What are they hiding in Antarctica?

What are they hiding in Antarctica?

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Hi friend. I love these threads but what's the point when they only last 10 minutes at best?

Let´s assume for a second there actually is a pyramid in Antarctica. So what? All it means is that human cizilization is older than assumed and exported some of their knowledge across the globe. Again. So. What.

That's the problem with you humans. Can't look at past you're own noes to see the bigger picture. It is the reason this planet is in such a shity state.

We have a Sup Forums meet up in Antarctica.

>My pet theory

Turns out earth is a space colony, the planet was originally colonized with the intent of the people forgetting their home world and tech, and slowly building their own unique society to the point where it can be reestablished with the main human society.

Buried in the Antarctic is the original colony ship, purposely preserved in ice, to act as a trigger for humanity next big step. We will cannibalize and learn from the ship and begin to explore the stars within the next 1-2 decades.

*should have

Could explain that massive object satellites can see (also inferred markers) hidden just beneath the ice.

>Sup Forums has never read Lovecraft
I am disappoint.

Impossible as the universe itself isn't old enough for a developed alien race to go to earth and start a colony. This would also mean we got dumber and then smarter

aliens / secret nazi submarine base under the ice / evidence of ancient human civilization

It's absolutely the entrance to the hollow Earth.

>Pyramids contain black mummies
>we WUZ theory turns out to be true

Wait, isn't that just the Vaulters from Endless Legend?

hey are (You)s still gone? Will Hiro fix this?

wtf, i hate illuminati now

Shape shifting ayy lmaos.....

giant space ship from x-files

Donald Trump's tax returns, Barack Obama's real birth certificate, and Saddam's WMDs.

And you believe the theories that a relatively young society itself has made about the universe? Everything we think we answered is probably wrong. And even if it wasn't, By saying "Impossible" and snubbing the idea out cold with out doing due diligence itself is moronic.

apparently the edges of the terrarium we're in are visible in Antarctica, probably a bit spooky eh?

no (You)s?

>the universe itself isn't old enough for a developed alien race to go to earth and start a colony

There is much about the universe that we don't know about, there could be a explanation that we haven't found yet.

>This would also mean we got dumber and then smarter

It makes sense, without access to high tech and would have to fall back to basic survival skill, in a couple generations the original home world would sound much more like a creation myth.

The dome

They are trying to hide that it is actually the perimeter of our flat Earth.

it's obviously where they keep the server that runs out matrix reality running, it's there because it's cold so it doesn't overheat, open your eyes! ice caps melting is because more stuff needs rendering meaning more heat

it's a triangular prism not a dome dumbass

Think about what you just said for a moment, than facepalm.

Why would the server running us be inside with us? Is it virtual? Why would a virtual server need cooling from virtual ice?

Starting to think this thread is just JIDF butthurt bait

As best I can tell, the line beneath the post number is dotted, and that's your new indicator.

TEST, let us know.

shills derailing by starting arguments about bullshit


Cosmic weaponry

they are now just a nearly invisible dotted line enderneath the post number link. How do we protest?
an hiro must be taught a lesson

I've never been called a shill before, It actually stings a little.




What Kurt Russel died to protect.

You leave Antarctica be you faggots. You'll destroy us all



How can the earth be hollow if it is flat?

>The penguins

Oh God, no.

Listen to this man, he speaks the truth


Was Jesus an alien?

You don't have any idea about the time scales involved. How old is human civilization as we know it? Give it 10,000 years. That's nothing. Dinosaurs left us at 65,000,000. Earth's age is about 4,000,000,000. Universe age is, what, 14,000,000,000?

For the record, humanity is far older than 10,000 years

I hate these threads so much. That's barely a pyramid.

why does Antarctic ice mass keeps on increasing, while (((melting))) everywhere else?

>They'll never make a decent film out of the Mountains of Madness

>polar shift happens
>melts the previous artic causing the world flood
>ancient civilization in the artic becomes the new pole and freezes

How could you possibly believe that you know this for certain? Equal parts foolish and shameful.

The perfect snowball

I think it'd be a pretty big deal if we proved something like hyperborea existed.

What do you think?

This is bullshit, there was no attack in Fort Worth, i would have heard it in this strangely accoustic city

he said civilization


Stop playing Homeworld, nigger

Phantastical things refuse to show themselves to us, we are left to idle in skepticism and doubt.

>Having a reason not to play Homeworld

>So what?

You've gotten to the first part of the issue. The next step is asking why they are trying to hide historical facts from the public?

kek't & chek't

tight n fresh boipucci

Because so much of our own supposed history wpuld have to be thrown out and rewritten? Meaning SO many things, ranging from religious beliefs, cultural traditions and heritage, philosophy and history will have to be reexamined, reinterpreted, etc...

Even if ayyys arent involved and its "nothing more" than say an older civilization, it is still world changing in ramifications.

Evil itself.

Fantastical thing's show themselves to you all the time, But many of you ignore them and bury them because (((they))) don't want to understand.

wew lad

>Literally all of history needs to be rewritten and re-examined
>Which technologies actually came from the ancient civilization, which are actually products of who we think they are
>The entirety of religious development - what came actually first, does it all have a common thread?
>Language development
>Cultural development
And, for that matter
>Racial development
And that's only assuming that they actually had the same theory of knowledge as we do, which is unlikely considering that only came about a few centuries ago.
They could have an entirely different technology as we do, built upon entirely different principles.

You don't just plop don't a fucking pyramid like it's a flag you brathead. It implies an entire civilization existed there, we put up research stations and nobodies said a word about it. Why would they hide it?


we literally need to colonize Antarctica just as the ice begins to melt


>Several billion years isn't enough for a alien race to get into space and colonize planets, even though humans have reached the space age from the bronze age in less than a few thousand years

Okay bud

to late

Clever girl.

Whoever made the jpeg made it just for ants enough that it obscured the twitter name.


Your fry'd brains hallucinations on LSD do not count as fantastical things.

Gonna need sauce on that breh

Is late a place in Ant. .
Oh you mean to use too.
Too late.

too late

You don't want to know.

You're a retarded if you think like that.
It means a civilization existed there, that built giant buildings, an entirely culture thas has been hidden for all of us for some reason.
Also continents move slow as fuck, so for people to be able to survive there with old as fuck tech and be able to build things and have a civilization there the continent should be way more north, last time that continent was in a latitude in wich civilization is possible was million of years ago.

evidence of the world trees


From your pictures it looks like a regularly occurring irregularity over Antarctica that occurs at a certain time of year.

Did you remember to buy the Invader Zim mask while you were at hot topic you edgy fucking leaf?


>regularly occurring irregularity

You can't be serious? It is not old enough?

It looked like pic related no doubt!

both poles have some fucky shit going on.

Meaning that the temperature deviation occurs regularly, but not in the exact same size or location.


This is what remains of ancient KANG empire that the savage white man has burried under the ice and rocks. You ask how did they manage to hide them huge ass pyramids?
>They stole the technology from the melanin master race.
Inside you will find stargates to the other planets ruled by kangz and qweenz.

i just want to remind you all that when the spaniards came to the territory then occupied by the incas, they asked them if they built these megalithic structures. the incas laughed and said they were already in RUINS when they found them

same with with teotihuacan, we have no clue who built those cities and why they left, leaving no tools or bones or anything

history is fucking exciting but it has more questions than answers

where does santa live???

on the north pole ya goof

All I ever think when I see Antarctica threads.


Dont use google fucking maps because they dont show the ice caps because they are californian libtards, just look at pics from nasa or something he lives at the dead center of the ice caps