Sup Forums can you explain why the Alt-Right have such a low IQ on average?

Sup Forums can you explain why the Alt-Right have such a low IQ on average?

The educated urban centers voted for Hillary, while the illiterate country folk voted for Drumpf.

Can anyone explain this?

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nice flag

>The educated urban centers
full of mexican intellectuals no doubt.

remove exif data before posting mohammed

>high IQ

>urban centers
full of uneducated niggers

>country folk
full of literate white folk

rosie the riveter? what the fuck
shoulda been cuck porn or something


>illiterate country folk

I'm a country folk as you call it. Calling us illiterate is why we didn't vote for Hillary. Why should we vote for someone who calls us idiots?

And yet, I live out in the country. My nearest neighbor is a mile away. Everyone out here farms. My nearest neighbor is a retired chemist who went back to farming. Another neighbor a few miles down is a physicist at the nearby nuclear plant. I manage the IT department of the same plant.

Yet all of us are farmers. Not to say there aren't stupid, illiterate farmers - but there are also far more stupid, illiterate city folk.

why are all of the "intellectuals" unable to say Trump's name correctly?

Trump won with college educated white men (one of the smartest groups)

You know what is really perplexing? Libertarians and Marxists have higher average IQs than other political demographics.

Because the story behind the modelling for the picture is absolutely hilarious with two women pitching a fit over who it was and one of them quitting work after 2 weeks in the factory and then married a rich dentist.

I love how hyper-political ( I wouldn't called them leftist because the term has no meaning and doesn't describe them) believe in theirs hearts that they read so much and know so much when they've only ever read gay fiction and assigned history by communist professors, it infuriates me, these people might as well be illiterate and listening to audio-speeches.

Anyone who goes to college for any reason other than science, technology, or medicine is a fucking retard. So these "college educated" morons who get degrees in philosophy are the stupidest sheep of all.

Anti-Muslim here, strongly pro-Trump, professionally measured at 155+.

Doesn't matter if stupid people hold an opinion as long as smart people do as well.

Low IQs use daily experience to shape their opinion which makes them racist. They are also tribalist, which makes them naturally align with nationalism.

High IQs will use experience and research to shape their opinion, which makes them racist and nationalist.

Only the mid IQs can be efficiently trained into the type of insanity which is necessary to ignore both experience and give them an inability to do independent research without putting everything through a PC filter.

Honestly this. Philosophy is a self-taught and self explored discipline. You just don't learn about philosophy and then you have some sense of idea of what you're talking about and what you can contribute, the idea of it being a major or a minor is retarded and the pseudo-intellectuals who take it should be gassed - or rather they kill themselves because they'll never make a living.

>The educated urban centers voted for Hillary
The major cities have some of the worst testing scores of all the schools in the US.

For the same reason that men have a slightly lower mean IQ than women, yet larger variance. The right may have more dumb than the left people, but we also have more smart people.


High IQ doesn't correlate with common sense. Sam Harris is famous for saying that he'd rather remove religion first than rape. Also proof or gtfo.

but what if over 50% of the books the guy on the left has read over the course of his life are propaganda? that would make him another fanatic like the guy yelling at him on the right. Also, i was going to say thet it'd be okay for them to try to find the middle ground, but give how things have been unfolding and how bad things have gotten, i don't think it's possible because one party wants to actually start gassing leftists and non-whites while the other has become the very thing it despises: a tyrannical political ideology that will fuck anyone up who dares implying what they're doing or saying goes agasint nature or common sense.

Rake Day is coming

Males in general have a larger genetic variance than women.
This is an evolutionary adaptation allowing for a high risk high reward scattershot of males.
Females are more genetically conserved as they only produce one child at a time, while a successful male can mate with many females.

>Niggers voted for Hilary
Hah. Saged.


Im actually amazed at how accurate this is... for how liberals view it. They really think that because theyve read a few books, or took some college classes, theyre automatically smarter and better than you, even if you have too. Its elitism at its worst
I had a former friend make a facebook post about how the idea that government supplied healthcare is totalitarian is gibberish, something I had made a post about a few days before. I commented on it and he just called me upset and I didnt know any political philosophy, then his former girlfriend who is now a tranny said my argument was baseless. All I said was that forcing someone to do something is totalitarian. I replied to that saying that I had read political philosophy, I'm in fact a poli sci minor and most of my electives have been philosophy.
You know what that got me?
Not a "oh maybe I should respect you as someone who does know something but disagrees with me"
>Nice save laughing emoji
>Edge lord

>reading Harry Potter, 1984 and pseudo-intulectual fiction makes you smart
>checks flag

No surprise there

Leftists who oppose this

Israel is a racist apartheid state who has illegal Jewish ONLY settlements in the west bank where the border walls are wrapping around them inside Palestinian land in an obvious land grab.

This is why terrorism happens and why the rest of the west gets blowback from it.

Israel builds these settlements on top of Palestinian villages that they have bulldozed by the military.

If you support Israel you are not a leftist. End of Story.
This is Bernie Sanders exploding on a liberal girl for daring to question the apartheid state of Israel

>well read
Most outspoken liberals I've known obsess over things like Harry Potter and Hunger Games and cosnider real literature/philosophy "boring" and "not relevant anymore"

>country folk

>educated urban centers voted for Hillary

You mean ghettoized urban centers. fify

Because liberal/leftist/whateverthefucktheseshitheadscallthemself practice racism that surpasses everything that the right spectrum of politics can ever even dream of achieving. White leftist truly and honestly believe that every single colored person on this planet wants to live like them and share the same values as them. They dont even acknowledge the fact that they are speaking about some mighty ancient group of people with their age old traditions, beliefs and way of life that sets them apart from white people in general in the first place, when they talk about, for example, muslims. They just assume that everyone wants to be like them, talk like them and act like them because in their own mind they are correct about everything, and everyone else is wrong.

>former girlfriend
>now a tranny


Yeah, I bet your IQ is really high.

>Calls Country folk uneducated
>Laughs when John Oliver says Drumpf

thread should have ended here
but /pol newfags are determined to consume bait to prove something

alt right doesn't exist but I can understand why self identifiers as such are low iq.

It's Canada. If it were any other flag obviously it would've ended there. But it's Canada. You can never be sure with them.

You don't understand, it's the current year that makes mispronouncing someone's name wrong hilarious

why is he thinking about rosie the riveter

Your universities are a lie and you are retarded. Kill yourself.
