Dont you realize that we are being played with right now?

Dont you realize that we are being played with right now?

I have been a part of this peaceful and progressive community for 7 years by now and one of our very fundamental understanding was that IDS THE J000S. The jews are the root of everything bad in this world and today I am watching how anons unironically defend Trumps cuckoldry towards Israel. We as a community are about to lose one of our very core principles - the hatred for the Jews.

O tempora, O mores!!

Dont you realize what is happening right now? Cuckservatives of (((Breitbart))) and alt-right controlled opposition groups arround Milo&Co are taking over the narrative on Sup Forums. Dont disregard what Sup Forums taught us all along. Hatred.

Other urls found in this thread:

But Israel is our greatest ally. Go back to Stormfront if you don't realize this.

It's all controlled opposition
Sup Forums still hates jews
but Trump being an ally for israel just means more support for him and his policies, besides, Trump will not be the factor that destroys or keeps israel afloat
IDGAF about israel, America first, whatever it takes

>Trumps cuckoldry towards Israel.

What makes you think that Trump isn't playing the jews?

Stormweenies btfo, Sup Forums is Israel's greatest ally

I really hope this is just another 34d chess playground of Trump. I really hope so.

For rich kikes Israel is a hobby, for us it's a convenient propaganda tool. Don't get too hung up about it.

The jews destroy white nations because they are jews, they don't do it for Greater Israel.

It's brilliant. It's pitting sjws and muzzie understanders against jews. You know, the same jews who, outside Israel, are the aforementioned groups most vocal ally. It drives a wedge right into the heart of the anti-white coalition.

a Jew says that he likes white people and OP kills himself because he can't identify Jewish tricks

Heyyy kiker

>trump genocides the shitskins and cleanses Europe before the Jews can say bad goy
>he slowly realizes that Jews cause the problems because of constantly being around them.

Leftists who oppose this

Israel is a racist apartheid state who has illegal Jewish ONLY settlements in the west bank where the border walls are wrapping around them inside Palestinian land in an obvious land grab.

This is why terrorism happens and why the rest of the west gets blowback from it.

Israel builds these settlements on top of Palestinian villages that they have bulldozed by the military.

If you support Israel you are not a leftist. End of Story.
This is Bernie Sanders exploding on a liberal girl for daring to question the apartheid state of Israel

I still think all jews should be gassed. Now, what anime is that picture from?

4D dreidel

pol is jidf
it's over

oy vey another failed artist.

probably just shills. maybe even cognitive dissonance. like i distrusted trum the whole time as he is rich, and now even politician. two groups of people you shouldnt trust.
i did get hope that he actually isnt a puppet like all the others, but it seems my hopes were in vain. however i'd say lets first look what he does once he is in office. let us see if he really sold us out. if so we can still start 1776 any time

fuck off proxyshills, get raped by some palestina whos country you stole like the savages piece of shit you are

>German comprehension of sarcasm

Thank God some people understand this. Israel is a fundamentalistic, agressive state literally applying Lebensraum agenda in the middle east and it's all for US money.

>not getting ironic reverse sarcasm fitting created to fit/counter sarcastic and unsarcastic posts

Wait, Sup Forums has a narrative?

>I have been a part of this peaceful and progressive community for 7 years by now and one of our very fundamental understanding was that IDS THE J000S. The jews are the root of everything bad in this world and today I am watching how anons unironically defend Trumps cuckoldry towards Israel. We as a community are about to lose one of our very core principles - the hatred for the Jews.
Our enemies are Jews, but Jews are not our enemies.
To be more clear, the enemy of nationalism is globalism. Globalism is, overwhelmingly, a Jewish movement because they were a people without a nation. They have a nation now, Israel, and their culture is shifting away from globalism because of it. This is why Israel is so important, and why they LITERALLY are our greatest ally.

All I know is this current business has agitated the fuck out of kikes across the world. Globalist Jews

I honestly don't give a shit what Trump's stance is on Israel. I am only concerned with him keeping his promise of bringing jobs back and improving the economy.

Jesus fucking Christ, who gives a single fuck about Isreal. EVERY OTHER REPUBLICAN would have had the same stance as Trump regarding isreal, and by voting for the Democrats, you are voting for open borders, """"""refugees"""""", gun control, and amnesty for illegals. Why the fuck would I care more about Isreal than the implications for my own country?

All these Jewish controlled leaders pretending to hate Israel for what purpose?

I believe it is to force people to take their side against Islam instead of against both. They realize people will take the opposite stance on anything they do since they're so hated so they're pulling some reverse psychology

fuck em both to death

>he still thinks that the Jews run it

they may not run it buy they're part of it


what kind of "progressive" community?ยจ
- Eco-Faschist
- Eco-Luddite
- Nazi
- Anarcho Socialism
- Chirstian homestead
- islamic homestead
what kind of group?

You get it

The kikes are in full force here lol

as expected

>constantly being around them.
Yeah his Children are Jewish

I've listened to your (pols) jewspiracy theories with patience and an open mind, all you've shown me is that a large amount of the world's most prominent Globalists are of Ashkenazi descent and some individual Jews like Barbara Specter shit-talking.

You've failed so far to prove that the banking, media, acadamia, government and corporate Jews are actively working together to destroy the west and drive whites into extinction.

It's not like Milo owns Sup Forums or anything, you're being crazy.

>that trump power stance

It's one of his only real flaws. If you don't disagree with Trump on Israel then you're a moron.

Why did you start this thread with Ruental and his slut?

We are vigilant but the floodgates let loose and redpilling is taking forever for this batch of newfags.

We've clearly been infiltrated. I agree. I am still very suspicious of all jews. Soros and the globalists are clearly an enemy, zionist isreal probably is an enemy but is the lesser of the two evils. It doesn't mean I trust the zionists though.

Nice lies CTR shill, Sup Forums has ALWAYS been pro-Israel.

Sup Forums drank too much of the election koolaid. Now they can't divest themselves from their candidate. Any criticism is CTR shilling, so never ever criticize trump. Clearly the bad cabinet moves he's made are just some kind of psyop or something. OWS didn't mainstream their views by bending the knee to Obama.

CTR go home for the holidays pls.

I hope you are at least getting overtime.

I personally just want Trump to take the leash off Isreal so they can go ahead and genocide the Muslims, then we only have to deal with a bunch of tired Jews after that instead of fighting two large rested forces.

fuck off kike

Eventually, the shills always leave thinking the job is done, but true Sup Forumsacks stick around and it drifts back to a base level of shitposting, with some of the shills converted themselves, and the others gone

>when you say the holocaust never happened, but want it to happen again

We all thought we were like Reuenthal, instead we are the bitch that was cucked by him all the way back.

I have to admit Trump is in very murky water as of now, but he damn sure is fixing the social issues in America.

>I have been a part of this peaceful and progressive community for 7 years

anyone who talks like this is a newfag.
Fuck off you bitch made ass paki we knew what we were doing when we got trump elected.

Check out this video about the fawning Trump Sycophancy of some of the rightard-wing Evangelical Christians:

>In the presence of females under the age of 18
That is very innocent, he was just trying to protect Trumps reputation. I admit the guy is a devious child molester, but he isn't a complete asshat when it comes to acquaintances.

>Not understanding triple ironic 5-D Chess.


>I was only pretending to be retarded

>peaceful and progressive
>jews are the root of everything bad

so progressive.

fuck off nazi scum.

This goy gets it.

>strategical retards think trump is playing with his cards face up over israel and the UN
you guys have no faith in your boy.


I still hate filthy hook-nosed kikes, I always will, at least until the last one has been gassed.


Sup Forums hating jews is just a meme.

> he thinks pol isn't satire

>lurk moar fagit!

>peaceful and progressive
That's like saying jumbo-shrimp. An oxymoron and impossible to be true.

>Conservatives and alt-right controlled opposition are taking over the narrative on Sup Forums.

You really are a new fag. Sup Forums has always leaned more conservative than libshit.

puppet? or puppet master
Trust in the emperor young OP