>just ignore your bullies, they will get bored
>they are cowards, that's why they bully you
>don't worry, when you grow up they will work for you
Just ignore your bullies, they will get bored
>tfw you fight back and you are the one who gets in trouble
fuck the norm
i can relate to this feeling too
>e-everyone ignored my reply on the other thread...
>i'll make my own post so more people will see and reply!
Dumb pussy bitch. This is some female Reddit shit right here, faggot.
No wonder you were bullied. Doing autistic shit just for attention netted the wrong results, my dude. Now you're on pol where you think you're getting back at the bad men who hurt you by calling them niggers in your secret anonymous club.
Fuck the normies.
Don't ignore them, be insidious. Since you're Mexican, I know that a sure remedy for bullying is setting your bully's backpack on fire and throwing it to the dumpster.
Don't let him find out and you're up for laughs.
fuck off back to r9k
actual story that happened to me
>sitting in the pool lobby, waiting for my friend
>this ugly german reject fucking steals my hat
>got the hat from an uncle that died of cancer a year before
>instead of breaking his teeth right away I ignore him
>dude puts the hat back on my head
>my friend comes out, I tell him what happened
>"Dude, let's wait outside."
>reject comes out
>me and my friend break his arm
>never saw him again
That's whatcha get.
are u a muslim, killurself
Why didn't you make yourself into someone who is difficult to bully?
How the hell does someone get bullied in this day and age?
Dont get bullied then my Mexican friend
>when you finally realize these people never gave two shits about you and just wanted you to not present them any problems
>get systematically beaten for 5 years by niggers and other white guy
>niggers drop out of school over the years, white guy only guy left
>always fought back against them, but nothing stopped them
>final year of elementary
>beat the ever living shit out of the last guy left
>permanently removed from class
>today, 10 years later
>still depressed
>still mad at the system
>still as alone as ever
>still posting on a basketweaving board extraordinaire
Fuck normies, fuck lefties, fuck niggers, fuck them all. Useless pigs.
OP is a fagget
move to canada, we can start one of those one yankee and a euro bankrobbing rings that ends with the cops killing us
>>final year of elementary
Wow, hardcore.
I think they were just ignorant kids at that age, not niggers.
Nah, they were black and spoke Papiamento all day.
>All muslims
like 3% of their population is muslim
half is serbian half is croatian
Its a meme country like Kosovo
Pretty much this, don't be a pussy most aren't even that tough to begin with. Who cares for a day of detention if you get to make them suffer.