Last hope of white people just tweeted

Last hope of white people just tweeted

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looks stupid

le right wing white bastion face

arent poles kikes themselves? every single one of a pole has a kike blood. i know a medicine for that,. bullet.


What counts is what you have in mind and heart, not veins.

You're a good guy, Polandfriend.

If you ask why US has such problems today to contain China and Russia, that's because Holocaust-survivor country was selling military technologies to these two countries for last 2 decades.

why is ur shit all backwards poland

Hebrew style xD

USA has more Jews than Israel and most Americans, when push comes to shove hate Muslims 100x more than Kikes and will actively go after Mudslimes more that the Kike.

Trump is completely immersed in the Jew and all of his kids are married to Jews, and Tiff is dating a Jew.

USA-Israel are effectively wedded to one another and it's going to stay that way. I can't imagine a scenario in which this will change.

>I can't imagine a scenario in which this will change.

Of course Jewish question in the USA is a very sensitive topic, Jewish lobby in USA is very powerful, it manages to blackmail and bribe a lot of people and Israel became some kind of PR-toy in American media-stream, so trashing it just like that is impossible. It must last for at least 10 years yet. But the sad truth is that Irael is completely useless for the USA now from a geopolitical point of view. Moreover, it is not only useless, but supporting it costs USA politically and financially a lot. When USA was the only global power in the world, and swimmed in money, this cost wasn't really a problem, but now USA is broke, extremely weakened, moreover multiple muslim nations grow in power, just like muslim diaspora around the world, and USA really doesn't have an interest in conflicting itself with billions people only for some fucking Holocaust-survivor-country. Lack of money, change of geopolitical priorities.

When the country swims in dollars and can project power in every corner of the world, it can feed and protect such a little parasite like Israel, but when USA loses power projection in most places in the world and runs out of money, Israel stops being a super-cute-toy.

>y-yeah but the problem is globalist jews guys, not these other, totally innocent jews!
Get to flip-flopping, Sup Forums

There are different types of Jews through, for example are those who hate their own race and ally with the muslims, there are others who hate western whites, etc. They hate each other too

Oy vey what a good goy

I think they blackpilled him during one of these briefings, probably threatened the life of his whole family.

>There are different types of Jews through
And all of them are bad.

>USA has more Jews than Israel and most Americans, when push comes to shove hate Muslims 100x more than Kikes and will actively go after Mudslimes more that the Kike.

It's not one or the other retard. Despite your brainwashing, it's actually possible to hate both of them.

>Last hope of white people just tweeted
Isn't he president-elect of US?

I agree, I'm merely reiterating the situation. I don't know if you ever leave your house or talk to your neighbors or coworkers about shit, but from my dealings, the vast majority of folks -- maybe not college aged leftists -- support Israel over the wider Muslim world, and others like neither... but most like Israel, and even think of them as victims. This is merely the situation in the USA.

>support Israel over the wider Muslim world, and others like neither... but most like Israel, and even think of them as victims

It will change in next decade, otherwise USA won't have a future as a global empire

Based Trump. He is even better than I thought. He realizes that the Jews are the only civilized in middle east. The rest should die.

Still better than hillary, but its starting to look like a fraud.




Yeah, that makes sense alas -- but we definitely dodged our own holocaust with HRC and crew. Trump is a good start but that's all I reckon.

Netanyahu 'told New Zealand backing UN vote would be declaration of war'


Did you know guys that so called "holocaust" never happened and 3 million of Polish Jews basically changed surnames and moved to Soviet Union and Israel? :)

If you think that blocking Europeans from migrating to your country and taking millions of migrants from Pakistan and India will improve your society's situation, then you surely "avoided holocaut" indeed xD

yeah 911 was a coup that submitted the US to Israeli/globalist interests.
The US always was the spearhead of the globalist agenda but 911 put kikes in power to hammer in the loss of US national interest as a driver of US policy.


a Polish Jew?

> muh 9/11

USA has its own national interest that change with time and in dependence of current geopolitical situation. I wouldn't overestimate USA-Israel "bond". It will deteriorate with time.

Fuck no! xD


hehe figured. how did you learn hebrew fellow pole friend

>yfw the epicmaymay redpillers on Sup Forums actually thought their limousine liberal was anti-establishment
>yfw the clueless public was fooled by globalists AGAIN

>what is PNAC
>who were the Neocons of the Bush admin
>what is the Patriot Act and how come it was ready to be signed a week after
it was a coup dude
as important as JFK's assassination

>yfw nothing has actually happened

What did he mean by this?

>when they hate themselves and their kike boss but the paycheck's always on time

>Denial this hard
Looks like that last redpill is hard for ya to swallow there, m8

Thanks Donald!

Guess who he's going to meet soon for a job at his cabinet: link related

Or he's playing the Jews for goyim?

>In just a few weeks "Thanks Obama" will no longer apply
>Once Jan. 20 hits, every Happening will be Trumps fault. He will get the good and the bad. No more fence sitting.

What's so strange about a lot of people latching on to it? Doesn't this go against a central part of Sup Forumsack ideology?

Trump will make mudshits genocide legal


>republicans already hate Israel
>dems must hate everything Trump does
>no more allies

Israel will have to fend for itself

(((They))) did this on purpose (The UN resolution), so Trump will be even supportive of Israel when he takes office.

Is it any coincidence this happened only three weeks away from Obama leaving office?

Wake up people.

Its the fact that there are dozens of threads per hour being created all with similar posts by 'different' posters. They're probably bots or shills. When isn't Sup Forums being raided?

For the sake of Israel of course, with white men being thrown at the frontlines to be killed. Don't be an autist, Trump is not our friend or ally if you're anti-globalist.

>republicans already hate Israel
Nobody in the world loves Israel no more than evangelical republicans

Suddenly Hilary doesn't seem so bad compared to this kike loving traitor

>Arriving in New York City with only $250, he earned a living standing outside Jewish cemeteries in Brooklyn, leveraging his Hebrew skills to lead funeral services for tips.
Whoa, they even Jew each other.

>Probably bots or shills
Or they are maybe just people who disslike Sup Forums or the average Sup Forumsack?

Today has convinced me that Sup Forums has been subverted by Islamists.

Obama is doing it now since he doesn't hurt him or dems to say fuck you Isreal while the UN in general just hates Jews (which is why I'm surprised Sup Forums doesn't like the UN more.)

Sup Forums is always being raided

>central part of Sup Forumsack ideology?

this is why their coordinated shilling like this doesn't break through or affect /pol. There IS no central /polack ideology UNLESS: bantz, shitposting, lulz

1) Bantz
2) Shitposting
3) Lulz

Still, isn't there a dominant consensus here that Jews or at least Jews in power are bad?

>Pretend to stand by Israel
>Dems and Reps are now all against Israel because they must be anti-Trump no matter what
>2021: Holocaust officially debunked

The madman. So is this what they call hexa dimensional inverted chess? A pleasure to witness.

trump is a fucking retard when it comes to Israel. Israel should be wiped off the fucking map.

signed t. mohammed

Is this the 1st ever time Sup Forums was wrong?

You have to go back.

good goy

>stormcucks getting btfo over and over again

What are you fags gonna do now? Vote for a democrat?

>(((They))) did this on purpose (The UN resolution), so Trump will be even supportive of Israel when he takes office.
>Is it any coincidence this happened only three weeks away from Obama leaving office?

Obama warned Israel dozens of times about settlements and the Jews would not listen.

America has a veto that they could use, but Obama did not--one of few things he has done that I agree with.