What are your jobs, trades, careers, types of investments, etc.? Are you living comfy? No larping.
What does Sup Forums do for money?
I make the first post the best post
I'm gonna tell you how this thread is gonna go.
The STEMfags are gonna argue with the tradefags about who makes more, has the easiest job, and the most job security.
STEMfags will tell the tradefags they are shit for working outside while the tradefags will call the STEMfags stupid for going to college and having debt.
While all this is going on the NEETs will post comfy Pepes while calling everyone wagecucks.
Oh and nobody will make under 50k a year.
Maybe a handful of posts will be honest people, they are the ones looking for a job or a better job. Those are the ones you want to reply to.
uber cumfy sempai. I have $30k/yr income passive from websites I own, and another $30k/yr income from SEO consulting. I stay at home, work only 2-3 hours a week, and raise white children. Pic related
Junior Software developer in third world country(money is decent in relation to other salaries in the country, but not to classyfy me above middle class or even high middle class) i work too much and few sleep, i fuck scorts sometimes, i have a girlfriend that i appreciate but never loved, i'm atheist, level 1 or 0.5 mgtow. i'm nihilistic and i like anime and videogames like monster hunter 4 u in weekends (and if i'm not working )
Contractor for the government. Pretty comfy to be honest senpai. I wanna make more money by using my money right but i dont know how to do that. I need guidance
Surprisingly, third post best post.
how did you get into this field?
I shill for a living
I'm going to school for IT, taking my A+ soon and plan to have my net+ and security+ by eary-mid 2017. People keep talking about helpdesk but I feel like they have no ambition. Trump just said we need more cyber security people so it might be interesting to work for the government but I feel like I would make more money in the private sector. Does anyone here work with those certs and know any interesting career choices?
Sounds like something akin to my skills. How'd you start senpai?
Buy bullets, guns, food seeds, and freeze-dried food, as well as high quality camping supplies and tools. You'll need this in the coming collapse.
gold and water filters
When is this supposed collapse coming?
I used to buy into it but realized it's unlikely to occur.
I play online poker.
Been here too long mate.
Manage an armed contracting firm. Its great, every time there is a habbending we get a huuuuge rush in calls for service. Churches, schools, private dinners, hell even peoples homes. After orlando nightclub shooting, we had 3 weeks straight of guarding college parties for rich kids scared someone was gonna light their shit up. Pretty secure job, the worse things get, the more people want someone with a gun watching the door. Beats the hell out of working at bars ill say that.
how much you make a month?
At the end of the 2017 first quarter
How did you get into that? Sounds interesting tbqhwy
That's what (((they))) want you to think. It will happen. And you don't want to buy into (((their))) lies.
Ok what makes this prediction different than the others?
Yeah this is realistically what's going to happen.
Here is an honest answer, I work in logistics in the aeronautic industry and I earn 13k€ a year.
Sandniggers who sit on their asses all day earn more than me through welfare.
I know
But I should buy their guns, ammo, and supplies right?
It's hard to have monthly earnings especially because I play tournaments and the trend there is go weeks and months losing and then bink a tournament and repeat.
I keep 1 year expenses in the bank at all times to cope with this.
But as an "expected" earning about 1k a month, which is great money here.
DESU the golden age of poker ended since it became illegal in America. So it's only really worth it right now if you live in a poor country.
I've been btfo - 3rd post is indeed BP
I sell copiers.
Got a POST certification 5 years ago, didnt enjoy law enforcement, started running a crew of 8 guys covering the exterior security for a strip of nightclubs. Did that for 3, everywhere from bars to gambling spots, occasionally put on a suit and guard a specific person for a couple days. Got a better offer with a different firm, took it and never looked back. Its always something interesting. I live in CO, the MMJ industry always needs protecting, and they have cash out the ass. We do some PI work, but that shit is way boring. A lot of sitting and waiting. Its not huge but i should clear 40k this year, the most ive ever made in one year in my entire life. Feels good famalam.
(((they))) don't sell guns, ammos, or supplies.
super comfy keeping pimp hand strong
How does one obtain these certificates? Is it much cheaper than college??
>Don't want waste my savings on college or go in debt
>So it's only really worth it right now if you live in a poor country.
like Mexico?
Frogfag how can you live with that ?
IDK what the cost of living is like in Mexico but there are quite a few Americans who moved there to continue playing poker.
i make 7k dollars/years as mechatronic engineer, fuck this poor ass country
Iceberg Slim and Charlie Manson?
wew lad
Work retail. Make about 30k a year. It sucks but it pays my bills. Going to try to get a pilot's licence and work at a local airport.
Civilian contractor for the military working on C-130's. I still accrue military retirement points as a civilian so I've pretty much got it made.
I'm an electrician by trade but I barely ever work because of the socialist shithole union culture of Chicago.
Realized how fucked up and dumb my union was later in life. Literally on unemployment most of my career.
Now I'm going back to school to be a stationary engineer at the tender age of 33.
I want to die.
Comptia is a joke. You mine aswell work at bestbuy as one of those faggoty computer guru shitlords or whatever they call them.
7K a year for an engineer???
Good god move to America, Juan.
We could use some hard working immigrants who aren't rapists.
how you get into that senpai?
yeesh well if it is then maybe I'll hop on the joke and teach it.
I work as an archivist for a government agency here in Sweden.
It's pretty cool. Decent pay and tons of benefits. Plus my boss has no idea what I do so if I want I can just watch Netflix an entire monday and nobody notices or cares.
SSI disability. Never worked an over the table job in my life.
6 month academy ran me about 10 k at a rural junior college. Driving, shooting, criminal code, drug recognition, standardized DUI testing, and evidence collection. As well as PPCT a sort of martial art. With a POST you can typically join a police department with just that. The law test at the end is the hardest part. I didnt see myself telling people what to do all the time, so i took a different path then most. The shit cops have to deal with suuuucks. You only get called on someonelses worst day in their life.
I legally grow and sell marijuana
Last year i made 70k
You are fired mate
3rd post best post
Most of this board is neets who live with their parents, and by voting for Trump, effectively fucked up their future. But it's OK as long as the Jews, gays, and Muslims die. Oh also abortion is banned hopefully.
But all of that stuff is worth it!...R-r-right Sup Forums?
Mind asking what's your disability?
Colorado bro?
Where's the Canadian cuck who tells everyone to
>Drive forklift
Why Drive a Forklift when you can Drive a helicopter?
I take you voted for Gary Johnson?
Home appraisals. 50k/year.
Live in a midwest city where that is a good living.
...also, shitposting from work
I was a 130 Crew Chief for 6 years and near the end of my contract I got to looking on USAjobs for civilian/federal employment and saw an opening that didn't require an A&P license as long as I had at a minimum 5 years experience. I honestly lucked into the job and while the pay's not fantastic(yet)it pays the bills and if I hold it down for another decade I'll retire before I'm 45.
>tfw I enrolled yesterday
>tfw I'm 36
A lot of my credits transfer so I'm hoping I'll only have to do a year.
I mostly do stunt races and heists
yeah pretty comfy.
Currently working as food prep at a Ruby Tuesday. I was going to community college for psychology but working in a kitchen opened my eyes to what might open up into a new passion of mine, so I am probably switching my major to culinary. Especially if I get accepted to the transfer school I like.
Best of luck senpai.
What were you doing before and what are you going to be doing?
I buy a couple of hundred dollars here and there, and then spend the rest on rent, utilities and on cool clothes and neat books.
>people on Sup Forums think a decade of really pointless and uncalled for frugality will buy them an early retirement
you better wise up and start enjoying yourselves a little, cause when your retirement rolls around your savings will be fucking nothing, and you'll be a fucking middle aged square who missed out on everything.
computer programmer
comfy except for no waifu
Honestly, a bunch of lies.
I was raised poor and jailed early.
I saw mental illness firsthand and was able to mimic it well enough to fool the doctors when I applied for SSDI as an adult.
I'm 32 now.
Too right you are mate, and since I'm with ya, I'll share with you fuckers what's up with me so far.
20 years old, went back to a local community college to finish up credits that I should have got while in high school (worth it).
Worked a few shitty labor jobs, finally was fortunate enough to get hired with a company called Web.com. They have locations all over North America and probably a few internationally. The company handles Web Development, Marketing, Domain and Hosting solutions. My location is basically an inbound call center, however there's a fair amount of room for individual growth within the location.
I earn 12 bucks an hour, plus incentives for all the sales I make, so it's pretty fuckin sweet for sitting down and explaining to people how domain registration and the internet works for 9 hours a day.
Plus I get to learn about technology. I'm pretty down with it.
Does one have to be a big burly chad to enlist in the airforce?
Active duty military, transition to an accounting job soon.
I sell weed and ride EI
>not even shitting you
I work as a firefighter, it's shit in Sweden tho and I'm thinking about becoming a NEET
cool. do what you love no matter what.
>voting for Trump fucked up Americans future
>no WW3 and jobs for Americans not for the chinks
Pick one CTR.
No, it's pretty easy as long as you can get it.
Just lie about your medical history. Remember, you've NEVER been hurt and you've NEVER done drugs.
Unless you're getting a clearance, then you have to be honest about the drugs.
Smart move by not falling for the psych meme.
People got to eat
NO one itt will believe me but I make 30k a year delivering sandwiches full time lol. Have fun at college unicucks
I work with literally retarded people. Three or more days a week it is with a gentleman who is almost entirely sedentary...so I browse 4chin making no more than 30k/year
Probably easier in Russia when you can buy a new Lada for $6,000
I used to sell insurance for 2 years but I want to change jobs. I don't have a degree and i cant afford to finish college, but I want something, anything that'll hire me for at least 50k starting. Anyone got any ideas? Can I also say that I have a college degree and bullshit my resume?
Pimping my underage gf and sister, on Craigslist....$5,000 a month. Clean no taxes girls happy with ice clothes, nice car and Caribbean vacations every 6 months
I'm a public educator at a zoo, usually I deal with schools or groups that come for a day trip but I also do some of the more regular talks at feeding times.
It's pretty fun and I really enjoy it but, like all animal related work, the pay is shit.
Deep sea diver for the military for 17 years. Retire in three. Over 100k a year, plus wife makes 70k as a consultant. Gave G.I. Bill to my son and it paid for his college. Military is currently paying for my Masters degree. We own a rental house in Virginia and live on a 42' sailboat at current duty station. If you're a neet, join the military, m8. You get to do man shit if you choose a good MOS.
I work at Wendy's making 100k
Lel not unless you're coming in as TACP, CC, or a PJ.
t. podesta s dealer
Working in research. Make... more than enough to pay for my lifestyle and then sone on a handful of hours a week. My investments include purchasing all rentable properties in the area (I have a decent number already) and changing the market to run the beaners out of town.
I earn 12€ an hour as a student intern/Java Pajeet.
I dont pay taxes and insurances yet, so 20h allow for a comfy living.
I'd rather buy a mid 90-s W124 clunker for $2,000, than a ((((new Lada)))).
That degree just popped up at a local school. Total joke.
I work as a grillcuck at McDonald's while studying mech engineering at a community college.
I'm beginning to think I'm not smart enough for this because I've already hit the point where I simply don't understand what the fuck I am learning anymore. It sucks but I don't know what else I can do and the thought of being back to square one and not having any guidance in my life terrifies me.
I work in a small payroll bureau.
I'm on apprenticeship wage but hopefully when I have more experience & the qualifications I'm taking, I'll be rather well off eventually.
I have bad eyesight.
Clearly that excludes me from being a pilot.
What else could I do there?
Puter Programmer Engineer Software Thing.
I seriously have no idea what my title is. I touch a lot of shit. Currently cleaning up poo in loo problems at a client company.
I'm comfy. Big house, blonde qt wife, guns, savings. Need to invest more for long term.
K. I really respect tradesmen, because they have cooler jobs IMO. I like woodworking, machining, yard work, etc. Tradesmen have very useful skills. My plumber is a fucking genius tier steam radiator guy.
I'm a woman.
No seriously.
>don't even put out
>have a job at a decent tech consulting agency thanks to "diversity initiatives"
>just coasting until I can find a guy to have kids with
Eyesight is hard because they're going to test you for it, so that you obviously can't lie about.
But they'll give you glasses for free and you can do literally anything else.
I think less than 1% of the air force is actually pilots. The rest of the jobs are decent.
Concealed carry is a good start. There are plenty of good jobs (like bank truck driver and shit) that pay 50K+/year but most of the population who apply can't get cleared.
Similarly server farms in the PNW take high clearanced individuals with no ed or exp.
i want this