Not everyone can eat pork sausages, there must be vegan sausages and veggie sausages! And you cannot rename them, they cannot be called "vegan lengthy thinggies" or "veggie breaded leafs", they must be called sausage and schnitzel so that vegans and vegetarians can order the same thing as the bloody meateaters, just without meat!
Germany NO! Don't be so intolerant to plant eaters!
>confused consumers
so people who cant read german? or what does he mean?
fucking stupid.
>The eternal-kraut argues over schnitzel while Muhammad is plowing his 4 inch cock into 12 y/o German boys
Hans, we do not have any other problems. These are the important things ministers should deal with!
How the fuck do you get excited about this enough to post it on Sup Forums.
Is this cunt a fucking mongo or what?
To be honest, a "vegan sausage" confuses me.
What the shit is in it? What encases it? If it is literally nothing like a sausage, why call it a sausage?
That's like a "vegetarian hamburger". Just call it a soy patty.
I suspect it's quite the opposite. Sausage is made out of meat, people who make "veggie sausages" and similar shit want to jump on the bandwagon and have their product carry on by the virtue of association "it's like sausage, but without meat!". That guy wants to just put a stop to that.
Meh, either way it's a non-issue. Your country is being still raped by rapefugees and you have nothing better to complain about that name of some hipster vegan crap? No wonder you're in current condition.
This is why veganism is redpilled
Meat, dairy, eggs, etc. are all opiates to cull the gullible goy sheep, distract and weaken them and get them addicted to (((their))) product
>implying you know whats in a sausage normally
It's exactly like a sausage, because it is a sausage.
Since when did sausages have to contain meat to qualify as a sausage?
But who gives a fuck about that? Dont we have other problems, what the hell
and what happend to (You)s
your country is being raped by russians and youre still poor.
>What the shit is in it? What encases it? If it is literally nothing like a sausage, why call it a sausage?
A glorious mix of porcini mushrooms, Irish Dusle Seaweed, mixed beans and roasted garlic, these gourmet style sausages are delicious on their own, but make a wonderful ingredient in an array of dishes. Why not try them with a tomato and bean cassoulet for a hearty meal?
low-caloriegluten-freedairy-freeegg-freesoy-freewheat-freeGMO-freeartificial additives-free
Pea Protein*, Navy Beans, Black Beans, Ground Flaxseed, Roasted Garlic (0.2%) & Mushroom (1%) Herbs and Spices, Irish Rapeseed Oil, Irish Dulse Seaweed (0.7%).
* From Yellow Peas grown sustainably using environmentally friendly methods** in the North of France
** From an environmentally friendly Legume crop with protein yield/hectare, no need for irrigation and nitrogen fertilizers
Nutritional Data
Nutritional info per 100g
Energy 603kJ/143kcal
Protein 19.6g
Carbohydrate 7.8g
of which sugars 0.8g
Fibre 2.4g
Fat 3g
of which saturates 0.4g
of which mono-unsaturates 1.2g
of which poly-unsaturates 1.4g
Salt 0.5g
Sodium 200mg
it's not like an agriculture minister has anything more important to say...
>cows are opiates
google gluteomorphins
>Not everyone can eat pork sausages
stopped reading there
>But who gives a fuck about that? Dont we have other problems, what the hell
>and what happend to (You)s
Yous were stolen by the gook master.
Sausages are important in Germany. It is part of our identity the Arab Muslims want to take away.
Habt ihr Piefke keine anderen Sorgen?
>your country is being raped by russians and youre still poor.
Have a (You).
We do quite fine. Standard of living on average higher than in Russia, comparable with most of the Europe from what I know from when I was abroad. Which, let's not be mistaken, doesn't mean Russia isn't much more rich country but that doesn't mean a shit for average citizen when most of the cash goes into stuff like military rather than standard of living or public infrastructure.
But I am not expecting someone from Malaysian shithole to know such nuances, so you're forgiven.
at least 33% animal bits, water, and breadcrumbs
That actually makes sense. If it's not meat it's not a fkn sausage, its just a minced rabbit food cylinder.
Never understood vegheads doing that anyway. I eat meat but I don't try and make sprouts out of mince ffs
I want my (You)s back
literally unpostable
This, but the vegan scene is infested with numales and feminista's.
Being the edgelord I am, I wore my maga hat last month at my local vegan cafe. I was asked to leave then got into an argument with the waitress. Well she just spouted nonsense at me.
>I banged her last week
Mmm some sausage and sourkraut sounds dank, brb.
>Habt ihr Piefke keine anderen Sorgen?
Was stehtn im Schluchtenscheisserland auf der veganen Wurscht? Und was fragt man beim Würschtelstand: A Veggie-Eidrige mit am Krenn und an Suessen, oba bitte ois ohne Ei?
>Since when did sausages have to contain meat to qualify as a sausage?
British culinary education everyone.
Sausages where invented for the need to utilize butchered animals more efficient, if human wouldn't have eaten meat there would be no sausages.
u fukin wot?
>banning the name of a food
Meat used to be only reliable source of protein.
>angry waitress banging
Now that's amusing. How did you get from one to the other? Don't tell me it's just confirmation of stereotype that farleft libtards want someone to fight, dominate and fuck them, because that would be a copout.
What's the problem here? Things like veggie sausages literally aren't meat.
>Mmm some sausage and sourkraut sounds dank, brb.
Exactly. Sausage with sauerkraut is just fucking amazing... it is extremely interesting that outside of Germany you just don't get freaking good bratwurst.
>I want my (You)s back
Why is it gone???
Look, a pork sausage needs to contain pork, a beef sausage needs to contain beef, and a vege sausage needs to contain vegetables.
These are all sausages. I can fill my sausage full of cheese or peas if I like, it will still be a fucking sausage. YES I MAD!!!
>what's in a sausage
Beaks, bollocks, and hooves in the ones I eat, usually.
Fun fact. When I did firefighter training in the 80s they told us that after making corned beef, the next thing the leftovers were used for was AFFF firefighting foam. Never eat corned beef.
Since fucking ever? Sausages, by earliest definition were a meat product? What the fuck is happening at Britland that you don't know such basic things?
Next you'll tell me you make lollipops out of beetroot or some shit.
>they must be called sausage and schnitzel
Your image literally says "ban on meat names for plant-based foods"
how can you be so fucking retarded? The minister for agriculture doesn't do dick all of importance, nothing he says matters, even if clickbait rags report on it because "MUH VEGANS"
it's astounding how much stupid you managed to pack into a single OP
Can put them back with css
cool, you put leafy shit and vegetables in your salad, I'll put three slabs of beef in it
beef salad. cunt.
>Why is it gone???
Shit happens
He's never had beetpops. Sad
Sounds pretty cool desu
Do these things have more protein than regular sausages?
no the term sausage is interlink with meat, it doesn't matter what meat. until 2 decades ago there where no "vegetable sausages".
But talking with vegitarians or worse is just a waste of time.
>A sausage consists of meat, cut into pieces or ground, and filled into a casing, with other ingredients
u fukin wot
Hans the religion of peace is killing people in your country be a patriot and adapt a 100 percent pork diet
or some bullshit like turkey over here
>tfw Sojadrink
>tfw Erdnussbutter is still allowed, despite not containing Gutebutter
All you meatfags don't know what you're talking about.
Fucking degenerates.
it doesn't deserve the name sausage. They can call it pressed vegetable slabs
Can Muslims eat meat free bacon?
Ketchup is made of tomatos but you wouldn't call it a vegetable huh?
Fucking muslim.
I don't think so Tim.
Quorn makes some pretty good stuff
It´s very important for the growing muslim population you fool. The food must be marked NON PORK and placed in proper sections without ANY filthy swinepork nearby.
This is good discussion news material.
We should just call tornadoes "wind"
>yuropoors talking about food
Kek, this is an expensive dish in yuroland. You people know nothing of fine dining. Leave the food talk to the professionals (Americans)
>no one else can make things as well as my country
fuck off faggot.
Sorry I only carry card.
Fuck you Muslim scum I have no respect for you false prophet the pig dick suckered known as mohammad or your false God Allah whom roast in he'll this very day with the cocksucker prophet you muzlim shit skin. I love bacon & beer.
You don't even have a food culture though. You just copypaste and add more grease to everything.
Yeah, hardly worth firing up your flab chariot for, fatass
>Kek, this is an expensive dish in yuroland.
You do understand where Filet Mignon Sautée comes from, right?
Are you expecting your agricultural minister to save your country from angry rapefugees or turkoroaches out breading you?
Actually really got my almonds scampering
Spoken like a stereotypically ignorant burgerlander who was never in any even average-class european restaurant.
>he isn't a vegetarian yet
Literally pretending to work at near-Japanese levels
mad europoors their food is now halal
Just aware that most of stuff considered most fancy and best in US is European invention with additional serving of fat.
I eat meat but they don't actually look that bad. Probably expensive af though
This is literally a Second Shoah. My grandfather was a filafel.
At least we know the 12 year old is getting the meat
Okay. That made me chuckle.
What the hell is the meat-less synonym for sausage then? A plant penis?
Oy m8, why does the meat pie have to be made of meat? Why is there no vegan meat pie?
>This is why veganism is redpilled
If it's "good" in the media, then it's bad in reality.
You should knew these things. Numales and vegans don't go hand in hand for no reason.
>ban on mock meat
Vegan here - this means I have some authority in this regard. I approve this. Mock-meat is degeneracy and mock-meat eaters deserve this and more.