Lets dump are best red pills
Mass red pilling
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Raw spending numbers don't really prove anything. The USA has more people that all of those countries, so of course we spend more.
>what are niggers
Everything becomes so much clearer once you swallow this redpill.
Jews are intellectually superior to whites.
Whites can't cope so they make memes as anu emotional release.
>per school aged child
Spending is adjusted for our larger population of children.
Given how our public schools are run, it gets cheaper per child as the number of kids goes up. The graph still illustrates how government funding isn't the problem at all.
This purposeful retardation needs to be a bannable offense.
If this horseshit isn't an attempt to disrupt the board by making us all look like braindead failed abortions to any potential new users then I don't know what is.
UK education is shit as well.
pic related
Here's a redpill exposing Judaism and Israel as the synagogue of Satan. If you're a Christian, this will make you understand why Judaism is not a friend to Christianity, and if you're not religious, it will still expose the sham that is Israel and the Jews being "the chosen people." It even goes into the Rothschild family for a bit.
Save it, watch it when you have the time. It doesn't feel it's length.
How do illegal immigrants claim welfare?
>are best red pills
Mexican detected
Most of the horseshit posted here as "fact" accomplishes that just fine. No need to false flag you retards with more retardation.
race is a social construct
Sup Forums will deny this
I've searched the documents. That is bullshit.
They're perfectly normal user
The wall will unironically never be built.
The category of MSM includes male prostitutes and prisoners, both of whom probably skew statistics away from gay and bisexual men while not necessarily being gay and bisexual themselves.
>American Renaissance
Ebin source.
Also, the content is objectively wrong. Any linguist will tell you so.
What kek means by this
Those are different species.
>really makes you think
Most of those, when looked up, either direct to less sensational stories or literal Nazi propaganda.
>0 black women raped by white men
bullshit, no way a white guy didn't rape a black women
>that cucky nu-male infographic style
How is it called? It's actually going to make them more receptive because they have been conditioned to associating cucky aesthethics with truth and 'being right'
You can't rape property
I think this is what is being referred to.
Victim race on the horizontal, perpetrator race on the vertical. No black victim with a white perpetrator.
There are female prostitutes too user
>not necessarily being gay themselves
I guess there's no problem unless they actually feel gay when doing it
It's actually true. Not one reported rape by black women who said their attacker was white
Voltaire never said that.
I searched them too. You're a liar.
We are still living in a post ww2 world. Hitler was the good guy; he was forced into war. The Jews won. Communism in Russia was run by the Jews. This is why it's ok to be a full blown communist but borderline illegal to be a nazi
it doesnt rise to your eye level dummy. you're actually looking down ever so slightly the higher you go. That camera shot is aiming down.
The diseases one is bullshit. It's called drug resistant TB for a reason. Also, dengue and Chagas are just not endemic to the US. Chagas isn't even endemic here. Malaria is basically non existent in Latin America. Only polio arguably makes sense
>implying whites are just snow niggers
maybe I should move to Finland to start a family
they certainly could use the colour :^)
I fucking told them. I live here and the (((journalists))) at my uni were trying to push the narrative that this was the act of Trump supporters.
What does it mean?
I got slapped in the face when I tried to explain this to a woman, once
Species is defined as a group of animals that can create offspring that survive a procreate under natural conditions. New evidence of polar grizzly hybrids has biologists rethinking if they are really a different species. Humans, however, are the same species, you fucking highschool biology failing retard.
Different species can create fertile offspring, but it's overall rare.
This kind of retarded ass shit really pissed me off. I have a bachelor's I'm Finance so I'm not PhD level or anything, and this is still so fucking retarded to me that I'm shocker anyone can believe it
you tards know JUST enough about 8th grade biology to form dumb opinions about it and show your ignorance.
not even taxonomists can agree to this day the criteria of species. it is humans trying to put life in a fucking box. life doesn't give a shit about boxes. you are both wrong.
I am a linguist and (you) are wrong.
>(((real arguments)))
fuckin kek you are all children
Y'all already make yourselves loon like retarded failed abortions. Posts like the flat-Earth ones aren't needed for it.
You have to go back to whatever shitty place you came from.
What are they feeding those kids in Finland?
>tldr drink spring water, fresh fruits and vegetables
>don't trust a kike
The problem with all this shit is that it doesn't come from an unbiased (or minimally biased) perspective. Even when the statistics are true, they only tell the part of the story the author wants you to understand. Everyone has an axe to grind and this thread is no different than the same sort of layzy sensationalism that perpetuates in the media. It makes us all polarized and stupid.
>At least 39% of investigated large-scale wild fires in Arizona are caused by illegal border crossers.
Why would illegals intentionally cause wild fires?
Are you retarded?
Whatever it is, they aren't socializing much during lunch period.
What's the redpill here?
>british education
Great read. Too bad the author is a cuck who won't learn from the evidence in front of him
Holy fuck.
Not a purse but a basket from harvest. Agriculture brought us civilization.
Someone post the General Patton infographic.
its supposed to have some sort of psychodelic mixture in it to bring you truth
They don't have to do homework.
Also they're the northernmost, most homogenous Europeans on Earth. Pepper in some gook genes and you have some good students.
Finn here, having ample personal space is the greatest thing on earth.
Thought I had it but I don't.
Why not just alternate the seats to not be across from each other?
Also, premarital sex, yes or no?