What does pol think of cops?

>hey kid is that a joint in your hand?
>im going to have to arrest you and if you try to run im going to taze/mace / beat you.
>alright heres you fine, make sure you pay it or im coming back for you
>and remember if this happens 2 more times you go to jail to get raped by niggers and an even bigger fine.

>alright i know there's overwhelming evidence that that migrant is holding 30 underage girls in their basement as sex slaves, we'll get right on it
>uh oh the judge won't grant a warrant guess he just get to do whatever he wants

>hey i arrested you sold a dime bag once and went to jail for a year
>now im just going to ignore the child rapeing, war mongoring, thieving politicians that take advantage of us all.

i get that they help keep niggers in line but are they really helping anything?

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Low level pawns of the Jewish government, a decent cop is extremely rare due to the government building a police state full of low level thugs.

bump, i know this board can't be this shit

There are no good cops, only bad cops.

If there were good cops, they'd arrest the bad cops and eventually there'd only be good cops.

However cops stick up for each other and cover each other when they decide to be bad cops, even if otherwise they're good cops. This makes them bad cops.

Any cop who tries to be good and crosses "the blue line" winds up either dead or fired.

Ergo, there are only bad cops.

They'reok but as a kid they made me nervous as fuck even though I was too pussy to do anything wrong.

> Not respecting the constabulary.
You leftist cucks need to get out. Hillary lost, you CTR faggots have no reason to be here.

oh yes the pigs have done such a great job that they deserve our respect


If you don't do stupid shit, chances are you will never encounter them or have a bad experience with them. I always shoot the shit with the cops. I show them respect and they show it back. They are fuckin flesh and blood too. They appreciate the gratitude if you show it, and I appreciate them for dealing with niggers, chinks, crackheads, and whores all day.

Sup Forums is full of blue-pilled bootlickers

Cops get incentivized to enforce bad laws to make revenue for the prison industry and line the pockets of the politicians that they use to make those bad laws.

Fighting the guys at the bottom is a waste of time.

I think the police in the US have a tough job since potentially anyone they meet could have a gun. And oftentimes do. If I had to interact with agitated people who could pull out a gun and shoot me at any second I'd be a bit jumpy on the trigger, too.

The militarization of the police in the US is off-the-wall bonkers btw. Over 50% of SWAT raids are for non-violent drug offenses.

And I agree with the other poster that police can sometimes put loyalty or their feelings above doing the right thing or even the legal thing. There was a police officer in NYC who had evidence of illegal quotas and he was thrown into a mental hospital against his will, then harassed by police weekly after he left the city.

The only decent cop in my town ended up quitting and became a nurse because I quote "I became a cop to help people, and that's not what that job was about at all."

There's no niggers here so there's hardly any real crime, yet we have a large police force that is very well funded. All they do is fuck people over constantly and literally extort you to justify their budget. Well meaning cops all get run out of our police department because they don't generate revenue.

>hey you, it looks like your tail light is out
>here's your $500 fine

>uh oh looks like you stayed parked here after the meter expired
>here's a fine and a boot on your car

all correct

as a cop you sad powerless little cucks make me laugh

>i dindu nuffin I just smoked illegal drugs because im a stupid nigger

hope you get executed in the street like niggers deserve.

What is this retarded nigger garbage?
>The first story
>Dude weed lmao
Maybe that kid shouldnt break the law
>Second story
>Wah theres a process to doing things and cops arent Judge Dredd
Thats how you maintain order. You are either underaged or suffer from severe autism.
>Third story
>Dude weed lmao
> muh ebil politicians
Stop breaking the law and stop expecting the police to be able to purge corruption.

Show us your badge.

>mumbled the passive aggressive 17 year old through his black lipstick, lip ring, and joint

anyone who uses that word is an Antifa-tier faggot

Cogs in the machine that occasionally start thinking they're levers.
Why leftards think they're all evil shitnibblers I understand though, it's very easy to have a designated scapegoat, it's just a shame they never look beyond what they see on the frontline .

cops aren't as retarded as you think m8
I aint showing shit

>Maybe that kid shouldn't break the law
so you're fine with people getting beaten and thrown in a nigger infested shit hole over a non violent offence for smoking a plant?

>That's how you maintain order.
order is maintained by ignoring or even supporting shit like
or the whole pizzagate issue?

i think the number of times in which they helped me are vastly outnumbered by the times they have fucked me over

FUCK i love that song. so many good anthems for rampages out of one genre.


>so you're fine with people getting beaten and thrown in a nigger infested shit hole over a non violent offence for smoking a plant?
Except he wont be unless he does it multiple times. If hes too degenerate and unintelligent to either stop or not get caught he deserves it.
As for your second point, how do you expect the police to handle those things? This is coming from someone who has spent every free moment investigating pizzagate for weeks. I dont expect the police to tackle these large scale issues and neither should you.

some are good, some are bad. like every other part of society.

dont be stupid and you wont have to deal with them. if you do have to deal with them just show a little respect and that usually goes a long way in how they treat you, even if the cop is a dick.

ever heard the expression "kill them with kindness?"

dont want to get busted for pot? dont fucking drive around with it. simple as that.

if youre tired of being treated like shit because youre black maybe you should try to better your community so that the entire fucking planet doesnt look at the inner city youth like a fucking plague.

You're actin like they won't blow your brains out just as easily

What I read
>Hey kid, is that an illegal substance in your hand?
>Well, I'm going to have to arrest you since you broke the law. And if you try to resist arrest I will have to use appropriate force to contain you. It's your choice. Easy way or the hard way.

Hold on a sec, why are you getting angry at police for doing their job and enforcing laws?
Don't get angry at the police for shitty laws. Get angry at politicians for passing retarded laws.

ill add that in my day i have had many run ins with the police for being stupid.

got busted with pot, did my community service, paid my fine, lived to smoke another day.

ive been to county jail in chicago many fucking times for fighting the niggers in my neighborhood.

when you get over the age of 16 maybe youll figure this shit out.

>nigger complains because he can't be bothered to follow the law
if you legitimately have a problem with constantly getting busted for drugs, maybe you shouldn't use drugs like a degenerate faggot

>calls cops pigs
why are communists so angry about everything?

yes...you realize this is a board for fascists, right?
>it's just a harmless plant goy

when did i ever say i was a communist?

>pol is one person
and yes it is just a harmless plant

communist, faggot, what's the difference really?

>le Sup Forums isn't full of fascists may-may
>inhaling a cocktail of mind-altering chemicals and smoke has no negative effects goy

>communist, faggot, what's the difference really?
oh so you're just falling back on ad-hominem attacks, i understand now.

>inhaling a cocktail of mind-altering chemicals and smoke has no negative effects goy
which is what cigarettes are and they are completely legal.
and on top of that marijuana is something people are going to smoke whether its legal or not.

cigarettes should be illegal
>comes to Sup Forums and expect not to be called a faggot
this speaks volumes about your lack of foresight if your fist post didn't make that obvious

you can't smoke weed in jail retard.