Sup Forums
You have 10 seconds to justify your vote towards this hateful, fear and warmonger CLOWN
Sup Forums
You have 10 seconds to justify your vote towards this hateful, fear and warmonger CLOWN
I want Israel to prosper so they BTFO Jews and Libcucks
Are you triggered? If so, that's why I voted for him
the memes
Jew Haters*
Hurr Durr Jews and niggers hurr Durr I am Sup Forums
Powerless proclomations, misdirecting virtue signaling and feigned interest by an outgoing neoliberal interventionist cabal trying to remain relavent to its "useful idiot", emotionally manipulated liberal base.
Where were you for the first two years of presidency when you controlled both the house and senate Obama? Sitting on your hands, biding your time and making excuses rather than putting an end to the Saudi funded muslim invasion of Sudan, endless Israeli settlements in Palestine and the corporate harrassment/poisoning/planned eminent domain seizure of indigenous North Dakota tribes lands.
In all cases big schnozed, rapist, ethnic ratfaces bully ethnic indigenous peoples, and in all cases Obama now pretends to care as he walks out of the white house. An attempt to continue the crumbling (((two))) party facade of good cop, bad cop. An attempt to make 8 years of nigger neglect look like white cruelty.
Liberals must be thwarted at all costs and by any means necessary. Hope this helps.
he literaqlly wants to go to war with chyna
Good, destroy those commie gooks, that way Taiwan can take back its rightful place
but he will drop NUKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you are so irresponsible. mother nature doesn't want this. Think green. Think HUMAN you hateful ape!
War monger?
Let's look at Obama.
Thank you Donald.
Get a fucking job and pay your debts hippie
I did it just for threads like this. That is as far as my interests went. The fact that it actually happened and all the butthurt it caused is just gravy. I really didn't think he would win, I thought the rig would be fool proof.
Thanks again guys, its gonna be an amazing 8 years.
Thank you for taking me into your hospitable coun-
الله أكبر
الله أكبر
الله أكبر
>greece talking at me like I owe him shit
you owe us your democracy burgerstein
10 seconds, sheit go watch TYT meltdown from election night - HOURS of justification there.
The lulz.
It's actually perfect for him to publicly ally with da jews
Every normie thinks he's pro-white and literally hitler, by unifying his interests with Israel he's tied his reputation to them.
Trump cannot be sabotaged from within once is name becomes synonymous with jews.
It's brilliant co-opting.
My man.
so the legend was true..
you faggots would claim it's 4d chess