Why does George Soros not support Israel?
Why does George Soros not support Israel?
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Hes an elite jew.
Elite jews hate regular jews and scheme to prune them in order to purify the jewish race.
The plan is to nuke israel soon once most of them migrate due to muslims flooding other countries.
George Soros, contrary to popular believe, is a very intelligent man. He knows very well that Israel is the leading cause of anti-semitism.
He has a God syndrome himself, he only cares about his own mind and not that of other Jews. He knows very well Jews do not need Israel to survive; in the contrary, the existence of Israel would only hasten their doom.
Because it makes him more money to be against it.
He sold whereabouts of Jews to the Nazi's in WWII.
Now usually Sup Forums is all about that jam, but recently Soros has been trying to sell himself as a "Holocaust Survivor" to the press when he's spoken about.
Which is pretty sickening, seeing as he only survived by making a profit off killing his own people.
He thought it was fun to sell them out during the holocaust.
That kind of mentality doesn't just go away.
Bolshsviks and Zionists disagree about things.
Just as Liberals and conservatives do in any other country.
you might as well ask while California votes against the best interests of Nebraska.
Its the same phenomena.
And yes, Bolsheviks would kill Zionists if it came to that.
Just as our liberals plan to kill us off someday.
He's playing both sides you good goys (assuming you're not JIDF of course). All Jews work for Greater Israel regardless of class.
Because he's a rich philanthropist whose sole purpose nowadays is helping make the world a better place. The guy is absolutely based. Only thing I disagree with him on is mass immigration, but other than that, he's a great man.
Nah you stupid hue nigger. He sees other kikes as beneath him, still human unlike his views towards the goy.
He wants to be the Supreme ruler of all, unlike other Jews who are willingly to share power with their fellow yids.
Some Jew expert get in here and define the 2 very different factions of jews. Ashkenazi and Sephartic? Whatever the fuck they are called, one are jew jews (zionists), and the other are secular diaspora jews.
The Synagogue of Satan and the ones who promote Cultural Marxism and Jewish Supremacy hide among the Jews for cover.
They are snakes. And real Jews need to start standing up to their commie bullshit, instead of crying "antisemitism" because Hitler came to power based on real issues happening because of the Bolsheviks and banking Hegemony and SAME war profiting happening today.
Kikes are to Israeli as Niggers are to Black people.
all of you kikes follow the synagogue of satan. there are no fucking real jews anymore
maybe the sauds have more money now. So they have more importance.
It's not that he doesn't support Israel, he just profits from the wars in the region. Remember when he cut funding to Femen when they tried to start planning activities in Israel?
>Ashkenazi and Sephartic?
>one are jew jews (zionists), and the other are secular diaspora jews.
That's wrong. The Askenazi Jews (kikes) are globalists but they aren't zionists. The globalist Jews don't want Israel as a state because it promotes Jewish autonomy instead of parasitism.
The Sephardi are the secular middle-eastern Jews and are Zionists- Jewish Nationalists.
Zionist Jews = secular = good guys.
Ashkenazi = globalist = kikes.
Thank you kind sir.
>Zionist Jews = good guys
Fuck off JIDF. They are all literally the same and play the same game just with different twisted endgames
>trusting what soros says
The influx of redditors and kike-lovers has made this board retarded.
this, same techniques, same bullshit, end goal is always to screw goyim
In Israel they can only screw Muslims
If that were true, why hasn't the Mossad kidnapped or killed him decades ago?
Good goyim. Remember to always support (((Soros))) and (((Obama))) in their anti-Israel crusade.
Thanks for correcting the record, JIDF
No one said anything about supporting Soros and Obama
Jews are jews, and you take their disgusting mutilated cocks up their ass, for free
Their conspiracy theories always fall apart with simple logic
>Jews are jews
Stupid, dumb, stormfront scum can't recognize the different between globalist Jews and pro-ethnostate Jews.
This. It's just like Noam Chomsky. He pretends to not support the settlements or Israeli aggression in the middle east but the moment someone suggests setting up a boycott of Israel until they quit their apartheid state he loses his shit.
I guarantee Soros would do the same.