Reminder that if you support Israel...

Reminder that if you support Israel, you also support the "muh six million jews holocaust" narrative to keep shekels flowing to Israel.

pro-Israel Sup Forums really are good goys

Other urls found in this thread:

Bibi came out and said that Hitler didn't want to kill any Jews and blamed the shoah on the muslims. Anti-Israel = Anti-White.

Yet Israel exists only because people believe the holohoax myth

What? Source?

The holocaust was a tragic event forced on the Germans by the treacherous muslims.


why do you think you guys suck trump's dick when he said obama was born in america

Nice divide and conquer antifa. How much is George Soros paying you?

Nuke em all


>hating jews is being antifa
>wanting to gas the kikes is antifa

not even trying, are you?

Enemy of my enemy is my friend, once the Muslims are gone Israel will be next.

>The holocaust was a tragic event forced on the Germans by the treacherous muslims.
This is brilliant.

>he does it for free
>attacking a nationalist ethnostate is antifa
Yes it is

Pol has become a nest for cuckservatives and trumptards

Israel's not-so-stellar record on treatment of Christians | + ...

>The 2010 State Department report on religious freedom in Israel and the occupied territories found that the Israeli Ministry of the Interior (MOI) is harassing Christian priests by demanding they renew their visas time and time again. It limits the number of visas Christian religious workers receive, and makes onerous demands on them. The visa application process, when successful, takes months. During 2010, the MOI refused to renew the Jerusalem Anglican bishop’s residency permit, claiming that he was involved in forgery. The bishop denies the claim, and it is noteworthy that he was not indicted.

You do realize it is possible to both hate israel, antifa, leftists AND soros, right?

That it is possible to have more than two sides, rigiht?


/pol doesnt support either side
anyone who says so is a fucking shill
all muds, kikes and libs are going to burn


Ok this is basically how it works Pedro

I'm giving you two choices
>support Muslims
>support Israel
neither I want them both dead is not a choice even though you and everyone might want it

Who do you choose?

For one even if we had the Muslims destroy Israel there's still all the Jews in western countries

(((They))) want us to hate everybody else. It's divide and conquer.

What's wrong with also wanting muzrats dead

>wanting to keep my homeland safe from a bunch of mostly brown invaders following an incompatible way of life means I automatically support Jews

What about hating muslims too?

>he does it for free


You have to go back, paco.

The Mexican intellectuals 44th pro NWO, Pro-Soros, Pro-Liberal, Pro-Left, Pro-communism, Anti-Jew-isolation-zone thread.

How many more threads ya gonna make today lefty pol?

There are valid reasons to hate Muslims especially muslim migrants in the west and to especially want to keep Muslims out of your country

One thing many forget is that western civilization was at war with Muslims long before the Jews really took root as chief manipulators and it was always the Muslims that attacked first. Also remember it is a stated goal of Islam to conquer the world for allah

All memes aside, I really wonder what was going on behind the scenes there.

Hundreds. Until the zionist faction in pol gets killed

Israel's foundations were started more than half a century before the holocaust, and hitler wanted to deport all the jews before realizing he couldn't so he killed them.

if hitler didn't come to power israel would still have existed, and would have been stronger.

muslims just fucking ruin everything. the white nationalists and the jewish nationalists are natural allies against the west being islamized, but the white nationalists hate jews so much their vision gets muddled and brain all scattered

You still haven't answered paco

What the fuck do we do about the Muslims?

The Holohoax thing is mostly a meme for anyone with an IQ over 90.
I even memed it, just because I found it funny.

>Pedro whining about Israel costing money

Your shithead taco-makers are costing us a fortune

That's our land Protestant Jewish inbred

America must fall for the good of western civilization