BREAKING: Shaun King has been hired as a host on The Young Turks

Cenk has hired Shaun King to be a TYT commentator.

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shit thread

They really are doubling down aren't they?

I thought they couldn't get any worse.

Just what their staff needs: another WHITE FUCKING MALE

good, the more PoC the better

about half of TYT viewership is Sup Forums so yeah

>left doubling down and not learning a single thing from all the mistakes they made in 2016.

Still not sick of winning.


This is clearly bait to get those "OH NO THEY DIDN'T" people to visit their channel. but still


Finally, a proper coal black aspect on thangs. Kudos to Yougurt and the gang!



Huh? TyT is a hilarious trainwreck at this point.

who hired literally who?

They still profit from their enemies watching their videos.
Whether ads or blocked or not, they maintain relations with advertisers by showing them "total view counts"

Same as clickbait article companies do.

King is a fucking dick. He's LITERALLY a white person. He gets a fade and styles his beard like that to LARP as a black guy. It's objectively no different than that Rachel Dolezal woman.

He's like every meme about white people co-opting minority status to cast themselves in the victim role to live out an underdog hero fantasy rolled into one human bean.

What the fuck TYT is thinking with this guy, I have no idea.

what a shame he didn't hire him for election night, the only thing that would have made that trainwreck even better

They have enemies? It's like saying a mentally retarded kid has enemies. They might have bullies at this point but not enemies.

mentally ill people tend to double down rather than admit they may be wrong; here is no exception.

A black guy who is actually a white guy playing a black guy

>brother , mother , father all white


>the young talcs


someone white

Congratulations to Talcum X.

What a grand achievement.


And why do I care?

Will this be broadcast in black and white since that is the only way Shaun King chooses to post recent pictures of himself?

The most hilarious thing about Shaun King is he can't deny he has a white boy's skinnyfat body with the evidence of it. I've even heard leftist defenders of him try to say this pic is fake.

Nothing gets them more salty than pointing out Shaun King is a whiteboy with a white body. This pic should be WAY more popular.

nah m8 with Google ads the algorithm takes click through rate into account when pricing CPC for advertisers. so just having a bunch of views with no ad interactions/blocked lowers how much they get paid in total per click

he's a piece of shit. he basically called his mother a whore that slept around with black men

Cenk yogurt is pretty based.

>he basically called his mother a whore that slept around with black men
Is he wrong?

>Talcum X

uh, yeah? he's not a nigger. he looks just like his white dad and brothers. he then made up a story that his mom got knocked up by a nigger

dudes weird. obviously a white dude. strange cat.

His nose is niggerfied though. He also has pube hair on his head. He's also dumb as fuck and prone to emotional outbursts. All the signs point to him being a nigger, even though I have red hair and I'm darker than he is

Satire is Dead.



Well, whatever. More race-baiting lies on their show. In other news, South Park will have some more poop jookes.


underrated trips

Shaun King is probably mixed btw

There are big NBA players with basically his look, Zach Lavine etc

And one more. Amazing how one can be wrong every single time. That actually takes effort.


>cake as much brown makeup on him as possible
>Still blinds the camera crew
>end up shoving him out covered in shoe polish
>TYT sued for black face

Nah he is white

Hand me the talcum, malcolm

No fucking way

talcum x, like all blm, are expert agitators

Not when they shift into MAXIMUM OVERKEKING

All this bickering about good Jews and bad Jews today, it's nice to see a thread that we can all agree on .

Genetically speaking, he's probably more Turkish than he is black, so at least it's a step in the right direction.

Shaun King is a cancer. I hope he drives TYT into the ground.

The first transnigger on TYT, truly a big step towards more diversity

>leftists doubling down on stupid
It's the only move in their playbook

geez. I'm 59, 285 lbs., 6'1", he makes me look cut n buffed

Talcum X

>We are losing subs and people think we're idiots
>Hires shaun "white" king


Breaking News:
>The Young Turks have hired Talcum X

U mean talcum x

My reply...

>His nose is niggerfied though.
No. He flairs his nostrils to appear black. He has practiced this.

now shaun king can deny the armenian genocide and be racist against kurds.

tyt is a repugnant racist group.

Faggots no one cares about them

Isn't he the real life Ali G?

The black dude?

He's like if Ali G and J-Roc had a kid


1/32 lair cunt
