Eat shit skinheads
Sup Forums right now
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there's a very simple solution to all of this and it involves Trump pressing a button and waiting 4 minutes
Side with israel of course you dummy.
Israel is redpilled as fuck and Redpillublican party has always been the strongest supporter of Israel ever since its creation.
Israel kills mudslimes, mudslimes are ruining the west and SJW's friend, therefore Israel is Sup Forums approved. BASIC math. You dont like israel or the jews you dont belong on Sup Forums and you belong on tumblr.
Not siding either. I don't care what Soros has to say about some desert country somewhere
Who says I have to press any button?
I support Israeli expansion so jews can GO BACK
Hitler sided with Israel.
Genuine Sup Forums sides with Israel.
>Palestinians are flooding into Europe
Not true.
>Israel kills muslims
>Soros wants to turn Europe into a multicultural shithole
Yeah. Tough choice indeed.
that's not how that meme works
benis :DDD
I'm siding with Israel if I have to choose. Fuck Soros.
dumb nigger soros is globalist and wants to suicide israel for being nationalist even tho he's a jew he's jewin the jews for his own nwo agenda.
>still, fuck israel and fuck soros
how about just hating both of them?
them fighting each other is just good enough. let them weaken themselves so we can destroy both with one strike
If anything, I side with Trump over both.
Israel wants the exact same thing you fucking idiot
greatest ally confirmed
>A country where they literally keep Jews in the middle-east
who the fuck would not want this
implying i won't just sit and watch our two enemies fight each other
Leftypol is starting to make more and more sense as days go by.
Israel would be perfectly content with blasting every mudslide to kingdom come but the UN won't let them
Israel obviously, the Jews can Jew as much as they want in their own country, now jewing in ours is a different story but either way soros is a Jew that lives in our country trying to manipulate our people and he is trying to turn europe into a multicultural shithole. So I guess the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
kek I didn't even notice
why is he wiping sweat off his brow?
Go back to /leftypol/
Even a broken clock is right twice a day
Fuck israel and their puppet Trump
Putting the Jews in one place instead of having them wander across borders, eroding said borders, and destabilizing the nations they park in temporarily is a better option
>reddit thinks we have to push a button
Did they give you a new script or something?
To an extent, yes. Trusting the Israeli kikes for 100%, never.
Is anyone else not getting (you)s anymore, or is there something wrong with me?
israel because they are a bigger threat overall but not causing the most trouble now
and they hate mudslimes so once thats settled then backstab da joos
Hiro's cut off the (you) supply.
You're on detox now.
test me
Hate both :^)
> not causing the most trouble now
How about the war in Syria?
You wasted trips, faggot.
i haven't seen a (ew) in a few days. was their internet sliced n diced
Start a thread on about it
(yous) got replaced by a dotted line. bet its the (((jews))) who are behind it. probably israeli hackers
Here's your ...................
>You dont like the jews you dont belong on Sup Forums and you belong on tumblr.
t. Poster who arrived during the campaign season
You obviously do not belong here.
>Muh side with israel
>Muh nationalist jews are not the same as globalist jews
Don't push either button
JIDF pls go, fuck off with your false equivalences
Can't we just advocate for genocide of all jews, muslims and non-whites? (Exclusing slavs of course who are not white. Same with the irish and english)
>Sup Forums siding with soros ever
lmao never ever.
Testing the you market
>(Exclusing slavs of course who are not white. Same with the irish and english)
> Israel = doesn't have any Refugees from Muslim countries and Controls banks and Media ( we can deal with that later)
> Soros = Funding Refugees, BLM, Hillary Clinton and Potentially WW3 with Russia
> I wouldn't have to think twice
Is it fair to say that pol's jewspiracy theories are mostly or completely BS?
true ethno nationalists have always supported Israel and always will.
you bought into the meme that nazis don't like Israel, that's your problem
Side with Soros of course.
The world needs no borders. We must embrace the future.
>(((Exclusing slavs of course who are not white. Same with the irish and english))))
Why not both
Here's how to fix it:
>Go to Settings
>Go to Miscellaneous
>Click edit on custom CSS
.ql-tracked:after{content:" (You)"}
into the space
>Save then exit
Got you guys
Pol is retarded, but there is a Jew problem. Watch the Greatest Story Never Told and other Impartial Truth videos. It's based entirely on fact. Pol is based on suspicion
I'm not an ethno-nationalist but I support Israel, I think every nation must determine what is in its best interest.
Also, how is it just for whites to have a nation but Jews cant have one, so I totally agree with you
t. poster that arrived a few months before the election season
Kys jidf
former natsoc here, I completely 100% agree
because both are utter shit.
soros is working hard on fucking up all of the world, while israel is robbing land from palestinas and getting butthurt they dont like it.
anyone who really has any insight knows soros has to go, and israel at least has to be stopped with that robbing. its too late to take that land back, but that doesnt mean its okay for them to take any more
Why should we pick a side at all? Let Zionists and globalist jews duke it out, I say.
c>The enemy of my enemy is my friend
Fuck off with your infantile logic, If two enemies go at it, you don't have to pick sides, you can just sit back an watch while hoping it's long and bloody and drains all their resources. Then you come in over the top.
lol no. This is literally just bibi throwing a hissy fit over the fact America won't bend down to Israels every whim. They're just as insane as the muslims they fight. Fuck em both
Thank you
(You) me or I'll (You) myself
Israel is also prepared to fuck up the world. Didn't some Israeli jew say that Israel has nukes aimed at most major cities in Europe?
uuuhh... y-youre welcome
>Side with neither and ignore stupid people who kill over their imaginary friends.
You're obv CTR or /leftypol/. It isn't working so neck yourself.
Here goes nothing
No. A writer masturbatorily said it would be cool if the world turned against Israel, that Israel would nuke them all.
Wow, great argument, kike
Neither is also an option.
Just because two opponents fight each other does not make them a new ally.
do not take sides because they are both jews
the best side is my own side, and fuck you JIDF
there was a thread claiming it. but just proves my point. both are utter bullshit. like i honestly believe there are some jews, who are jewed by (((jews))) like the rest of us, but fuck soros, fuck israel, and while we are at it fuck rothschild and rockefeller too
Now they're coming for our (You)s. Fuck's sake.
Thanks fampai
You're all a bunch of fucking idiots who have no idea what you're talking about. PLEASE KILL YOURSELVES YOU FUCKING LOSERS!!!!!!
Ok... at this point I truly don't know who is jewing whom anymore. But hey, maybe this is good news. We have always treated jews as this big, unified faction against us, but maybe this way the jew will name himself and the normies will be redpilled.
here's whats happening
after years of subversion and leftest propaganda the kikes realized they fucked up.....
the leftest kike went to far even for the Israelis which are now being threatened by their own creation
but what's the problem,why can't they get them back in line?
there has been such a vocal kike outcry in america against trump that they now CAN'T support Israel without also giving trump a break which they don't want to do
and vice verse,kikes CAN'T go against trump because it'd mean their homeland goes BYE BYE
this is a kike CIVIL WAR
just sit back and get comfy faggots,this what we've been waiting for
Sup Forums is schizophrenic about Israel because they hate every party involved especially the hypocritical Kikes that shill for Israel and mass immigration in the west, but also the majority of Israel's vocal opponents are antifa tier leftist scum and mudshits that hate Israel specifically because it's the kind of country Sup Forums wishes it had for themselves.
>Gas both
>You dont like israel or the jews you dont belong on Sup Forums and you belong on tumblr.
Daily reminder that shitposted it to be gone so we must shitpost it's return
"Greater Israel" isn't a game. It includes the Middle East, Europe, North America and the entire planet if things go their way.
Annuit cœptis
Pic related: how to get bag your (You)s.
ive still got it
I wrote cunt in mine, you can write whatever
pretty funny that the idea was to stop/slow down shitposting but now it is just another form of shitposting
fun times
You leftist faggots always come here with preconceived notions and assumptions and make asses out of yourselves all the time.
where is donald trump in that tree?
Pick one
>looking down at the smiling faces
do you know that analogy?
I choose to but benis in bagina
test me pls
>die of thirst
>side with soros and drink water
Sup Forums on suicide watch
Sure thing mate.
I'll (you) for a (you)
Awww.......... you upset :(
>anybody siding with soros
ayyy lmao