Canada thread

Get in here canadabros, get comfy and get ready!

Proxy + Burger Troll.

A constant Sup Forums fixture.

What does that mean? Also favorite CFL team?

Someone please start a petition to rename it to "Cuckada"

>be apprentice pipefitter
>can find work for 6 months cause we decided to elect a woman communist who hates the trades
>AIT (apprenticeship board run by office people who have never touched a wrench in their life) is breathing down my neck and threatening to take away my apprenticeship

oh boy! i sure do love Canada!

> leafs

pretty much this pic
i can't believe the electorate voted Harper out based on the fucking burqa ban. if that side-side-issue didn't pop up 2 weeks before the election Harper would still have been PM and we wouldn't be overrun by fucking mudslimes in our cities

Muslims fucking ruin everything.

Please don't, that ain't cool
>Calling anyone else a cuck

we got the coach, we got the #1 draft pick, we got Marner, the Muslim is playing his best year, Freddie's doing a great job btwn the pipes, almost makes you forget we elected a cumguzzling faggot cuck as PM and a lezbo premier that force-feeds children about the 12 genders

howdy neighbors

Hey le monkey man you can go stick a dick in your cushion sofa

I don't get it

hi where do you live


Who here /liveatgrandmaswatchanimealldayandneet/

What do you prefer, CTV, CBC, or Global?


the cucknuks love that shit.

Who is Canada's mistress?

I wanna put my face in a paki girls ass

>Please report at a future date to be deported.

Drop a nuke on Ontario and Manitoba, fuck sjws and fuck injuns

We must provide a good future for white children to keep them away from degeneracy!


Fucking Jews are awesome, since the Donald is a Israel supporters pol should be too

>Burger trying to banter


I fear for my future.
