which AfD's election campaign 2017 will become eligible for additional funding from state. Spread the info, donate, we can do it.

go here:
and click on Spenden mit PayPal button.
Would be really appreciated by all based Germans. Help harvest cuck tears!




Will Germany start doing Nazi stuff if AfD win?




I donated 100 €! Pls all help. If the AfD doesnt get 2 Mio, the government will even take them money away for the next year. This is a new law from the SPD to stop the AfD :(

danke AfD-chan


>nazi staff
kek xD

Better collection :

postimg org/gallery/13dw1v50q/

you guys need to make more memes! and spread on (((twitter))), (((facebook))), (((youtube))) etc.

Calling a refugee "Asylant" is considered nazi stuff already. So yeah

danke AFD-Chan!

Petry a cute. CUTE!

Kek will bless the Afd with double digits in this election, my bets are on 11% (it's up to 15 now, but in 2017 the 2016 terror and the 2017 mass rapes will be forgotten and forgiven).
Poor 40% Merkel will curl up into a ball and cry.




danke AfD-chan

danke AfD-chan

I want to suck on Frauke's titties.
I want to suck on Marion's too.


bumping with frauke


Hat das jemand zufällig als Vorlage? Ich würde davon gerne ein paar drucken.


Leider nicht

keep the hope alive

Current number is a bit closer to the goal:
1.877.034 Euro (28. Dez. 2016)

Still every donation needed.

Gibt es ähnliche Dokumente als Vorlage? Ich habe leider nicht die Zeit, selbst solche Flyer zu erstellen, aber ich kann sie wenigstens drucken und verteilen.
Gibt es außerdem irgendein zentral angelegtes Archiv für Infomaterial?



Mach dich nicht lächerlich. Grundgesetz zitieren und dann keine Ahnung vom Grundgesetz haben. Die Hälfte von denen hat nie den Eid schwören müssen.


danke AfD-chan

Nice one, AfD gained 10.000 members this year:



That frog is so cute!

Das empörend Scheisse hat ich noch einmal anfangen Deutsch lernen inspirieren.

>Deutsche haben Recht X außer es gibt ein Gesetz gegen X

>4000 Cucks joined Alfa

Nach Verbot der NPD-Demo AfD meldet Silvester-Kundgebung am Kölner Dom an – Quelle: express.de/25385220 ©2016





This guy once he lose weight and the acne will drown in pussies.

>Arguing with holes
Numale cuck or roastie.

Part of me doesn't want the AfD to win.
Because that means part of the credit would go to the Brits for the Brexit.

They are already too smug.


These pictures are so bad but somehow funny. Antifa cucks made them before the election in berlin 4 months ago.

The cuck is back, party is over






You can do an AUSTRITT with German efficiency in 2 weeks while the Brexit people are still arguing whether to take the referendum seriously or not.
Plus it would actually make a difference because without Germany the EU would be funded by nobody and immediately collapse.

>German efficiency
Didn't see this one used non-ironically for many years.
I still call bs

And then we could form a new "union" with you guys...


Zusammen was zusammen gehört!

Flag for new EU already exists.

AfD und FPÖ werden es schon regeln

I'm afraid all Strache will do is remind Austrians why the FPÖ is not a good choice. They totally botched their legislative period in 2010 and didn't remove Kebab from Vienna.
At least for the Afd there is still hope they will practice what they preach insead of being lying corrupt scumbags.

Same thing with Südtirol


But afair they were really attacked by the rest of the EU for being right wing, so maybe with the whole EU having moved more to the right direction, that would change and they could actually accomplish something.

The good news is that we will see. It's not like the FPÖ popularity will drop anytime soon, they are holding steadily at 35%.


>forsa edition
my favourite editions. Güllner never fails to amuse me.

RTL news just had a segment on "Identitäre Bewegung".

>höchstgefährliche, rechtsextreme Jugendsplittergruppe
highly dangerous, extreme right youth splinter group
>Laut Experten sind sie "völkisch nationalistisch, also rechtsextrem"
>according to an "expert" they are völkisch nationalistic, which means far right / extreme right

Supposedly their goal is to radicalize the AfD and Pegida

Sellner hat Angst vor seinem eigenen Schatten, super gefährliche Typen.

Did they say how many kids the IB raped and how many 1 year old infants they kicked right in the face?

Anyone else watching the Neo SED directed collapse of Berlin from a safe distance? I can only imagine what Berlin will look like in 2021 and what kind of news it will produce.

>and how many 1 year old infants they kicked right in the face
was an accident, poor Flüli slipped

danke AfD-chan

I'm so glad that I live hours away from any big city.

So AfD is basically the 3rd party of Germany but what chance do they have realstically? Will the grand coalition shut them out?

Whens the elections?

>völkisch + nationalistisch = rechtsextrem
Nicht schlecht! Da war wohl ein professioneller Wortverdreher am Werk.

I really hope the Afd does, if anything, drain this criminal GEZ Rotfunk swamp instead of using it for their own means.

>So AfD is basically the 3rd party of Germany but what chance do they have realstically? Will the grand coalition shut them out?

They have literally 0% chance to rule the country

>Whens the elections?
In 9 month

>posts antifa-esque garbage
>"T-the AfD has no chance trust me goy"

>In einer weiteren Umfrage untersuchte das Forsa-Institut, ob die Deutschen einen Zusammenhang zwischen dem Berliner Terroranschlag und der Flüchtlingspolitik Angela Merkels sehen.

>Dass diese Politik mitverantwortlich für den Anschlag sei, meinen nur 28 Prozent aller Befragten – darunter allerdings 93 Prozent der AfD-Anhänger und 49 Prozent der CSU-Anhänger. Eine breite Mehrheit von 68 Prozent hingegen sieht diesen Zusammenhang nicht – darunter mehr Anhänger der Grünen (93 Prozent), der Linken (85 Prozent) und der SPD (83 Prozent) als Anhänger der CDU (80 Prozent).

68% do not connect rapefugee policy to Berlin attack, ie. voters from every other party except AfD. AfD can nibble at those numbers for SPD and CDU though.


Do you think there might be a parallel between the US elections and the German elections? As in the polls are incredibly wrong because people don't want to admit they vote AfD?

Give it a few more happenings in 2017 and I think exactly that will happen.

The AfD needs the majority to really chance something. This won't happen next year, maybe 2021

I love this image

New thread ,lads.

Where do you Germany stand on Israel ?

2-3 more real happenings with at least 20 victims and there is a chance.

I think there is a realistic chance for AfD to be stronger than SPD. Everyone will try to isolate AfD, but the fun begins when neither CDU-SPD coalition nor SPD-Green-Left coalition has a majority. Will they really do something like CDU-FDP-Green? Or will the CDU try to do a coalition with the AfD?

Shy Torry effect hit both Brexit and Trump elections, and I'd image the social stigma for voting nationalist would be even stronger in Germany.

I don't like them but at least they control the kebab in the Middle East


As long Merkel rules the CDU there will be no coalition with the AfD.

This, in Germany it's not only a social stigma to vote right but outright dangerous, especially if you have some kind of public establishment like a bar.
Antifa is known to "deglass" (terrorize and attack) establishments who do nothing but give them a place for example - of course without being bothered by the police.

Sure, so the question is whether CDU base will want to rule at any cost or not.

Thanks Ali, but some of us are done being cucks.

danke AFD-chan