Makes you think

makes you think

Other urls found in this thread:

and of course the most asked question about Italy is football related


Belgium made be crack a smile.

we rich nao

oh shit i didn't notice that

shitskins of the world, fuck off

>mfw good at water polo

blue kek

So why is it? it was the part of NL no?

why is belgium a country

top kek

that delusion in sweden

>bombing syria

but if you search for usa, u won't see
>bombing iraq
>bombing afghanistan
>bombing libya
>bombing syria

fucking burgers

why slovenia are not in fifa?

Smiling while living in the country of yours... not bad.

i don't really know

It's not like you alway see Russia bombing some country everyday.

I didn't get the memo either

we rich nao

>why is belgium a country

I really fucking wonder (((why))).


Feels good man


>why is "germanic country" so great/amazing/rich/happiest in the world ect.

gee, wonder why

His country doesn't have their own color

>a country


>tfw the normies loves us

Kurwa, jelly as fuck you got the "so racist" over Poland, bratanek.


i wanted it

"so catholic" is good too, pham.

meanwhile in Polish version of google


When will the meme "Lol Portugal and Spain are poor" die?

They have Top Tier healthcare and great quality of life. Portugal is the 5 safer country in the world. In Spain you can get Organ transplants for free. In Portugal taking drugs is not considered a crime.

Eastern Europe is poor, Iberia isn't.

>national color isn't even on flag


and this one (in Polish: why Poland is...)
>a country with almost homogeneous nationality
>so catholic

>so green
That's because we poison our soil with chemicals for tourism.

normies love california too, doesnt mean much.

You have to go back.

We are not the only one not doing this
The Swedes do not have Black on theirs

Your map is wrong — Crimea is Russia

the results are tailored for you

kill yourself



They broke away in the 1830's because they though that the Dutch king was too autocratic. Also they were nearly all Catholic and half spoke French.

tell me more

>a country
We wonder the same every day


wew lad

Mfw Europlebs still don't know we are the rightful heir to Atlantis and waterniggers.

Why do these dirty niggers, and kikes say we are racist?

Fucking jews are always attacking us, pointing nukes at us and shit.

This is what I get, its slightly better.



Since 1911 the national football team used the blue in honor the reigning family (blue Savoia). This color is then transferred to all sports.

Meanwhile, on Burger-google...



>White Russia

They're right ya'know. If Sup Forums made a country in the 21st century it would be indeed Belarus

So... Why is Belgium a country? Isn't, like half of them French and the other half German and the two halves don't get along? Why not just join France/Germany? Actually, scratch that, Germany is fucked, what if Germany joined the Germam half of Belgium and the French half of Belgium joined up with France?

Fucking americans and their geographical knowledge...

Belgium has 3 communities: Flemmish, French and German. Flemmish community situated in Flanders (richest, mostly right wing) is the largest followed closely by the French speaking community in Wallonia (poorer, mostly left wing socialist bordering on communism) and the german speaking population is the smallest, close to insignifcant, I don't even know wtf they are up to.

Nah it should be divided between France and Netherlands, Germany has nothing to do with the Flemish part.

Flemmish nationalists like Vlaams-Belang/NVA want to form a flemmish right wing republic to be freed from socialist wallonia that is sucking money out of flanders.


Never, we want a right wing flemmish republic. IF Belgium dissolves this is how it will go. We don't want to join other countries.

We are middle field in west europe at best.

I don't even

>"So poor"


Spain fags btfo


Kek, well done. Made me chuckle

>so wealthy
ayyyy lmao spaniggers btfo even further

we are not in NATO because we plan to invade everybody together with suomi fags

Comunidad de Madrid strengthened its position as the region with the highest GDP per capita in Spain, being a 36.6% over the national average of 23,290 €

>People think we are joking when we say they are all Serbs.


>Good for you

>Search my country in google
>Results are "so secular", "so expensive, "so good at soccer" and "SO WHITE"
God damn i love being uruguayan master race 100% mediterranean

Holy shit

wow you guys are good in every sport


>so broke

Checks out

>tfw we're Olympic master race

>hena tattoos
>sip tea

I see normies share stuff about how great Sweden is on my Facebook all the time. Always 18-30 white women oddly enough. hm.

Why is Lithuania so small.. in population with those who do not want to commit suicide?

Why is funland not in NATO?

>why is Malta good for you

It's a joke on some retard Serb who picked genetics as hobby.
In a nutshell he said that Serbs are the oldest people on Earth,that all slavs are Sumertherians(?!) and come from balkan and that our name comes from Atlantis or something.
I don't remember everything but it was top tier WE WUZ.

Why is North Africa so more maps at

It's what americans has googled. Not swedish people.

>Spain so poor
>Slovenia so rich

>National color come from the name of a french town


Even Russia doesn't know what its deal is in Syria. Also kek at both of the last questions.

>why is Switzerland ch
what do they mean by this?

sweden confirmed great, how will Sup Forums ever recover?

Give me a shitposter and I will prove they are a Serb!

>Why is Croatia HR
it's something

>good for you


good question tbqh


>so good at waterpolo

Croatia, Montenegro, Italy, Hungary, Greece, eternally BTFO.

>why is africa more maps at

>so poor

*Angry in moldavian*