sarah needs to embrace us
Sarah needs to embrace us
How can we get her on our side, money, persistence?
how about spamming le frog meme, that'll make people take us seriously
I'd say persistence. She could be the next Benny G, you feel?
Tap into her inner Jew donate her to her paytron and she will learn who she really depends on.
Donate and request more redpilled comics. A Jew might do a shitty job, but the golem is good for only one thing, and that is a job.
No it doesn't.
You mean PEPE?! He's a NAZI! and a HATE SYMBOL!
Why would we want to be taken seriously?
The green frog is peaceful
Because that's what nu-Sup Forums is all about !
Fit in goy, this brand of cool aid's great.
Sarah Andersen pls
oh she will brother. she will.
Redpill her aggressively on Jews, the "holocaust", and white genocide. It's going to take time and it won't be easy but it will be worth it. The truth is always the hardest pill to swallow. Most of us were there at one point too.
kek thats good
>implying those posts arent malaysiafag who will set up a fake patreon to collect donations
Just made this lads
You better start talking about our lord and Savior KEK with the respect he deserves
reposting this template
very good
>no dick
whats even the point?
>look down
>yup i have a boner
fucking hell
>having a plan
beta orbiter level. When are you insufferable faggots going to learn to just have a good time on your own and let others naturally gravitate toward the keks?
top kek
Did the new one got Sup Forumsarised?
label her comics as Sarah Andershit as is proper
and as if I needed any more proof.
Kek smiles on me this day
Why is she being Garrisoned? Did she do something bad?
>Did she do something bad?
Her comics.
They're Watamote-enough to suit our tastes.
No, this is her own campaign to get herself Garrisoned. Don't fall for it.
u gon get pruned or deleted
apparently Miss Sarah needs protection
>When the welfare well dries up
>You work
>No You work
>And so they starved
Also, they are niggers
this isn't well done
Hurr durr my only reason to live is blaming others for my shittyness, check out my (((edits))) to a harmless webcomic. Dats the way of the revolution boii.
sweden no
>not posting the cool version
Is this shit supposed to be funny?
Honestly wtf
Quit posting edits. does anyone have the original?
O fug.
Now you done cursed him.
His mother will die in her sleep if he doesn't respond to your post.
It has somehow worked for us so far.
Sometimes /pol is really hardcore autistic, it makes me laugh.
goddamit me too
Fresh off the presses
lol butthurt
I hope pissing in an ocean of piss gives you meaning.
Get going
666 decides name
I say Polina
you mean the frog meme that was taken seriously by the Anti Defamation League, Southern Poverty Law Center, CNN, MSNBC, FOX, Facebook, Tumblr, Reddit (go back idiot bnitCH), the Democratic National Committee, The Clinton Foundation, and Frontrunning Presidential Candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton?
what autism is Sup Forums doing now?
I wasn't expecting her to be so qt
She's done literally nothing, some Kraut moron saw some edited comics and turned it into a full blown campaign with threads every day for some autistic reason.
The comics are funny but it's a little sad bc she just wanted to make qt comics about relatable girl things
we should upload these on 9fag and upvote them.
stop, it's too much to bear
my mind actively rejects that i was present for all of that and witnessed it firsthand
it's so absurd
Boys, don't spam her twitter, this only brings bad publicity.
Spam the normie sites like KYM, reddit and 9fag with non hardcore pics, people already have fallen for it.
Twitter isn't good for virality you only get banned and then no one is going to see it.
mk II
are eurotruck trailers the same width as the tractor?????
Frankly, that's more of a sign that these groups can't be taken seriously
no, she wanted to make money off of the vapidness of other whores
we're putting her talents to work properly
I actually feel bad for her
1000 keks were had thanks lad
I doubt she makes a lot of money at all desu
Ben Garrison just wanted to make libertarian anti-Fed comics.
Why? It's publicity for her, and she might inadvertently swallow a red pill or two along the way, or learn a thing or two about how the internet works. Also it's obvious that most of Sup Forums now has a huge schoolboy crush on her.
go pls back to /r9k/ and then kill yourself.
I expected the "(You)s are gone" punchline.
um you got tripps 2 times
then I did
bestv ersion
yeah, I didnt know how to include it,
Kek has a plan for this thread
Never change pol, never change :'^)
Needs some SS gear
Fug someone please do this
Someone repost the animated version of this please.
this is a really bad comic to make edits of. Use other ones.
"Yes please enter my hole islam"
Little does islam know her vagina is filled to the brim with toxins capable of killing a baby elephant
here you go
Why not do these to all internet humorist , comics, and other creative types. Content peoducers tend to be sensitive to how they are recieved and also to the ownership of their work. Look at the "feminist robot that screams rape" fiasco. You can destroy artists by destroying their art.
What does the animation do?
I'm really glad this is a thing. I hope these become much more popular than her original shit.
Watch this!
She wiggles
She shakes her hips all sultry like. Needs to be reposted before It's lost eternally. It should be the opener for these threads desu.
Will post all of my folder.
I want Sarah to embrace me desu she's really cute and I bet she hugs tightly