Expat in Germany feels

>be me, Chilean of German ancestry.
>move to Germany for a postdoc degree
>used to think of Germans as a proud, admirable nation
>arrive in Germany
>muslims, Africans everywhere
>"well, that's surprising, but there are foreigners in each Western country"
>meet actual Germans from different corners of the nation
>it seems like everybody is a vegan, that every guy is in an open-relationship. Every third person has a nose ring, a stupid tattoo, earrings and piercings.
>nobody I meet likes classical music or traditional Western art. They're all into nigger music and Hollywood trash.
>women are not interested in having children, but in "travelling", partying, and building a career. Men are mostly metrosexual, passive-aggressive and not very masculine. It seems like everybody is doing either weed, coke, pills, mushrooms or LSD.
>religion is bad. Nationalism is bad. German culture is bad, bad, bad.
>The people who talk shit about Christianity are usually the ones that end up converting to Budhism or Islam, and praise Judaism for some strange reason.
>every second child I encounter suffers from ADHS or some other disorder.
>A lot of Germans are dependant on anti-depressants.
>"is this German culture?"
>fail to make German friends. End up befriending an Arab, a Hindu and a guy from Argentina.
>look forward to the day I abandon a country that so utterly disappointed me

What the hell happened to Germany!?

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I know that feel, German bro. I live in Minnesota, USA and when I walk around a park in Minneapolis by my house, all I see are somali immigrants in Hijabs and various metrosexuals and "alternative" hipster girls. It's pretty rough. Keep in mind that not the whole country is like that, but many parts of some big cities are.


is this actually a thing?

60 years of jewish propaganda

I am saddened by the fact that Croats that go to Germany also become supreme cucks like the germans

Apparently it is. I have encountered several people who swear by it. The worst part is that some of them have children and the women don't know for sure who is the child's father.

I have seen this happen with pretty much all people of foreign blood that grow up in Germany. It made me realize how strong the influence of culture (or lack thereof) can be on genes. I know Polish, Croatian and Serbian men who are just as cucked and faggy as the average German. It's a terrible thing to see.

Seeing the death of germany happen before my eyes is so sad. This is the work of jews they have ever burning hatred for the germans they where once a proud and fearless race one that would stand up to the jews that stood for western christian civilization but no more.


What is this ?

KYS you fucking reddit mongrel

THink of it as both partners are ok if the other cheats on them with another partner.

The fertility rate of native Germans is so low that even without immigration they will disappear

A cuckolding contract. A guy and a girl agree to see other people, while still being "committed" to each other. I personally know a child that resulted out of such a relationship. The boy looks nothing like the alleged father, yet he still pays for the kid.

Basically systematized cuckery....



>guy from Argentina

There's your German culture m8

>yet he still pays for the kid.
So hes not even raising it?

Come to Australia.

It's exactly the same except with racism, alcoholism, and violence.


american living in germany here

this is why i moved here, OP. Glad to see you don't like it. Please move back.

The one thing I don't like is the pro-Israel mentality, but I get it.

I know this feel, I live in Wisconsin and every time I visit Duluth or the twin cities I see these SWPLs and the byproduct of vibrant diversity. Rural Minnesota is great though.

Nope. The kid lives with the mother in a vegan household. The mother suffers from depression and drug abuse so she doesn't work. The child is being raised gender-neutral, too.

An Open-Relationship is every man's dream.

Until he realizes it's a lot easier for chicks to get laid than guys.

Wherever you go, there will always be people from different parts of the world. It's time to grow the fuck up and understand that you are the weak link. Maybe, just maybe you you need to get through you thick skull and understand that it all comes to weak men in power raised by singel mothers or weak fathers that govern you. It's time to grow some balls and stop being a pussy and gude men and women around you.

>swedish guy talking about being weak/growing some balls

>german guy being a passive-agressive contersignaler.

like pottery.

Please say the first part is a troll.

normie go home.

I wish I could say it is, but it isn't. Read my other comment above.

DNA tests are also illegal in Germany and France since 2009. So they can't check either.

Are you fucking seriously. Is Germany doing everything possible to kill off it's genetics or what.

>Is Germany doing everything possible to kill off it's genetics or what.

Yes. I believe I read somewhere that every year over 200.000 abortions take place.

If you go to most big cities, you'll notice that the young people are usually of foreign descent.

What can I say? It is correct. You find Germans in some villages. That's it. The rest is exactly as described.

Hence me fking off there. The Germany you all have in your mind doesn't exist for a very long time already.


Literally who

Pole living in Germany
OP is telling the truth, Germany is going down the drain rapidly. Maybe the upcoming election might change things though i doubt it.
Feeling proud of what Poland ist doing though. Gonna move there soon.

God fucking dammit Germany.

go to 8ch, 4chans Sup Forums is ruined after the elections normie invasion

Stay proud Germanbro this Americuck still believes in you. You can be great again.

>End up befriending an Arab, a Hindu and a bigger.

Fixed that for you

They fucked with the jews and lost

If you come at the king you best not miss

What about SJW situation in Chile anyway?
Here in Buenos Aires we are soooo progressive.

hello there neighbour

Imagine this kid 10 years from now

>both mother and father wear nose rings an have a bunch of tattoos. Both of them do drugs.
>they are in their early 30's, still go to raves and festivals. Let the kid stay with friends for the time being
>the child puts on dresses and paints his nails
>is being raised without religion

>What the hell happened to Germany!?
Hitler lost.

Good, the fall of Europe means the rise of Latin America.


>What about SJW situation in Chile anyway?
not so bad, at least we don't have "niunamenos" protests

This, the jews are just deleting their people from history.



yeah nah its not suffering if you create it yourself. "Oh no I suffer from this wound I created myself"

lol go back to your faggot site, nobody wants you here

>Leaving a white man's paradise to come back to germany


Yeah the worst part about is the smug superority, they think Germany is better than everywhere else because they are "ahead" of us in the modern progressive SJW game and they think they're trendy because they've adopted the most degenerate and niggerfied parts of American culture. They look down on the UK for Brexit and places like Poland for being "racist". They think they're the cool trendy leaders of Europe who have to show the rest of us how to live and it's so autistic and cringeworthy, they've become a spiritually dead country that's forgotten it's culture and history.

Sounds like Rome. Ever third couple was some Italian chuck pushing a baby carriage with a Somali man behind her. I'm not even completely white, but it's pretty sad seeing the depressed look they all have.

Oh yes, that smugness...I am not the first nor the last foreigner to despise that sense of fake superiority that emanates from the typical German whenever he talks to you. I can't help but laugh to myself at the fate of such a deluded folk.

oh yeah

Italian chick obviosuly

>hanging out with a bunch of limp wristed cunts who couldn't handle a bit of Moot banter
How about no.

absolute nonsense. You don't fix fertility of one group by IMPORTING AND REPLACING them.


It's coming back. Don't worry.

Are the words in German telling the viewer that this is what rape looks like?

Is Argentina white?

How the hell is it going to come back when most of the German population are the descendants of the pussy-ass Germans who survived the war because they were too weak to fight?

Take a look around you. Most Germans don't give a damn about Germany. Your culture is just a carbon copy of American pop culture. A very bad one, at that.

No, this is official sex ed course for refugees. Yes, really.

jesus fuckin christ, where have u met these ppl?

i know my country sucks as and every time i visit the turkish part of Kassel, i can actually observate that those turks have more values, more culture than what i have to call (((germans))).
no hope left even though some of my friends are pretty red pilled

Germany do football well. Cheap, good standard football, lively yet civil atmosphere and world class stadium and facilities.

Lakes and beaches are cool in the summer although half you repressed virgin faggots will think breasts are "degenerate" or something equally gay.

Still have brilliant museums, galleries and concert halls.

There's a lot of shit in Germany but there's infinitely more confirmation bias ITT.

Yeah, I'm sure you're not making this shit up.


You simpleton. Germany is big. You might be in some liberal hippy part under students. What the fuck do you expect you idiot. Go to Bavaria talk to the people there. I know plenty of people that are christians and enjoy the finer things in life with traditional values. Who knows where you are probably in Berlin or Köln or some shit.

Germans are even fucking worse at this than we are.
I absolutely vomit everytime I see some "citizen of the world" sucking off multiculturalism in the youtube comment field and It's always a fucking german.

Sweet. A rape manual.

is there any way I can access the course myself? I'm not interested in rape; I want to see what refugees learn about sex. My mind can't even comprehend how that's handled.

It was started by a militant neo-liberal hacker/activist named Sam Hyde.

Just google it.

Can confirm. And the "flirt training" by a native German flirt coach for refugees, funded by the tax payer of course, had to be protected by the German police, because he got death threats from "Neo-Nazis".

You wish.

>jesus fuckin christ, where have u met these ppl?

Here in Stuttgart, where I live.

I can confirm that muslims do have more values and morals than the average Germans.

So who the hell will be behind "muh 4th reich"? The 70-year-old followers of PI-News? The geriatric PEGIDA-Members? Fuck off, Hans. You know very well you're living in a sinking ship.

Holy shit! Verified!

Also another thing, German women are most rude and passive-aggressive cunts I've ever had the displeasure of meeting. What the fuck is wrong with them?

Germany and Sweden in a trap slap fight.

>What a timeline to be in.


i knew it. i thought either stuttgart or berlin prenzelberg, which is also full of "schwaben" - ppl from around stuttgart, freiburg, etc


>German women
>British flag


Is this a rape manual?

the nationalists are browsing Sup Forums and never go out

No I am talking about the silent mass of germans that get slowly fed up and dont tell their opinion out of fear of social consequences. Germans often act liberal in public and to foreigners. Some of them ofcourse completly fell for the world citizen meme. Germany is not a sinking ship and it will dominate europe for decades to come. You will see for yourself.

they're the most unapproachable women I've ever met, I'd rather go talk to a burka wearing saudia

Why does it seem like there are SOOOO many black people?

>US has niggers

>GER home of scat porn
>GER overrun by muslims
>GER overrun by North Africans
>GER cucked by a woman chancellor

I will take my chances with the US niggers.



are real women scary? how could a simple bong cope with a real woman?

What, really? German women are so desperate for a man with even an ounce of masculinity that they'll jump at it as soon as they see it.

I guess it might just be that I live in Chicago, where there are sooo many black people.

Blacks often do not work and wander the streets so you usually see them more often. Also due to their black skin they offer a higher contrast during the day and pop more out of the background which makes them even more visible.

man I don't care if they're ugly at least they're not trying to flood the UK with refugees

And millions of spics.

>Germany is not a sinking ship and it will dominate europe for decades to come

See, it's this kind of thinking that leads you to lose two world wars, get occupied by the Americans and get bombarded by Jewish propaganda for several decades in a row. I wouldn't be surprised if you chimp out a third time due to your silly feelings of superiority, only to get double-teamed by the Brits and the Americans for a second, and probably last time.

Face it, Helmut. Your nation is just a rotting corpse. Your people sort of feel it...that's why they don't have children.
I mean, your women gladly travel to Africa, the Caribbean and the middle East just to get it on with the locals. Why won'T they get screwed by the superior Aryan man and his golden dick?


>your women

You mean 75 years old disgusting grannys ?

Then the German aren't doing it either, because Merkel, aka Angela kasner/Kasmierczak is Polish