Is israel, dare i say it, /ourguy/?

is israel, dare i say it, /ourguy/?

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How many oy veys were heard around telaviv today?

far too many to count, netanyahu is begging for trump to get things done about the situation

I'd probably support you guys if not for the Sampson Option.

>Kerry wants to end Israel
>Israel literally becomes a containment country for Jews like the holocaust

I don't known which one to pick....

Israel 51st state when?

need to start sucking a little harder jews. i havent busted over your face yet

Daily reminder that Hitler supported Israel and Sup Forums supports Hitler.

Only shitskins and pislamists oppose Israel, it's a pretty dead giveaway.

And you can't really pretend that the "globalists" who influence the US/EU govt. are on the same side as Israel, since their number one race-mix promotional lapdog, the UN, is on Israel's case 24/7

>Kerry wants to end Israel
>75% of US Jews vote for the Democrats
>ending Israel would double the number of Jews in America

hmmmmmm who benefits here

really activates those almonds

>I'd support you guys if you didn't plan to nuke all the mudslimes invading your country if you ever fell

What? If anything we in the West should do the same.

Damn. And I actually liked Kerry. Maybe Duke was right and he has Jewish routes like LBJ?

Shit. So does Israel become an Einstein factory or something?

>Implying Israel doesn't want secular dictators keeping the mudslimes around them down

What world are you living in? Because it sure isn't this one.

The Anti-Semitism of the Obama Administration - Breitbart

Judging Obama by His Antisemitic Friends - Breitbart

Obama's Latest Dilemma: How to Blame Israel for ... - Breitbart

by John Nolte - Sep 17, 2012

Stand With Israel: No Appeasement of Iran | Truth Revolt

HOROWITZ: Obama An 'Anti-Semitic, Anti-American President'

John Kerry Rushes to Blame Israelis For Death of Arab Youth

ObamaDeal: US to Protect Iranian Nuke Sites from Israeli Attack

Someone redpill me on Israelis
American Jews are usually leftist faggots but the jews in Israel seem to lean right

Kill yourself kike

This user is spot on. Isreal is done for, Obama will go down as GOAT for bringing peace to the middle east.

Being surrounded by people who want to genocide you (and in the case of Gaza, The West Bank and Lebanon, make no secret of this fact) makes one be less likely to be a leftist.

Actually Obama is probably gonna dress as a goat for some Saudi prince, once his retirement money runs out in 2 years.

>Obama will do the literally impossible in the next 12 days

Top Kek

I dont care about either side but Israel seems the most likely to bring the happening.

Samson option is great. All it means is that if the Arabs destroy Israel militarily that Israel will nuke all of the middle east, north africa and Sweeden.
How is this a bad thing?

It's not just that.

ISLAM is unparalleled when it comes to crimes against humanity, and namely Christians.

Shitskins will harp on about Israel, which existed for 50 years and pretend the crimes of Islam have been forgotten.

Mecca must burn.

Maybe the Jews will come to our side now?

They aren't, they advocate for the same as leftists in America, the only difference being they want to be the only country without multiculturalism

Israel is one of the most evil nations in human history as well

Israel supports terrorist countries like Saudi Arabia and wants to destroy Syria. They already destroyed a secular Iraq and look at the mess we have there

No they don't Israel has been warning Europe of Muslims for the past 20 years and all the European countries at the UN have been calling Israel racist for doing so. The European countries even declared zionism is racism in on of their resolutions.

Your idiocy disgusts me.

> destroyed muslim countries


>JIDF working overtime

You can drop the act, Shlomo.

>Sup Forums supports Hitler.

he wasn't up to scratch

You fucking idiot the destruction of Iraq gave a rise to ISIS and Al Qaeda who caused the refugee crisis. If Iraq wasn't invaded and Israel didn't work to ruin Syria there'd be no refugees.

>Trump is called literally Hitler
>Trump wins
>Left is now going to start killing Jews and smashing synagogues

What a time to be alive.

Israel literally funds all the nationalist parties that Sup Forums loves.

Oh nooo roacho, did Israel bombing some shitskins hurt your fee-fees?

Or did the based UN address really move your feelings?

There'd be no refugees if Europe controlled its borders.

If you think the people running EU parliament/commission wouldn't have found a place to import subhumans from, you're an absolute retard.

And as far as Islam-majority countries go, they NEED to be destroyed, no exceptions.

Knock knock

>Whos there?

Benjamin Netanya

The jews can have their ethnostate. ALL jews must be living in said ethnostate, and it must not interfere in the matters of other ethnostates. All jews found outside Israel will be gassed

>anyone who defends right wing ideas is JIDF

0.05$ from Soros for your troubles

Did (you)s get removed? Posts responding to me have the post number underlined but no (you)

Make it 0.1$, and I'm in.

lost it at Sweden

Yes. Thank the kikes at /qa/ddit

it's a very complex topic, im not sure where to stand

I support Jews having their own nation that doesn't infringe on Palestinians or at least seeks some sort of compromise (too late kek)

but i also want to gas the kikes out of our government

which to pick...

>If Iraq wasn't invaded and Israel didn't work to ruin Syria there'd be no refugees.

Does that explain all the Eritreans that are flooding into Italy right now?

You got Jewed into blaming Israel instead of the globalists and are now celebrating the globalists when they attack Israel.

>Obama so based for opposing Israel, GOAT president
>w-why is America getting less and less white?

Refugees are in Turkey and they can reach Europe via the Mediterranean. It's in the Wests favour for the Middle East to be stable.

Soros is funding protests against isreal right now

nobody is allowed to be jewier than him and get away with it

> Israel literally funds

lol no

Wtf is up with all these pro-Israel threads? Kikes are the enemy no matter what they stand for.


Ok so it doesn't explain those refugees but what about the 1 million Syrian refugees in Germany?

>literally your only qualm about freeing yourself from Jewish rule and sending them to Israel is muh Muslims

protip: any sympathy you had for Muslims should have died 10 terrorist attacks ago

The Democrats are going full anti-Zionist, while the Zionists are running into the arms of the anti-Semitic Republicans....

It's all going to plan.

Is what happening in the last few days here can be considered in the top 10 anime twists of all times?
Please no bully, just the bull

So when is the Herman Munster looking faggot John Kerry going to actually start defending America? Didn't he negotiate the Iran deal?


If you're gonna sit here and pretend Europe can't have the coast guard patrolling the seas and murdering roaches, all I can do is laugh.

Take the gloves off and Sarin Gas them, boosh problem solved.

It's been 1400 years of islamic jihad, do you know that m'britpakistani?

>our guy

Jesus christ JIDF what are you even doing?

>1 million Syrian refugees in Germany?
Oh god, you fell for the lugenpresse

1 out of 5 are Syrian, the other 4 out of 5 are the globalist open borders invasion that would be happening if Israel never existed at all

>JIDF what are you even doing

Shilling for globalists at the expense of Israel.

I don't have sympathy for Muslims, i just recognize the endless state of war that will eventually lead to schlomo shekelburg and Mohammed Goatfuckerinejad nuking themselves off the planet which will of course lead to our deaths too.

Fuck Kerry.

Israel comes first, America second.

This. What the fuck is happening on Sup Forums today?

One state solution

Equal rights for Jews and non-Jews in Israel

they shoulda been sent to madagascar like hitler wanted to

Man, just once try and start at the back of your playbook.

Regardless, I fully support the efforts of making Israel a more diverse and inclusive place, where all races and religions in the area can freely mix. Nothing bad could come of an enlightened policy like this, right?

Geert Wilders receives practically all his funds from Israel, SD and DF in denmark and sweden receive money from Israel as well. I am sure it's the same in other countries. Sup Forums refuses to take this redpill because "m-muh joos" has been so ingrained into them

"My" playbook?

The rogue jewry that forced subhuman trash such as yourself into europe, are not the people who rule Israel, that's pretty fucking obvious

You're gonna tell me that the world's best globalists over at the UN, who have fits over Israel 5 times a day, and at the same time are supporting ALL the shit that's been going on in Europe for the past couple decades, work in the interests of Israel?

In fact, if we started rounding you up tomorrow and stuffing you into shipping containers, Israel would be the first country to support us.

The Right Wing stands with Israel. Remove Islam at all costs.

And their opposition recieves funds from different interests n Israel. Weird how it almost looks like they use their usury shekels to stir conflicts everywhere.

This is all for show. Kerry, as SoS, is the same faggot who went before Congress during the CW Ruse and was literally crying about Assad being Hitler 2.0 and begging Congress to formally declare War on Syria to stop another Holocaust.

Honestly I think this is just bait, they still don't have a handle on Trump so they're creating a Loyalty Test before he's even sworn in. But it's meaningless because Israel isn't in any real danger, so Trump just has to play along and pay lipservice until it blows over. The UN has condemned Settlements in the past before, its nothing serious.

It's an old routine. The fact is the overwhelming majority of Israelis don't want to live on these settlements. It's shitty desert land surrounded by rocks and landmines. Only Hardcore Orthadox Jews who think they're on a mission from God go. Every few years Israel makes a big Humanitarian show of pulling back on the settlements, not because they're actually conceding anything, but because they simply don't have the bodies to fill them or want to waste the manpower on protecting such a small number settlers. And domestically they can play it up as the big bad Goyim trying to Holocaust everyone again. Which they use to launch a new round of Settlement building in the future (Let's show those Goyim God's chosen people won't be bossed around!). It's all so tiresome.

>the Zionists are running into the arms of the anti-Semitic Republicans
Are you retarded? The Republicans have always been the Zionists best friend. Zionists have always preferred the Republicans and even helped campaign for them over the years.

I could be wrong but I believe the whole point of Israel was to create the conflict in Palestine lighting an even larger fire of hate for the West from the Muslims. The reason they plan to abolish it now is to send their Jews here. Trump wants to keep it in place because it serves well as a containment region for Jews who could serve useful if we kick them out of our governments and ally with them as a nation state

Look at this imbecile. Look at him and laugh.
>b-but you're a shitskin
I'm not.

But it's hilarious that you're trying to pretend that Israel gives a shit about Europe. Keep going, goy.

Why would you want more uss liberties and nine elevens

Ah, so you think being a complete moron who actually fell for all the UN cries about Israel bullying Palestinians, is better?

Israel has its own interests like every other political entity should, so I don't see your point there.

If you unironically think, the people who are fucking Europe are doing this in the name of Israel, it's you who's the imbecile, I'm afraid.

They're not even hiding it, they're OPENLY attacking Israel for fighting Islam. The media, the "politicians", the whole fucking lot.

Can you tell me what's wrong with fucking up Islam? After everything they've done? They shouldn't even exist.

They're openly Right Wing, name ONE thing wrong with that.

Yeah, that screen cap is my hopeful assessment as well. Ignore the shills and Stormfags who say Trump is a puppet if he does nuke Israel and gas all the Jews in the US.

The next time the world gets pissed off at Jews, they have a containment nation. Deportation is an option. Unless Israel doesn't want those Jews either.

>I could be wrong
You couldn't be more wrong
I'm based

Don't be a fool.

>Trump is pro-Israel
>So Sup Forums is pro-Israel

>Sup Forums is anti-Left
>Left is now Anti-Israel


Fuck off

everyone who's ever hated islam, was pro-israel, nice false-flag shitskin

it's just in the recent years, there's been lots of meme'ing going on trying tie in ALL the jews in the world as one unit, which is definitely not the case

in fact, the ROGUE JEWRY that's been infesting Europe with subhumans for the last 50 years is anti-Israel to the core and they openly show it, be it through their race-mix propaganda platform - the UN, or the media.

Couldn't care less about Palestinians.

>They're openly Right Wing, name ONE thing wrong with that.
They and the guilt they peddle are literally the reason why we aren't allowed to be 'openly right wing'.
>the people who are fucking Europe are doing this in the name of Israel
Said who? I certainly didn't. What I'm saying is, that them exterminating their unwanted minorities all the while oy veyyyy'ing over everything we do to defend our countries doesn't make me inclined to support them.

>Can you tell me what's wrong with fucking up Islam? After everything they've done? They shouldn't even exist.
You're a child. Conflating 'fighting Islam' and 'supporting Israel' is so juvenile I can't help but think you're actually trolling.

I've never oyed so much vey in my entire life

Nah, Israel is full of Jews. Jews pretty much need to be exterminated if we are to have peace on Earth one day.

Also, the fucking faggots are pretty much going to recognize the theft of Kosovo and Metohija as legal, so they can all burn for all I care.

You forgot Germany and France.

Your idiocy sickens me.

So you actually think Jews the likes of Barbara Spectre are here operating in Europe in the name of Israel?

God, how can you be so fucking DUMB

Find ONE instance of Netanyahu, "oy veyyyin" over what we do "to defend our countries", which by the way really isn't much.

One fucking instance of Bibi, or any other Israeli leading party politician doing this "oy veeeyin" you're talking about.

Go ahead.

And even if Israel WAS "oy veeeing", what the fuck is stopping Europe from protecting the borders?

Is it the puppets of the Bank of GERMANY, or the puppets of the Bank of ISRAEL?

Pretty easy fucking question.

There will be two capitals in Jerusalem it's the only way for peace.

Everyone else against it needs to move out of the way. Black Christian btw just like obama

The only way for peace is the complete and utter purge of Islam from this planet.

Slipped up there, Shlomo.

And you're still deflecting and evading. Man, he really was right.

>find me an example of this, cherry picked, person saying something
Good shit, Ishmael.

You can be both anti-Islam and anti-Israel.

>b-b-but the Jews can go home now :^)

But they won't. Israel is literally a safe harbour for them to plan infecting the West.

>b-b-but not all Jews are the same!

Doesn't fucking matter. If all Jews aren't the same, then neither are all Muslims. You can't have it both ways.

Sup Forums flipfloped. I tried to tell Sup Forums that Trump was pro-Israel, after all, his wives were Jewish, his sons are too. So was his grandad.

subhumans are gonna attribute hitler's slip-up with the cancer that is islam for the rest of days now?

it isn't hitler who's expressing support for the modern day right wing in Europe

There will be refugges/immigrants because west is so cucked with it "values" and "human rights".
We should take a lesson from Israel like good goys, build a wall become nationalistic as fuck and aim nukes at every non-white country.

Thank you I love you and welcome to CostCo.

I have felt so much hope and faith and almost religious fervor since Trump won & before.

Sometimes I waver though, when seeing his connections and his support statements. You have, for now at least, empowered my soul and strengthened my heart. Highest regards to you user

They are all the same user.

I'm gonna close the tab now, Itzhak. One of your mates made the exact same thread but with a leaf proxy and it's a lot better. But I do wish you lots of luck with all the diversity and tolerance heading your way.

>John Kerry is more America First than Trump

Israel was actually our greatest ally all along.

They are trying to pull the rug out from under Trump and force him to make a move

Jews? Never
gas yourself kike

>Find ONE instance of Netanyahu, "oy veyyyin" over what we do "to defend our countries"

He condemned Trump's Muslim ban proposal, for one.

>Damn. And I actually liked Kerry. Maybe Duke was right and he has Jewish routes like LBJ?

>No they don't Israel has been warning Europe of Muslims for the past 20 years
No. They've been trying to get the Goyim to fight their wars for them. When that didn't work they resorted to 9-11 and other terrorist attacks to push the Goyim into full scale war. But even that's had mixed results. Go die for Israel yourself smelly Jew.

>One fucking instance of Bibi, or any other Israeli leading party politician doing this "oy veeeyin" you're talking about.
He literally banned Trump from entering Israel because he wants to vet refugees.

Pls kys JIDF.