What's wrong with communism?
What's wrong with communism?
Doesn't work
It has, and never will, work.
Economic Calculation Problem
Just when I thought there are no Kuwaitis that visit this board. What are you doing here?
it works.
a close working example would be the military.
the problem is that it is always exploited by the greed of those at the top.
Ask anyone who has ever lived in under a Brutal communist dictatorship why they aren't communists.
>b-but there were good communist countries
Name one.
People still think it can be an option.
Communism works as par it's design.
It has always been about destabilizing and collapsing a society, so something else can be built.
It works because of the Elites who commissioned it as a memetic class warfare. To weaponize the have nots against the haves. (Even if the haves nots, are moderately well off.)
It's always about removing the middle class, making a despotic useful idiot class who lets the "Parent State" take care of them.
Starvation, poverty, terror.
>th-th-that wasn't real communism
Degeneracy, internationalism, failed planned economy
>Ask anyone who has ever lived in under a Brutal communist dictatorship why they aren't communists.
This. If you aren't from the ex-east bloc you have no right to ever talk about communism positively
How it works in theory:
1. state takes control of everything
2. equitable redistribution according to need
How it works in practice:
1. state takes control of everything
2. the state/wealthy class realizes there's no real reason to hand anything back to the powerless poorfags
You are confusing socialist state with communism again....
Is it real ?
Why do you make this thread every day?
Nice meme. Millions of residents of ex-Eastern Bloc countries are openly nostalgic for the old days. Many Russians outright prefer central planning over the market. Some even claim that the atrocities of Stalin's regime were justified.
And they're crazy. Next.
Ah right, thanks for reminding me.
The problem with communism is that nothing is ever communism.
Because commies are nothing if not delusional
Not here, western shit
Those are either ex-party members or indoctrinated so deeply they can't think straight (since all intelligent people were purged by the proletariat dictatorship)
When the authorities go corrupt in communism, there is no recourse.
>all intelligent people were purged so the country is stupid
Do I detect an armchair geneticist?
I've been browsing Sup Forums off and on since 2011, after people got sick of /new/, I stick around for the bait threads and happenings.
>Communism works as par it's design.
That's an empty statement, you could say the same thing about every philosophical, political ideology if the end game of said "ideology" was to do anything more than spark a fart with a lighter. You could argue that Communism has worked in theory if their ultimate goal was to destroy the middle class, which in the early 19th century were the some-what successful peasants; that is true, but it isn't sustainable, and a communist, or socialist "economy" is less than hypothetical; for reasons such as no planned obsolescence, and no incentive to innovate. It reminds me of that old soviet joke, "They pretend to pay me, and I pretend to work.
Forgot to link your comment, sorry.
It's the side effect of communism, the population was made so lazy that they don't know how to compete.
They want that they deserve a job, without even trying, and the work ethics is abhorrent.
State job is a dream job in ex-commie states.
You work few hours a day, state won't fire you, you'll always get paid. (Crush private businesses, employ your relatives in state companies)
And that's why the east of europe is poor.
Communism never existed aside in "states" like catalonia etc for short amounts of time. Lenin tried to make Russia into a vanguard state for communism, thankfully, Stalin turned it into a socialist national powerhouse which contributed to the world, instead of being an oversized commune experiment.
You can't reward people for doing nothing.
I almost want to say that anyone that does work should be rewarded with power somehow.
Why hello there.
Stop coming over in the week ends, stop going to Bahrain too please.
You must obey
nice dig-its
>fuck gook moot no es spammo
It punishes meritocracy.
if you can't compete, you should fail, not hold back those who can.
Communism is a stage of society in which the productive infrastructure is socially owned, and goods are produced not in order to sell for profit, but in order to meet a social need.
Communism in it's full form is a stateless, classless society that follows the maxim "From each according to their ability, to each according to their need."
To acheive such a society Marxism-Leninism teaches us that we must replace the capitalist state, which is controlled by the capitalist class, by a socialist state, which is controlled by the working class. Then, a period of class struggle follows in which the capitalist class is liquidated by the working class. When the capitalist class has been completely vanquished, there will be only one class, the working class, and eventually the functions of the state will become indistinguishable from the functions of the society as a whole, and the state as such will 'wither away' as Marx said.
This. Someone get the USSR smileys out
>as Marx said
>as never happened ever in any attempt at communism EVER in the history of ever
It rejects human self interest. It favors a group mindset over individualism- evidenced in its eventual formation into a dictatorship. What has to be highlighted is that in Asia, communism succeeded for a bit. This is due to Asian cultures being more communal. In the West, this is not the case.
It reduces the human being to screws of a biggest machine that its the state, denies religion, spiritualism and freedom.
It is an ideology, nothing more. The majority of Communists have not read Das Kapital. Marx's labour thoery of value, which is the only thing that grounds Communism in reality is so bad, he refutes his own point twice. This is chapter one btw. Fucking stupid ideology. Marx was a massive hypocrite too and an real asshole.
Fucking this.
>social need.
there it is again, this word.. WHo decides what is social need again? and futhermore, what if my social need is greater than my comrades? is it decided based on mine or his?
Vacuous grandiloquence, in a society whereby the government does not interfere with the market, it rests inevitably at a market equilibrium. Here it is most efficient and supply equals demand. It does what Communism always wished it could and better.
>denies religion, spiritualism
Not neccesarely but religions are filled with burgeoisie that sustain them in the end
>and freedom.
Not really, why do you think that?
Would you rather be homeless and left alone, or homeless and beaten if you're not digging?
It is a real life attempt none the less. If the mere attempt at its perfect state turns into a dystopian madhouse, then the end product is no better.
You are not allowed to succeed, because you are part of a collectivist fever dream which dehumanises the average man.
But where am I supposed to go to drink some beer on the weekends? :^)
Hello there.
Can I name one plz? Soviet Russia was.
t. cityzen of the ex heart of communist block.
Quads confirm, kuwait is sacred land to kek
I think the real question to be asked is what's wrong with you, Jose?
but profit =/= succeed, not everybody is addicted to money, for example for some suceeding might be creating a great work of art, making a scientific discovering, a sport record...
I afraid to tell you that you were only told that to keep you subservient. Stokholm syndrome.
пoчeмy ты мeня
And what stops them from doing that under Capitalism? All you want to do is restict some people, even though the others couldnt care less.
I don't speak ruso, companero.
He's from /leftypol/. His "comrades" gave up their cringy "raid" a long time ago.
Cripplechan? So he's still "raiding", just on his own?
Also just to add, innovation has been low amongst Communist countries throughout history in comparison to the west.
profit means your busieness is suceeding, you are providing something of value to society. and for christsake profit isnt just dividends, it is also excess money you can use to expand your business
So your arguments end and you stick to the "you never lived in a commie state and if you did you would be right wing or you are just stockholm syndrom"
Humans trying to be self-legislators.
thanks, leaf, for schooling my retarded comrade
central planning
So was it real communism or not?
central planning by a network of communes would be bad?
Very advanced artificial intelligence would help that task.
> central
> network
pick one
I'm talking of communism rather than socialist state though
Faggots like you.
Omg you are so fucking stupid. How is that any different to a dictator or state? And how can that be achieved right now? And you still have only responded (badly) to half his point.
Nice. As a programmer I'll tweak things in my favor. After all, I am more valuable than any other working man or woman.
>t. never heard of the socialist calculation debate
kek. Should anyone really be surprised that Marxists are economically illiterate?
Show us a time where it actually worked.
It was real socialism, the soviet state never claimed to have built communism, tho they were bragging to be quite close to it.
But if you dont divide socialism and communism, then yes. It was real communism.
Organised by whom? A state?
>Very advanced artificial intelligence
and how would this 'very advanced ai' be better than current one? be some moral god who decides for the good of humanity? keep dreaming, AI is just as good as the ones who programmed it
It had a state and a class divide where some were given special treatment. Read the definition of Communism.
Nigga wat?
Communism is about establishing a classless society where everyone is equal, has a voice to be heard, and recieves a share of the means of production.
The military is structured on discipline and hierarchy, where the subordinates are expected to carry out all orders without question. There is always one man on top and everyone else is expected to carry out what is necessary. Everyone is working for the good of the military but, the job of the soldier is to be commanded and follow through. There us a good reason why there are enlisted men and officers.
Tldr; fell for the bait
And it was not socialism because the means of production was in the hands of the state.
Lmao you are stupid. The millitary has a class (ranking) system where some are given special treatment. Not communism.
>share of the means of production
kek i cant wait for this communist country to experience a recession and workers actually have to pay money to keep their jobs
Read my message once more. The first half of it.
What's wrong with playing in traffic?
>What's wrong with communism?
People are greedy by nature.
Sup bro, user here that said I could marry in with the senpai. How was your week?
kek. Ever heard of the USSR?
b-but state = society!
Fuck you ad fuck your bills.
That's what.
don't worry, all thought will be in conformity at that point.
>After years of designing and building, I finally invent a new piece of industrial machinery that innovates factory production of goods
>In a capitalist society, I patent my invention and other businesses pay me licensing-fees to use my invention in their factories
>I benefit from the fruits of my labour in the form of profit, and I use a portion of the income to research and build newer machines
>The business benefits from the fruits of my labour by producing and selling their goods more efficiently, earning a bigger profit
>Society benefits from the fruits of my labour by having their demand for goods met
>Somehow this is a bad thing according to communists
People are generous by nature too, the point is to try to overcome the tyranny of our genes for the sake of survival and overall happiness.
There are many different definitions of it and some of them say that socialism is a state monopoly existing for the best of nation. It is a definition by Lenin if I dont mistake.
60,000,000 things.
Oh sure why not. Those comissars sure helped morale, squad cohesion, and improve military tactics