>TrumpBabbys are losers who need government to correct the record because they can't make it on their own
>TrumpBabbys are losers who need government to correct the record because they can't make it on their own
Other urls found in this thread:
I would rephrase that
>The less-than-500 counties that Hillary Clinton carried nationwide encompassed a massive 64 percent of America’s economic activity as measured by total output in 2015. By contrast, the more-than-2,600 counties that Donald Trump won generated just 36 percent of the country’s output—just a little more than one-third of the nation’s economic activity.
>Cook County, NY
>Brookings Institute
Good goy
If that were whites vs. blacks the dems and libtards would say it's pure oppression.
So there you have it: the libtards in the big cities have unfair power over the rest of us. I hope Trump fixes this.
Oh look it's another "All the sales take place in big cities" thread.
Fuck right back off to Commiefornia New Cuck, and Texistan.
Epic responses
TrumpBabbys BTFO
Post your own stats to refute it
>Los Angeles makes more money than all the counties in North Dakota
whew, rula mead ma takn
>TrumpBabbys BTFO
>Trump will still be president
Stay mad, CTR
TrumpBabbys having zero understanding of GDP is no surprise
If I remove your California, would you lose the popular vote?
>TrumpBabbys BTFO
>Trump remains president-elect
You're worse than people who think Bernie can still win
Wait we aren't talking about Good Domestic Place (politically correct term for safe space since that is now offensive?)
>only rich areas should be able to vote
The classism is strong itt
Who said anything about whether anyone should be allowed to vote? Why are Trump voters so fucking stupid?
commie leftists actually arguing that richer areas should decide the vote.
i said it yesterday, I'm gonna say it again. we've come full circle people. this timeline is best timeline. holy shit its gonna be an interesting next 4 years.
why should GDP grow? why can't it stay the same? its almost like someone is asking more for work to be done and not working themselves
See Thid has nothing to do with who should vote; the fact is Trump voters are poor white trash incapable of making it in today's society so they need government to coddle them.
Okay, then what does it matter if the majority of GDP is produced by democrats?
It's irrelevant. Why bring it up?
Nobody said anything about growth
Trumpbabbys incapable of staying on topic
>Trump voters are poor white trash incapable of making it in today's society so they need government to coddle them.
did I read that right?
It provides context for why they chose to break their toy and run home
It exposes them as hypocrites; they hate "big government" liberals yet they are seeking a government-assisted escape from their poor nigger lifestyle
Yes. Got a response?
Oh, the horror, they're hypocrites.
And you still lost an election to them. All while having the complete control of the most of the media.
>As compared with most Americans, Trump’s voters are better off. The median household income of a Trump voter so far in the primaries is about $72,000, based on estimates derived from exit polls and Census Bureau data.
>That’s lower than the $91,000 median for Kasich voters. But it’s well above the national median household income of about $56,000. It’s also higher than the median income for Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders supporters, which is around $61,000 for both.
wew lad
>they are seeking a government-assisted escape from their poor nigger lifestyle
>By voting for a candidate who will slash entitlement programs and lower taxes
Are you high or just retarded?
>implying I made the same point another poster did that incorrectly assumed that you mean to make the point that poor people shouldn't be able to vote.
>holy shit commie leftist hating on people that can't make it in life so they need government help.
tfw the world is going to be made great again in the coming years.
I dunno, guy. I always thought that the guys for Trump were against coddling social safety nets.
>trillion dollar infrastructure program
>no cuts to defense
>no changes to social security
>lowering taxes
Wew lad
They got played, it's like a white guy that found out his gf is fucking black dudes but he already has kids so he sticks with her.
They look retarded to everyone else but it makes sense in their mind.
you did man, they're like this close to being red pilled.
If you don't know what it means, half earn more than that, half earn less than that.
Don't worry, burger education is nothing short of a failure so it is okay for you to not know that.
>waah mexicans took my job, please government make it right
>waah companies moved their factories, please government make it right
>waah government please spend $1,000,000,000,000 on roads so i can get a job shoveling asphalt
>not a government assist
This is because of the way GDP is counted.
Just because an ag business is headquartered in Chicago, or financed by a bank in New York does not change the fact that the fucking crops were grown in Nebraska or Iowa or Kansas you retards.
>cutting the largest portion of our government spending (entitlement programs)
>public school education
Sorry your parents didn't love you
We get it, hillary won california
Median is the least reliable when you're attempting to generalize a group
What's the mean(average)?
Why change the subject from GDP? Too scared to admit TrumpBabbys cant produce?
why do you people always go to the trope of a black dude cucking you? it doesn't mean shit here. nobody cares. it just tells us we're right, we won the argument, and you're butthurt and know we're right.
I understand that there's a kind of protectionist nature in what Trump's offering, however I feel it's a better alternative than just handing out free things.
>government please spend $1,000,000,000,000 on roads so i can get a job shoveling asphalt
I don't feel like this was ever part of the plan, was it?
>the rich should rule over the poor
I'm sorry, but these people are supposed to be leftists ?
>big city only gets big due to large businesses in the area
>Average person is still as dumb and poor as anywhere else
No, trumpfags were cucked. It's a very common theme on this board, that's why it hates black guys. Most of you had a gf that got fucked by a minority or something
anyone remember that existential crisis I talked about enjoying watching the left have?
oh god, I can only get so erect.
You're fuckign retarded, you know that?Just because a company is headquartered in Chicago, or their contracts were sold on the Chicago Exchange does not mean that the actual production of the products took place in Chicago. That GDP chart is completely irrelevant.
>export everyones jobs to China
>call all of the unemployed red necks and losers
>brag that your voters now hold the majority of wealth and should decide who is the government instead of the body politic
>food is the only element of GDP
I realize most Trump voters are unemployed farmers but you don't have to make it so obvious
>liberal argues that wealthy people's votes should count more.
>Using mean when dealing with income
So if I have ten people, 9 of them make 1$ an hour and the tenth make a million dollars an hour you're saying the mean of 100k is a better judgment then the median of 1$?
It's the other way around.
For example, in Russia the average monthly wage is 30 local money, while the median is 21. Why? Because 70% earn less than the average.
'Cause, ya know.
>what's the average body temperature of patients in this hospital, doctor?
>36,6! Counting the morgue.
See I knew Trump voters were stupid but i didn't expect it to be this blatant
Reminder without big daddy government liberals would have no country to siphon wealth from.
people who live in the red areas often work in the cities though
>tens of millions of poor jobless niggers obviously vote Democrat
>hurrr lets use median income even though the only people who produce anything worth a shit are also democrats
Where do the people actually live who are responsible for making these cities profitable?
the leftie thinks that spending on public works is a bad idea and 'coddling'. Literally paying people to build and fix things is 'coddling' to OP.
I love the Berenstain timeline
>make point that hillary has support from richer areas
>people make point that a commie leftist is having a delicious existential crisis and stating that rich people matter more
>leftist can only come up with "YOU'RE DUMB"
I'm gonna have to see a doctor about the intensity of this erection.
I could have used any number of examples fuckwad.
US Steel is headquartered in Pittsburgh. Barely any steel at all is produced in Allegheny County.
ExxonMobil is based in Irving, TX. Literally none of the energy they produce comes from resources or labor in Dallas County.
Archer Daniels Midland is based in Chicago. Literally none of their production happens in Cook County.
>tfw you realize that GDP mostly just trading services amongst themselves
Care to do one showing net exports per county? Dem counties produce very little and there'd be literal famine in dem counties without the food grown in repub counties.
just what I wanted to hear, Starman
>many of them live in beautiful penthouses near their jobs
Not everyone's a little cardboard suburban faggot like you
This makes no statement about whether the people in the 2,600 counties 'need government', it's a statement about the economic strength of the city-located counties versus suburban / ex-urban places. Of course more rural places do not generate as much as cities.
what exactly is it you want?
>liberal counties are usually cities
>la county is LA
>new york county is manhattan
>harris county is houston
>cook county is chicago
And you are surprised exactly why again? Big business wanted Clinton to win. They did not want Trump to win.
So is this just shitting on the rural areas because they lost who cares the point is to cover as much ground as possible not pander to the sardine cans in sparse areas
You're making my point for me.
Poor unemployed steelworkers are irrelevant in today's economy. If you want money how about growing a brain, going to school and becoming a professional? Trumpkins are too incompetent to make it today; they need him to give them a government boost.
so basically lefties don't like the common worker anymore
what the fuck do you even believe in then?
>literally proving that the GOP is the party of the working man and the democrats are just coastal elites
>literally no refutation for the fact that Trump voters are losers who produce nothing and are incapable of making it in today's society
>y-y-you dont like us!
>w-w-what do you want!?!
>Run Steel mills into the ground through excessive regulation
>ship those jobs to Third world countries with no regulation
>Call the now unemployed steel workers irrelevant uneducated and stupid
WEW LAD I think those uneducated redneck steel workers caught on to your plan and have decided to give your kind a good kicking.
>comfortable not being elite
>thinks elite is an insult
Trump voters in a nutshell
>produce nothing
but what I'm seeing is that they ARE the producers, whereas Hillary supporters (to me) are looking like those who actually have the corporate power and influence
>poor people don't deserve representation
Really migrates the potassium ions
He hath spoken.
Theyre like little kids right
And where do you see that? Feel free to post data to support your claim, as i did.
>The rich should control the poor
huh rly making me think
elite is a fucking insult. Conservstives dont shame success, they shame people being pretentious hacks that piss all over the people that do the actual work in this country. For five fucking decades libshits have pretended that "republicans hate the poor!!". All along conservatives knew that democratic party swindles the poor so they can buy votes with welfare. Finally we are taking our country back. Go fuck yourself if youre a "proud elitist"
Then what is you point, besides just shit posting
You don't post any fucking data retard. You posted a flawed chart and tried to use it to push a retarded narrative.
I swear to God you are the biggest fucking retard I have ever encountered here.
Actually, you can. And did.
this is just based on observations in this thread.
Correct me if I'm wrong but it seems like the trump supporters happen to be "the workforce" whereas the ivory tower corporate money makers and manipulators make all the money and vote the liberal politics.
Noice ad hominem ya got there m80
>democrats are literally this retarded
wew lad
>pie graph
>unrelated events
The point was they won you fucking dipfuck
Oh yeah, Hollyweird degeneracy counties are so great because they make lots of money, porn is good guys, remember porn is good.
>Trump voters stupid
voted for party that
>believes in 37 genders
>believes race is a social construct
>believes the intention of gay marriage wasn't to destroy the nuclear family
You really got us, goys, you're so intellectual.
her name is madotsuki
>Don't vote in Trump, he's the 1%!
I know
oh ok. i'm sorry i jumped to conclusions
have a good one
I get it, you're upset, obama is destroying the world and proving our point. You should really go upstairs and hug your mum before he gets you killed.
Is there anything you don't know?
>rich people live in New York and LA
What's new?
>the states that propose free money be given to them benefit the most from free money
Incredible observation, maybe you should apply for some grant money to study this further.