Ok Sup Forums how come you don't have a swedish master race girlfriend who can perform ancient cattle calls...

ok Sup Forums how come you don't have a swedish master race girlfriend who can perform ancient cattle calls? probably because (((you))) are too degenerate for this type of authentic beauty.

i can only imagine the type of paradise were we could all wake up to these sounds.


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This video makes me sad. Knowiing such beautiful thing will get destroyed by muslims.

Because I don't live in Sweden, and because I wouldn't be able to attract such a girl anyway.

Don't worry we still have the burger equivalent. So moving...

>Swedish woman making mating sounds to attract a bull

Why am I not surprised

those are cows not bulls they dont have any horns

Cows can have horns too.

A lesbian. Not unusual for Sweden

>scroll down the comments
>amerilards talking about aryan women and muslims


just because a bull identifies as a cow doesnt make it one

I fucking hate Americans. Why can't you stop obsessing over our women? You are not Swedish, stop pretending you have anything in common with Swedes. Leave us the fuck alone you disgusting freak.

Because I'm not black. Simple as that.

>this thread again

well here we go

It's getting destroyed by burgers, latinos, southern europeans, yugoslavs, africans et cetera. It's not just the muslims.

True. The whole world rapes you.

All I want is an English gf desu


I cant WAIT to see her get BLACKED(TM)!

You hate Yugoslavs ?

Kek horns depend on the breed not on gender. No beautiful rural gf would go for a city slicker like you

hmm syrian girl is fineee
not as good as swedish girls doe :)))

Your government hasnt jet BLACKED every German girl Hans. Mind your own country or Sweden will outcuck you.

>Being attracted by aryan women=being a disgusting freak

You cucks really deserve to become a caliphate

what... the fuck, m8


Shes a former art student who has taken tons of black dick.
Your image of a Swedish girl does not exists. They are the loosest slags you'll ever meet. You don't think this girl does all of this for attention of males?

This is the sound of the one true gods people. Degenerate Christians and their false prophet christ plagiarized all of our traditions and have buried the knowledge and wisdom of ODIN. Praise Valhalla.

And there is nothing you can do about it since you are cucks, that are unable defend their women. Cucks and manlets. There is a reason why the 2nd most popular language on Duolingo in Sweden is Swedish. You won't find more cucked country.

>swedish master race girlfriend
because I have an awesome mexican one
>cue autistic screeching

Source or you're full of shit. Good women exist.


Your country literally has a porn genre where men goes up to czech women and give them money and they fuck. You degenerates can't even fucking talk. Your women are golddigger whores, and we are taller than you slavshits.

Faggot can't wait to talk about "muh dick" while sitting alone farting on himself.

Do swedes hates Bosnians and Croatians?

why the fuck would you want that?

I don't know why you think the girls here are the physical form of perfection but they are far from it. Sex and degeneracy is an open thing here. Some people are suggesting to make incest legal ffs. Her videos are just her making herself look good with things she was taught in art/photography courses.

Now I see

>this girl wants to be a single mother and to goes to a porn studio to get semen of 20 men

How mad are you little virgin now that your chances of losing your virginity get slimmer every day? Feels so good to see you nazi cucks suffering kek

That's fucking beautiful

God, you know more abot Czech porn than myself. Not only you are a cucked manlet, but also a degenerate.


Because I'm Dutch? So I want a Dutch girlfriend? Getting a Swedish gf would be degenerate for me.

t.ahmed asadi

I am not personally mad, for me it's quite amusing.

I have a girlfriend and enough money to leave this country soon.

So fuck off and get blacked soon Kai-Sören.

>blaming every single group besides the one actually responsible

>she's Slovak, not Czech

Merkel education in a nutshell.

This board is less than shit now you haven't heard

>end of story: you are a fuckin porn freak

Jesus christ user, just stop; it's already dead....
Muhammad already took it over ages ago

Yes they are litterally on the same level as arabs and have about the same overrepresentation in crime. Not Croats but Bosnians and Serbs.(We barely have any croats)

Please someone prove that she is whore/feminist/lesbian/coal burner so I can destroy this illusion that she is perfect woman.

Because swede is eternal enemy.

Said someone who knows the back story of some unknown porn from god knows where and used it as an argument in the bantz.


OK Muhammed we won't go after your white girls.


She's engaged with another Swede and doesn't seem to get triggered by the Sup Forums tier comments on her videos. I want to believe

appreciating beauty doesn't have to be sexual you fucking degenerate

Wow. Memes and shitposting aside, this is pretty cool. Thank you for introducing me to a beautiful aspect of European culture I wasn't aware of before.

This is great shilling for her jew tube channel. do they pay hero for this advertisement.

Proof I heard most of that was Albanians


>staged shit, forced emotions, le fairytail bullshit,fakery
thanks user

shut the fuck up

"your" women

Get real faggot. They are cucking you with mudslimes on the daily.

I'm not denying that a blonde hair, blue eyed maiden with good birthing hips is preferable breeding stock, nor am I denying this particular specimen has a beautiful voice, but if you think a hairy mondo bushed lady that only bathes once a month during the summer seasons who smells like cow shit most of the time is paradise, then you are delusional.


Not just swedes. Everybody hates them because they behave like animals.


ummm, guys?

Beautiful. She's like a real life elf, or something.

I think you're confusing Albanians

She's perfect. I will one day find a similar qt nord gf to love.

yeah i know i suck at posting since i almost never post

Look at her cuck of a boyfriend.Literally a more feminine version of her.

the matrix has you

How do I find an ayran husband to make my children whiter? I'm an arab, so I'm only part white.


American culture has destroyed swedish culture.
Everyone would rather want to eat a pizza or hamburger than husmanskost. People would rather learn how to play the electric guitar or any other american instrument rather than the traditional ones. People rather sit and read american comics and talk about hollywood celebrities than retell ancient tales that have been passed on.
The USA has done more damage to european cultures than the muslims have done

You stop being a shitskin, because a true Aryan man will never settle for less

I hate all foreign scum in this country. What the fuck are they doing here? The war in Yugoslavia was over decades ago they still don't leave. Fucking parasites.

I'll have one or at least obtain her dna to clone her before they go extinct.

They are SWEDISH women. They belong to SWEDES. Not to disgusting burger or french. Stop obsessing over my people. We don't like you. We are not like you. We don't want anything to do with you. Just stop talking about Swedes and Swedish women.

I'm from Iraq though, so we arent that brown, compared to gulf-arabs. Also, I left islam.

As a fat, retarded burger, I am sorry. :^(

America didn't do it. Those are all choices by your people. They recognized a superior culture and latched onto it.

>they belong to swedes
Don't you mean refugees?

Usually anti-burger shitposting from Eurobros just makes me laugh but I gotta be honest, Nigel. This one hurt. It hurt bad. The degeneracy.....I just....I can't....

The Jews ruined American culture, as they literally invented mass media. I know that Americans, past and present, are the ultimate good goyim, but you are one too if you don't recognize this.

That bitch is fucking stupid, worked on LOTR. tell that middle earth cuntrag to apply herself

Can't prove since you would be included in a larger group in our statistics but I can say from personal experience that Bosnians and Serbs live in the no go zones and act like you'd expect from somone that comes out of there. Some serbs are based but Bosnians are almost 100% sided with the refugees, they hate Sweden. Sure we have some Albanians aswell and they are shit but not noticably worse then Bosnians.

Alot of Bosnians that came here what 20 years ago? Never worked and don't speak the language. They are not sending their best.

Understandable I'm German on dads side and Croatian on mom side every nation should be homogeneous societies

>implying that if I went to Sweden and ordered a burger and fries or a pizza that I'd get something that wasn't "SWEDENED" (ie: changed around to fit swedish tastes).
just b/c your ppl like something that we make and import it and change it around to suit their tastes, doesn't mean we a ruining your fucking country. jesus christ. Porous borders and letting savages in are ruining your country.

I need a woman like this

See, this is the fucking problem.

She's a beautiful woman, clearly absolutely loves her country and the traditions and she seems intelligent and talented.

But if you were to suggest to her that we stop Mohammed from opening a mosque 50 miles away she'd tell you to stop being so hateful.

She's unfortunately yet another naive liberal as the vast majority of these arty types seem to be. It's a damn fucking shame.

To see her 'blacked' with you Jamal

Understandable most people who don't live in their native countries shouldn't be in other countries to begin with America was created for everyone they should jus go there and get there fuvking papers

I'm not into blonde girls. I like girls that have darker hair.


>just b/c your ppl like something that we make and import it and change it around to suit their tastes, doesn't mean we a ruining your fucking country.
True you are not ruining our country, literally, but you are undoubtedly altering our culture irreversibly.
Parts of our culture that would have been continuously practiced could have survived but have now had to make way for american culture, and as a result, those practices of our culture has died out.
Nobody practices them continuously - nobody passes them on to the next generation - they die out, and that hurts, it really hurts.

>Porous borders and letting savages in are ruining your country.
Not when you're talking about culture, american cultural dominance in Europe has done more damage to the respective cultures in Europe than immigrants have done.
More people are able to recite Hollywood-lines or rock / rap lyrics than their traditional folk tales

Why a jew would take the defense of a mahomedan
>It's not just the muslims
sounds more of a mahomedan trying to drow the fish
>The USA has done more damage to european cultures than the muslims have done
Sounds very mahomedan indeed

Women are more think more sheep-like and emotionally, which is a good thing, because it's why they make good mothers. But a certain (((someone))) used that to manipulate them against us. We must not fall for the bait. Women should never be involved in politics in the first place.

>I fucking hate Americans
Mahomedan must be a refugee with traumatic experiences

>Why a jew would take the defense of a mahomedan
gee wiz I wonder why jews are subversives who support or oppose the same thing, depending when it benefits them
