Shopping Centers

>ywn drive your loud gas guzzling car that you filled up for only $50 into a giant shopping center filled with everything you could possibly need

How's it feel Europoors? While you're mopeding down to Ye Olde General Store and not finding what you need, I can drive 15 minutes down the road and have over 50 retail outlets and restaurants at my fingertips.

Must suck not having so much land you don't know what to do with it all.

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>Not keeping up with current trends.

Yeah, malls are dead, which is why shopping centers are objectively superior.

Stores get to pick their hours.

You can park near the place you are trying to go.

Nice outdoor walk for a shopping trip.

Allah will figure it all out for them. Can't wait to see the Eurocuck on a Harley with his wife in full burka riding bitch.

Euros do have shopping centers but they call them 'shopping arcades' or galleries.

>mfw yuros don't get their bread at the local walton owned megamart
>mfw they get it from the crusty hands of a baker
>mfw it's not even wrapped in plastic
>mfw I have no face

the fucking epitome of post-identity consumerist spiritual wasteland.

We'll find a way

>shopping centers are objectively superior

We've had them since the 50's you fucking fat cunt

Is it worth having no culture though?

Euros (use to) at least have a culture

thats why you're a soft cunt

Also, friendly reminder, in most states, our culture is nigger music or nigger related.

there is a lot of crap music being made right now but someone can usually find something they like produced by americans
because the musical culture is being advanced by americans


We do have a culture, it's just low-brow, materialistic, heavily influenced by Jews and negroes, and appeals to the lowest common denominator.

True. When I made this I was being somewhat sarcastic. I do think they're ugly and retarded, but I just wanted to antagonize Europoors, and also discuss the philosophy of shopping centers.

This. The materialism reeks of Jewry and our music is negrified. It sucks, it wasn't always this way, contrary to what Hitler said.

Lucky for you

We barely have a Walmart in this shithole 20,000 person city. It's a day's drive to Vancouver to actually be able to buy anything

Jeez where do you live, Yellowknife?

Dude I've been to America, the shit there was no better than we have in the U.K. Wtf you on about?

No a place called Cranbrook in the BC interior

>potato education
that's exactly what he said you complete retard