>Justin Trudeau announces he will not buy any F-35s and will instead buy some F-18 Super Hornets >Sup Forums laughs at him for making a retarded decision
>Trump later says that the F-35 is too expensive and will consider the F-18 Super Hornet >Sup Forums is silent
Time to add another one to the list.
>both are pro-business >both have praised dictatorships >both are socially progressive >both were privileged, spoiled rich kids >both energized the masses in their campaign >both are highly active in social media >both are highly praised by Indians >both are politically inexperienced >both make their obsessed opponents foam at the mouth at every little thing they say >both have a tendency to say things that would embarrass other leaders (yet both still let the criticisms roll off their back) >both have appointed controversial figures >both have been criticized for not being able to separate private interests from public office >both prefer the Super Hornet over the F-35 >both are memes
Trudeau isn't actually that bad when you look at his policies.
Benjamin Morales
The F-35s are riddled with stupid problems and an insanely high cost, I am not surprised that even Trudeau can see that it would be incredibly retarded to invest in them.
Also pic related, you might as well have posted it.
Ryder Martin
He's still pretty bad, but not nearly as bad as Sup Forums makes him out to be.
The dangerous thing about him is that he can support policies that Harper was heavily criticized for (such as TPP and greater mass surveillance) and get away with it. It's like how Obama has people sucking him off while continuing policies Bush was hated for.
Adam Thompson
Kek'd and saved.
Caleb Cox
Also carbon tax
Austin Cooper
>Sup Forums supporting the F-35 program
when exactly did this happen? any thread mentioning them is mostly people throwing shit at the concept, they're completely overbudget and don't do anything particularly innovative, we should have never sold off our harriers and should have focused on modernising them instead, that would have been an infinitely better decision.
>TRUMP: I would really want to think about that one, Bill. Because in some ways I think it's good and in other ways it's bad. I do want to see what the medical effects are. I have to see what the medical effects are and, by the way -- medical marijuana, medical? I'm in favor of it a hundred percent. But what you are talking about, perhaps not. It's causing a lot of problems out there.
>O'REILLY: But you know the medical marijuana thing is a ruse that I have a headache and I need, you know, two pounds of marijuana.
>TRUMP: But I know people that have serious problems and they did that they really -- it really does help them.
Carter Campbell
>when exactly did this happen?
Whenever "cucked" leaders don't like it.
But when the F-35 came up in a discussion on Sup Forums, most people were against it (again, mainly because of the cost).