Lol and the shills say that nothing we do has any effect outside of our "echochambers"
46% of T supporters believe pizza gate is real and H is involved
Other urls found in this thread:
>widely debunked conspiracy
Lol the dc police lied. They said they investigated, but FIOA documents show they didnt.
>They said they investigated
no they didn't. prove it
pizzagate thread it is, start posting.
I know they *did not* investigate it, based on FOIA documents in the youtube video I posted
Yes. You have made Trump supporters believe in a ridiculous satanic pedophile ring that everyone else knows is insane.
>45% of H supporters believe Russian hacking the election is real and T is involved
Lol and the shills say nothing we do has any effect outside of our "safe spaces"
[[[citation needed]]]
I bet they sampled 10 people.
They never said they investigated
bumping for justice
should be 100%
"It has been discredited by a wide array of sources across the political spectrum, described as a "fictitious conspiracy theory" by the District of Columbia Police Department ...."
Watch the video at 58s
Real unbiased source there.
digits confirm hillary must burn
>pizzagate insane
Yeah I mean it's not like hillary's campaign manager and his brother literally host satanic rituals in their homes and invite their friends
she is involved and so is trump
I saw the video.
You show me the press release saying they investigated. You can't.
>discredit by a wide area of sources
Everyone from jews to kikes to hebes to media jews and jewish looking former catholics and news reporting jews and neocon conservative jews and even the weekly standard says there's nothing to it
>Contents [hide]
>1 Origins
>1.1 Spread on social media
>1.2 Turkish press reports
>2 Harassment and violence
>2.1 Comet Ping Pong shooting
>3 Debunking
>4 Responses
>4.1 Public opinion
>4.2 Flynn Jr. dismissal
funny how there's no room in the wikipedia article to actually talk about the claims
one crime and/or victim is all we need
keep digging
Read the fucking bottom comment
I know right. but its fake and you are retarded if you think it could be real /s
The email from them said, "After investigating those claims..." It was their email, not the press release, that said they investigated the claims.
one crime and/or victim would make it real
You cant just say I know you are but what am I as a counter argument without a decent amount of parallels. You should have learned this before hitting double digits.
In our case we get shat on by shills claiming we have no effect outside of our "safespaces" yet over and over they are proved wrong.
On the other hand the Russian shit was pushed by the most powerful people and organisations in the USA.
Look at the video lmao its right on the screen at 1:14
Kan you prove they didn't investigate?
Not an official investigation(that usually requires evidence of a crime), but the kind of investigation that cops do on every call they make?
Not that it matters.
See the email on his screen at 1:51.
I've seen it.
There may not have been an 'official' investigation. I'm gathering that the police saw everything in that place while investigating the AR crusader, and that was the extent of their investigation. No basement, no kids in cages, no petite steaks, etc.
Oh I see what you're saying. Yeah I would want to know if there's any police report whatsoever about it. If not, it's not fair for them to say they investigated it in my opinion
Dutroux was innocent and there was no evidence to arrest him for a year. Yet people went on the streets to protest the fact he and his associates weren't behind bars. It's now proven that the police and government officials were involved in a coverup in this case.
Yeah, that was the first email. THEN they say they can't release any info via FOIA because they never did an investigation.
Do you have ADD, or are you shilling? You missed the central point of the video.
I think you can access the court docs, or some of them, online via DC courts.
I've seen a lot of police reports that read like;
"This officer was told by Ms. Piss that an green alien was living in her garage. This officer 'investigated' said garage, and found the claims to be unfounded."
I think that's what they meant.
They probably took one look at your MS paint images and realized this was a load of bullshit just like every other reasonable person has.
There's a reason why this is fizzling out so quickly. When you spend almost two months supposedly 'investigating" something and all you can turn up is "ohh aren't these Instagram posts weird? Wow we don't understand what this email is about, it must be child molester code!" & then more conjecture, coincidence, and making up shit to fit your narrative.. Let's just say this doesn't lend much credence your argument.
>There's a reason why this is fizzling out so quickly
46 percent of trump supporters lad. That's alot of fizzlin'
Cops do "investigations" on every call they take.
They didn't open an official investigation. Get it? Because they found nothing to warrant any further, official, investigation.
>There's a reason why this is fizzling out so quickly. When you spend almost two months supposedly 'investigating" something and all you can turn up is "ohh aren't these Instagram posts weird?
It's not just Comet Ping Pong. It's about child sex abuse and trafficking in all of its aspects. Do you really think that we don't have a problem in the US (or in the world) with child abuse?
All artists are complicit in this in one shape or form. They may not be the ones actually raping the kids, but they were either abused, or were forced to give up a large portion of a personal belonging in order to expand the materialistic lifestyle the West thrives on. In turn, they were made famous and eventually lose their shit when it's all too much to take in. There is nothing false about pizzagate. GTFO shills. We're not even to the middle of the pyramid with this.
>muh made up statistic from a website trying to slander Trump supporters
There seems to be a disconnect between what different people see as a police "investigation." Most people aren't aware of the extreme latitude police have in what constitutes an investigation. They could have simply skimmed the Wikipedia article about it and called it an investigation. On top of this they're also given wide latitude in what they consider evidence and what warrants launching an investigation in the first place. They could have been given video evidence of Podesta himself abusing children and they could disavow the evidence in many ways. And then of course there's the political angle in all this. Were the people involved not as well connected as they are there would have been a real investigation. If you were in the suburbs and went to the police with this kind of evidence against your neighbor they would have a forensic team in his basement coating it in luminol. In short, the lack of an official investigation does not mean that one should not have been performed.
(You) sound like /u/torahking from this image
Yup, and pizzaGate has done nothing but discredit any REAL investigations.
Nice work.
Based on the FBI pedo symbols and the pictures of kids on the owner's instagram, it seems an investigation is warranted to me. That plus the weird pizza emails and other emails talking about kids in a hot tub, the Podesta's taste in art and the Podesta's connection to the owner.. the list goes on.
A simple dismissal of the claim as fake and debunked isn't going to quell concerns about potential child abuse. Do you disagree?
>this kind of evidence against your neighbor they would have a forensic team in his basement
what evidence? Cops need a crime to investigate, and often a victim.
And there is no basement at Comet pizza.
I'm not so sure about the claims there's no basement either. I've seen articles saying he has a basement, but then a later article clarified that he actually was referring to his basement at bucks fishing and camping.
Yet, the sq footage and # of floors indicate there may actually be a basement there.
Didnt the owner mention the basement years ago. Cant remember where.
jump to minute 27 man... this shit is so weird, even if u cant hear exactly what hes saying, all the situation, the woman obviusly uncomfortable trying to ease the scene, the stares...
here's the one where he said he had a basement:
Here's a different article that might clarify that issue.
"Last year, Alefantis estimates, he bought 12 tons of Toigo tomatoes, which Stello turned into sauce and canned before trucking the jars to the basement at Buck’s Fishing & Camping, Alefantis’s other restaurant just a few steps down the block on Connecticut Avenue NW."
But see my earlier post about the sq footage
fuck off shill, can't wait to put a bullet through your brain
>no basement at Comet pizza
But Alefantis said there is
Basements are NEVER counted a floors.
It is a two story building, that has been vaulted.
The basement that the tomatoes live in is at Buck's
But why are you interested in his basement at all? Was there any mention of it as being a sex/murder/butcher dungeon that I missed?
>Cops do "investigations" on every call they take.
citation needed
Just because they're supposed to do so, doesn't mean that they're at all thorough. (See )
>They didn't open an official investigation. Get it? Because they found nothing to warrant any further, official, investigation.
Then there should be documentation at the police station to confirm this. Why wasn't that released by the FOIA request? You mean to tell me that the cops, who do "investigations" on every call they take as you say, aren't required to file any reports? So when a report comes in, they're allowed to brush it off without any kind of documentation? If that's the case, then the DC police need to get up to speed with the protocols that EVERY OTHER police station uses.
I don't have enough proof that it's real. But you're a disingenuous cunt to suggest that such a thing is impossible.
Because there were pictures from his instagram showing him digging in something that looked like a basement. It turned out that he was helping one of his friends make the #killroom at the pajama factory.
>obscure sites like reddit and Sup Forums
Have you read the report from the gunman event?
You should do that.
The investigation probably ended when they could find the rape dungeon/tomato storage.
Here's a video a guy made about it
>This would be the first pedo ring discovered in Washington
>This would be even the 30th pedo ring discovered in Washington
Pedophilia is common in these circles while pizza gate evidence is as of right now circumstantial it isn't outlandish to use conjecture due to the history of this general group of people.
It does need a genuine investigation
>"It has been discredited by a wide array of sources across the political spectrum
If you actually look into this all they do is cite eachother saying it's been "discredited" yet they offer no counter arguments to the claims or current circumstancial evidence this is a playbook of old Nazi propaganda techniques on how to create a narrative.
There's no direct proof right now but there's absolutely zero counter arguments.
Skip to 8min
Here's the owner of that factory's instagram where he says his brother(?) is his "favorite pedo" ?
go back
I'd like to move away from the Comet Ping Pong = Child Sex Factory idea. I mean, there's a lot to go on from the emails and the instagram pics which suggest that these people fuck kids. It seems like the biggest detractors to this investigation are those who drive the hard line, "there's not an underground sex ring beneath Comet Ping Pong where they sell kids." That is, it seems like the shills are trying to point out what's probably not true in the first place (the literally-underground trafficking ring) in order to take the heat of the much more probable accusations; that these people fuck children.
Like, why the fuck is Antinous your fucking profile pic?
And on this note, you can check out this thread
and listen to what Becki Percy has to say about this not being about James Alefantis, but about child abuse and trafficking in general.
I just don't know.
SOMEBODY was really pushing the "pizza is code" angle hard.
The first threads here got saged because it was such bullshit speculation. But SOMEBODY kept pushing it and making new threads until it got traction.
My bottom line is this: child sex abuse is a VERY real thing in the US and the world at large. I can not sit by and do nothing about it; people have been doing that for far too long. I think that one of the biggest reasons that it has stayed a problem is because people would rather not talk about it; people want to believe that they live in a world where institutionalized pedophilia at the highest levels of government (or anywhere for that matter) do not exist. (See
>I want to make people aware of this wickedness in the hope that by bringing it to the front of our social consciousness, we can finally eradicate it.
I'm afraid of forces at work in our world which seek to normalize it.
>I'm afraid of forces at work in our world which seek to normalize it.
>>I'm afraid of forces at work in our world which seek to normalize it.
I'm a little new here and thought pizzagate was Italy leaving the Euro.
I regret finding out the truth.
If it's to save children, Sup Forums is looking in the wrong places. Child trafficing in the US is mostly hapening in ethnic communities and criminal orgs, the streets and homeless/drug community, and the like.
I know it's happening at higher levels of soiety, but if saving children is the real goal, just go to any big city and hit the streets, hotels, motels, notells, buss station and airport..
>ethnic communities
Its always this!
God damn Albos, Pakis and the likes!
I actually have a plan that if my life ever got shit enough that I would off myself, I would instead try and reach one of these rings in Serbia and go out guns blazing!
Like a Serbian Travis Bickle.
That could be one of the big reasons these elites want shitskins in the country
Because shitskin organized crime allows them to engage in their evils
We'll take that evil cunt down one day soon, and plenty of people with her. Once the pedo scheme is revealed to all with plenty of evidence, the public will demand them all to hang by their necks until dead.
Well, I'm sure a few million retarded liberals who are pushing for pedo acceptance (which will eventually morph into pedo rights) will stand by Hillcunt once she's busted, but we'll just hang them all as well and rid the world of filth en masse.
It will be a great time when this comes.
Why hasn't CPS or DHS investigated Alefantis for instagram photos?
> = cps in DC, call meme, demand taped, restrained child found, welfare check, patents found, other kids HE took pics HE posted on public web. R the kids safe? If false, then simple, where are the parents, assure us an investigation into these childrens welfare has been made.
Lets set aside all the mouth agape pics, the "pizza slut" shirt, & all the perverse innuendo,, and consider the
Taping/Binding of the childs hands. Alefantis spoke on that photo in that street interview with those anons (on youtube like 2wks after pizzagate "began" in October 2016. He said 'it was just a game'. It may be a game to an adult, but to the child, that is boundary development and mixed messages, not healthy development or construct, and a child comes first, not an adults need for pleasure from some game.
Be effective in this fight
I'm not condoning the practice, but it surprises me that this generation is more outraged by improper relationships than the Elvis generation was.
Elvis and Jerry Lee fucked kids, most rock stars also didn't check IDs, but Epstein and Co did the same thing. They weren't fucking toddlers, or first cousins. The laws have changed, but I'm surprised our judgment has.
Methinks the jew media doth protest too much...
I didn't find that at all shocking.
People's imagination when dissecting pizzaGate evidence concerns me more. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, and pasta is pasta, and pizza pizza, and kids are high energy little bastards that you sometimes want to tape up.
holy shit john podesta is a fucking dyel
You dont need a lot of strength when you are pinning down children to fuck them
Find proof or you're talking shit. Just run into comet pizza and make a beeline for the walls to find that oh so secret basement
Oh wait, for all the "grassroots movement" bloviating for your billionaire president-elect, seems like nobody besides some retard with a gun wants to just run in and find it or just stake the place out.
Goddamn how did we get so powerful?
From what I can tell our power only grew exponentially when we found Kek.