I wouldn't visit France, Britain, Germany for sightseeing because their European culture was already lost.
Why can't they be like Poland?
How do we fix Europe
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wtf i hate slovenia now
the percentage means nothing, look at switzerland and the look at france
Switzerland is a shithole full of niggers and Albanians but Americans meme it because of muh guns
Switzerland literally has 39 people living there anyway
You realize immigration can mean white people from other European Countries as well.
In Switzerland its mainly Germans and Italians.
They're probably the world's elite
went to poland recently, what culture? The town I stayed in was built by Germans, stuff was sold at Aldi & Lidl and sold Russian alcohol
Also what counts as "immigrants" exactly?
I bet there's a lot of "native french/non immigrants" that aren't white french
also whats with the harry potter font?
I didn't know we were that cucked.
sage, not true
It's much more than this. Up to 20-25%.
Fuck off jap.
Croatia 17.6.
I've seen 3 niggers and 2 muslims in my lifetime + i live in the capital this map is such bs
>went to poland recently, what culture?
It is European culture that European people live in European cities.
and watch this, is this European?
if shit like in germany happened in poland our tracksuit wearing football loving youth would murder anyone with dark skin, on top of that everyone here except of some students and hipsters is racist as fuck
Capital cities have been diverse for a long time. I wouldn't go to Tokyo and claim all of Japan is alike
brate what
I saw several hindus, a couple of dindus and a few headscraves in Zagreb this summer. Granted, the dindus were American tourists, but I'm not sure how you've managed to avoid them.
Saw a few dindus in the coastal towns as well, although they had far too self conscious looks to be "real" dindus, they were obviously well off.
On 22 July, 10 Romani women, men and children were forcibly evicted from an informal settlement in the city of Wrocław. They were given no notice by municipal authorities and their houses and belongings were destroyed while they were at work.
Is this true?
dude dont pretend that you dont hear serbian from time to time spoken randomly in ljubljana
Also you need to bear in mind the diaspora niggers that settled in Croatia after the war. I have a Croatian citizenship despite being born in Bosnia.
just nuke the entirety of it
Ireland is cornered. They better start building walls ASAP
(((They))) are using anime to desensitize men and make them hate Japanese women and crave white loli girls, i bet in 20 years there will be a (((disaster))) and we have to bring in gorillions of Japs hungry for our daughters
Remove Kebab
>their houses and belongings were destroyed while they were at work.
>at work.
Top fucking kek
You say that like having shitloads of Germans in your country is a good thing.
A Capital city represents its country, and besides even in the british countryside there are immigrants.
Warsaw has only a few muslims, because Poles managed to preserve their own culture, unlike the British.
just wait 20 years until all your old whites die off and you wake up asking what the fuck happened when you're surrounded by a sea of brown
Who would have thought Ireland to be the last bastion of whiteness in the tide of Islam?
idk mate i've seen some chinks but they're tourists i believe and it does make sense if it counts bosnians that have come cus' of the balkan wars
theyre all only tourists, pretty much only other immigrants here are from other eastern european countries, the shitskins go to 1st world euro countries for the gibs, and we have no gibs
>while they were at work
You can clearly see that it's fake
Yeah no, I just thought it weird you hadn't seen any more than you have, when I caught a few just walking from the tunnel to the sabor.
Immigration is good as long as it is done within the continent.
Panjeet, the majority of Swiss immigrants are German, Italian, Yugoslavs, Albanian (only Kosovar and Macedonian albos are subhuman) and even Iberian.
Enjoy streetshitting and sharia
yes this is true
pics are here
Outside the cities the UK is completely different. Polish culture is an oxymoron anyway, a country occupied in some way or another for the last few hundred years is thoroughly cucked
dafuq im retarded then
I guess i have an anti-nigger shield
Give us the pic with sandnigger immigrants only.
>43.3 percent immigrant
20 years down the line, germany will be invading the caliphate of luxembourg to get to france
You know this is incorrect, right?
kek. do Polish people hate gypsies in general?
>Greece: >99 ""whaowh that's nice"
>Albania: >99 as well
Into the trash it goes.
God if there's one example of race realism it's these fuckers.
What's their excuse for not just living regular lives?
>Warsaw has only a few muslims
but thos ukrainians tho
It's probably counting Croats from Bosnia and Herzegovina.
yeah we're 98% homogenous and the 2% are serbs and bosnians, not muslims. well, bosnians are muslims, but they're pseudomuslims
>Cleetus things all immigrants are shitskins
Your country is, in a way, 99% immigrant, what would that make you? A hyper caliphate?
>kek. do Polish people hate gypsies in general?
yes, we hate those motherfuckers and have shitload of jokes about them
It is too late. Get money and get out. We'll rebuild from the ashes.
>Albanian (only Kosovar and Macedonian albos are subhuman)
Kosovars are a young and excited people, they need some time. Eventually they will overtake Albanians as primary producers of Albanian culture/athletes/media/etc (they probably already do) despite their small population because of their aspirations towards the future, while Albanians are lazy cynical depressed fucks with no goals
t. Albanian
>in a way
what way, boskur?
because nobody would allow them to live in a normal city
>not orthodox and pseudomuslim Croats
You disappoint me
Speaking of the depth of pseudomuslimism, an orthodox cleric which came during the ottoman period was shocked and reported to his boss
"Everyone here drinks; the Turks, the peasants, the Catholics and the orthodox. I have seen, God forbid, clerics of all three faiths drinking that horrible brew"
I can understand why. They're poor and contribute nothing to society.
>in a way
what way, boskur?
In Maribor, I hear serbian more than slovenian. I wish I was kidding.
Well the SAP Kosovo hasn't really got a bright future, but hey, it has almost the same population as Albania proper, so who knows
But proper Albanians ain't talibanistic fucks.
of course everyone drank, they drank away the shame of living in the same empire as gypsies
no fuck off this is my home im not going to leave
Why do people keep saying this though? Americans aren't all immigrants, natives didn't have a country to emigrate INTO, the country that is the USA was formed by americans. The colonies go back to the 1600s and they only became a country in 1777 for fucks sake, by that time they were pretty american
t polescum
By the way, check this one. Green meabs islam.
I wish this was a joke, but technically we got 200000 ethnic gypsies who the Ots brought here from Romanian areas. Sadly, they got naturalized as mostly Serbs due to being mostly orthodox
White gypsies are parasites just as normal ones.
>They're poor and contribute nothing to society
that would be not a problem. But imagine combining stupidity of niggers and dirtness of indians and you will have a gypsy.
Check this:
this is gypsy party of city in Koszyce, Slovakia
This is a fact
Pitty murdering them ain't legal. But hey, who would like to get their hands dirty on them.
I heard the serbs know how to get rid of that problem....
Jesus christ, that looks like a shithole wtf
> percentages are taken from total population, not urban population
You gotta judge countries by the places you'd actually visit. No one goes to Germany to visit the countryside.
>went backpacking a couple of years ago with my kid
>last day in Paris
>asked my kid what she wanted for supper
>walked around to find a pizza place
>kid saw a picture of a pizza
>sandnigger restaurant
>fuck it, I'm not gonna get soaked in the rain for a fucking pizza
>asked if they have pepperoni
>akhmed said oui
>ordered a medium
>got our pizza
>no meat
>told him I ordered a pepperoni
>viande?! VIANDE?!
>put chorizo instead
Fuck Paris!
that looks like gypsies in their natural environment
I can imagine them stealing, but did they ever have a chance?
Stop projecting, m8. England was a norman frog colony since William the Conqueror and you never changed that fact. 0 trace of russification or germanisation in polish core culture but cant say the same for you. pic related
I guess Japan is cucked. You're an idiot. Go get drunk in an alley
dude, allowing gypsies living in a normal city ends up like this: trust me, the best thing about gypsies is that they do not racemix, because nobody is that stupid to fuck a gypsy, cuz they are ugly both inside and outside
Indeed, that's how the leftards manage to manipulate those statistics.
Realistically speaking, we are 60% white, at best.
Switzerland is awful. Don't come here.
>Remove London
>Suddenly drops to 5%
I love stories about burgers being awkward tourists.
France:11,6%....hahhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...la France est un quart shitskin...
Un quart polonais/italien/portugais blaireau
Tabarnak Jeanne...arrete d'etre drole...
pipe down jap, your probably no taller than my knee, don't lecture me on my culture or I'll crush you like the insignificant worm you are
if you were a burger or leaf I'd be fine with your comment because we share in this struggle, but since your a yellow bamboo monkey I don't want to here any of what you have to say
most of our immigrants are actually from poland or sweden because people can't get out of those shitholes fast enough.
it's pretty simple really.
form a group.
No racism.
The goal of this group is to create a strong independent movement that doesn't need the help of the state.
The way this can be done -
The group exercises for an hour a day together, ensuring fitness.
The group learns to grow decent fruit and veg.
The group learns how to cook a decent meal, how to clean, how to look after a property/pay bills.
The group helps everyone get jobs and housing.
The group does demonstrations to get new members.
The goal is simply to create a strong working force of people who are willing to help everyone, be it helping an elderly neighbor get shopping. to helping homeless people get back on their feet.
An entire group of fit and healthy individuals all working together to create a better country for each other.
Quit blaming the politicians and the media, make your own world better.
>at work
>THEIR houses
nice joke
no one likes gypsies, they don't really have any redeeming qualities
nips btfo again
Not a burger. A fucking leaf, actually. Just visiting burgerland.
These figures also take into account immigrants from other european countries.
Muslim pop is half of the numbers on the picture, if not less, however that is quite a high amount still.
Sounds kinda gay mate.
You're two sides of the same mulatto coin to me friend.
But I'm a gook
>Why can't they be like Poland?
A good amount of the 11.9% of immigrants in Germany are poles and other Eastern Europeans.
ah yes because forming a like minded group of highly motivated, healthy individuals who don't need to rely on the state to make their country great again is "kinda gay mate"
Thanks for your fantastic input.
does sound pretty gay though