I will just leave this here

I will just leave this here



Nationalism just teaches you to love your nation and heritage

Has nothing to sownoth hating others

Wew that's good

But I already hated people I had never met.

We wuz for white people

Nationalism teaches you to look after what others have left you and hate people who are parasites.

If you do not take pride in something will you care for it? Most likely not.

If you do not care for something will you try to better it and protect it? Most likely not.

Nationalism is important as it protects what is already their and gives the people the spirit to improve what they already have.

I can be proud of anything I want.


Actually should just leave the "hate people you've never met" bit alone. It's true and makes the overall message much stronger.

fuck trump and fuck white people

so you mean like how liberals take credit for shit they didn't accomplish and hate millions of people they've never met just because some hag calls them "deplorable"?



>what is already their
learn your own fucking language

An ethno-nationalist acknowledges that a nation is defined by its ethnicity and can only function when the ethnic foundation is homogenous.

There is nothing racist about this, there is no hatred for foreign blood. It simply needs to get out and return whence it came.


I speak fluent Arabic. What are you on about?

You dont choose where to be born, whats the point of being proud of that?


Not true though, I have met the people I hate.

>You shouldn't care about the people in your country!

I'm not Australian nationalist, the land sucks desu.
I, however, would die to defend the white race/ western culture.

Because we are alike, and the unlikes are winning.

Why does that matter? There is more to a nation than what dirt it is on.

this. can anyone correct it? I'm on my phone right now so won't be able to

Yeah, like from the balcony of your apartment.

A nation is more than a piece of land, people are not proud to be born onto a certain bit of clay. They are proud to be born into a group of certain people.Nations are more than geographic locations they are made up of the culture and the traditions of these people who live on that land.

>takeride in shit you haven't done
as opposed to harboring GUILT for shit you haven't done? Ok then.

Taking pride in acomplisments you had nothing to do with.
Like stealing a quote that you don't even know where it came from.

>Nationalism = Borders, Language, and Culture
These three things are what define a nation. No hate is involved.

>Taking pride in shit you haven't done
If you haven't had a hand in it then you're not an active member of your society. What are you doing? Watching TV and waiting for your welfare check to arrive?

It is easy to see why you hate nationalism when you live in a filthy country like Brazil


of course you do, Abdul.

By this logic you can take no pride in your family either

That's really just what nationalism is, seeing your country as an extended family

Now you could argue that the concept of a "nation" itself isn't a good one, and that group preference should stop at tribalism


Teaches you to value arbitrary quotas and sacrifice yourself for people that hate you.

Stay in Brazil with that limp wristed attitude

I don't hate or have pride in any individuals just because of their race or nation. I believe that the sovereignty of individual nations is mandatory for world peace.