What is the one viewpoint common on Sup Forums that you disagree with most? Certainly you don't agree with every little detail that's popular here and disagree here and there.
What is the one viewpoint common on Sup Forums that you disagree with most...
i believe we should allow innocent refugees like the one shown in the picture, he would not lie would he?
I dont really give a shit about immigrants like i feel they should be properly screened and vetted but i dont really give a shit.
I don't agree with the white nationalism/white supremacy often on here.
I'm here because I hate the SJWs and globalism.
What I have to agree with that is a common agreement?
I'd have to say Argentina being white
One common meme I disagree with is that
is a valuable skill.
Any time any type of thread comes up about improving your life, and continuing to learn, there is always an army of neckbeards who talk about how they are getting into
Sadly yes, but those fags are pretending to do it as recreational larping
You know, I'm fine with white supremacists, guns, and all other shit, but thinking that all Muslims are evil terrorists that should never be trusted doesn't make sense to me.
I still believe refugees should be monitored and watched for some time at least; 5 years living in a war-torn country messes with your mind.
I believe they should hold off on the day of the rake.
I also believe jews are superior and we are just mad that our ancestors got played like suckers. But that doesnt change my desire to gas the kikes.
The other causes for cringe on Sup Forums are as follows:
>rightful clay
>improving my skillset
>my legacy
>the beautiful ones
What do you think anti-globalism IS
>What is the one viewpoint common on Sup Forums that you disagree with most?
that multiculturalism doesnt work
it works here
Muh libertarian economics, for sure.
I support free market capitalism, including free trade.
Christianity is completely different to Islam or Judaism and we should support it.
I'm not really right wing. Most of my political ideas are left leaning. It's just that the "left" as it is currently is completely fucking insane and the right does not want to annihilate my culture and lifestyle, so I'll align with them for the mean time.
i don't actually think hitler was that great of a politician.
Really the only thing I disagree with are what's considered "white". I'm much more lenient about it. anything lighter than med is white to me.
I genuinely don't hate Jews and don't see the hatred for them. And they fucking kill muzzies all the damn time and atleast keep Jerusalem from being controlled by goat fuckers
I don't agree with 90% of what gets posted here
I post here because it's entertaining and funny, and on a rare occasion something insightful is said
Holocaust happened.
It's sad that the race realists are also the ones most likely to be holocaust deniers. But I don't give one tear for jews that play the holocaust card, fuck em.
white supremacy shit just seems really counter-intelligent and autistic
It's based on facts.
Asians are not hostile, plus you are small country with cold environment. I'm pretty sure the blacks in Canada still disproportionately cause crime, right?
it's not really tho is it it's based off sourceless statistics and image macros
>What is the one viewpoint common on Sup Forums that you disagree with most?
trump will be a good president
FBI stats are sources. The reasons behind WHY blacks cause more violent crime is what needs to be argued, not pretending blacks are good Boise who didn't do nuttin
No actually. Natives disproportionately cause crime.
>he thinks counter-intelligent is a phrase
not white
Ever hear of a bell curve? Bell curve + life experiences is all you need as proof. Doesnt mean you should be KKK racist but it means you should discriminate. Its only logical.
we are a bigger country than you unless you're talking population
the blacks do disproportionately cause crime but they're basically concentrated in toronto/ottawa/montreal
we certainly have nothing anywhere near as bad as say chicago with 4300 shootings this year
>Jews, an inferior race, are controlling whites, the master race, who outnumber them 200 to 1.
The jews have no vested interest in destroying the white race.
I think boomers are ok and that millenials really are entitled shits
Both do. First gen blacks from africa for school dont count
White supremacism
After all the closest human race to the negro is the caucasoid. Mongoloids (asian and amerindians) are the most distant to the negro, in other words, the most evolved, and thus the superior race.
I just want to know why there is so much fanboy-ism around these alt-right streamers.
I've followed gaming streamers like TLO and singsing, so I have an idea.
But wtf is the appeal of Miksche thernovits, baked Alaska, and beardo guy?
I didn't know most of them existed until this week and i've never cared for the lispy guy other than to make fun of his voice when he's brought up.
White supremacy is stupid. Asians are better than us in all measurable ways. White nationalism is the only way.
The idea that Jews are some kind of evil mastermind behind everything that they disagree with is laughably paranoid
Maybe if you unsubscribed for just 2 seconds from the reddit mode of thinking and did your own research, you will find that there are powerful scientific arguments for racial differences in intelligence.
I don't think most women are horrible unfeeling cretins because the moment I leave my college campus pol stops being right on that and most women are nice
Or, you know, just looking at your own experiences from everyday life and seeing racial differences in action
That's not what I'm arguing.
There are black communities that are native. I am pretty sure they cause problems just like blacks in US do.
But if we're talking about immigration: The narrative that immigrants cause less crime is not on solid ground. A person that's only been in a country for a few years is going have less of a chance of committing crime than someone who has been here their whole life due to pure probability.
If person A and person B both have a 5% chance of committing a crime per year, but person A has been around for 20 years while person B has only been around for 5, of course person A would have committed more crime.
Kikes are responsible for marxism, they basically run finance, are entrenched in education, government, and just about everything. Its a globalist conspiracy but its not jewish, its just that jews are the biggest part of it.
>There are black communities that are native.
in canada, 'natives' refers to pic related
theres literally nothing wrong with sharting in marts
>Argentina is white
>I fall on the nurture side of the nuture/nature debate
>I'm glad trump won because Hillary is a cunt, but I don't think trump will fix anything. The debt is too large, and you can't fight demographics
>Natsoc isn't the answer
>I'm far more open to FULL LUXURY COMMUNISM than I was 10 years ago
>I'm not a racist
>Global warming is an observable phenomena, our best strategy is adaptation. Trying to move the thermostat the other way is folly.
>The vast bulk of Jews are just a tribe that have shared beliefs. A small number of them form part of the global elite.
Yes but you just get the tired old liberal line "wahhh none of your experience matters, it's just your perception, it's not how the real world is".
>implying brain size has anything to do with intelligence
Oy Eskimo Vey
Sup Forums would call me an SJW and actual SJWs would call me racist. My views would be a wall of text that probably wouldnt get any replies anyway.
I disagree with:
>Jews are controlling the world
It's just the same think black say about Whites... Its retarded
>Atheism is good or redpill
It's not, is degenerated
>m-muh evil white women
White women vote for Trump and there isn't a big number of White women who racemix, in fact there are more White men who racemix than women
>Race supremacy
No race should be higher than other. Race domination end any chance of segregation and that its what we should fight for.
>IQ test
IQ test are dumb as fuck, I dunno why Sup Forumsacks care about that
Fitness is the most redpill activity, if you don't have a 10/10 body then you're a failure. You should train your brain reading books and your body in the gym
Honorary aryans. "Honorary" is just make believe, you are or you aren't.
It may be, perhaps that a Holocaust happened, but it's way overblown out of proportions.
Was thinking exactly this
Sup Forums is a christian board
>failing this much at shitposting
>that map
So Inuit is the true master race?
>world view
good b8
imagine how smart you'd have to be to survive in a place that cold your whole life
I agree, although I would fall more towards nature than nurture based on my experience. I'm not trolling you, do you really believe that abbos as a whole would be exactly as intelligent as whites if just raised different? Society has no problem admitting that there are genetic risks to addiction, why is saying 50k years of evolution causes differences in intelligence so much different?
even inuits dont live that far north. its all meteorologists and geologists out there
Non white people can't be functional productive members of society
Sup Forums staunchly hates atheists. I don't know if that JUST applies to militant, holier-than-thou (ironically) fedora atheists or if agnosticism is included under the umbrella as well, but the notion that a person needs to be religious in order to be moral is bullshit.
Your pick: Jesus or Nietzsche. Jesus is the correct choice.
That this board is filled with a bunch of 16 year old losers, most of which are extremely pussy and won't have the balls to spew the shit post they have in public. He majority of the people here who are 'redpilled' about women are bitter virgins who lack game, face, frame, height and the know how to enjoy the company of a woman without thinking about muh divorce 50% or muh she's had sex with other guys before.
Nearly all the kids here who type the word nigger on a regular basis wouldn't have the nuts to say the word nigger to a niggers face and if they did, they would get the shit kicked out of them because they've spent their entire lives in a room browsing the internet and never learning how to defend themselves. And when you call them out on this they will say 'muh free speech' or 'muh I don't need to fight I'm not an animal'.
Most of these retards have never read a book, spoken to an expert or done research on any of the topics they talk about and when you call them out on this they'll write you off as a good goy.
That's the ultimate red pill. Is that you've all been here swallowing red pills like a pair of tiny testicles.
asians are socially and culturally autistic
Honestly I've never looked at it like that. The views that I share with Jesus are the ones pertaining to other people, while the views that I share with Nietzsche are the ones that pertain to the universe.
That being said, I'm funnily enough probably biased towards Jesus since I was raised Christian and have never read any of Nietzsche's books. I was honestly trying to come to grips with certain parts of his philosophy before I even knew his name or what he said or did.
We only have to worry about the 1% jews of the world who actually influence politics such as soris and not actually all the jews(I agree with this notion, not against it)
I believe in equality before the law.
Climate change is real
I'm very pro-transhumanism and the idea of augmentations and shit like that is extremely exciting to me. I've never heard anyone on Sup Forums who thinks it's cool.
socialism is bad in any form and creates degeneracy which is why national socialism is retarded
What's the beautiful ones? I don't think I've ever seen that meme.
It's interesting but it probably won't be a tangible reality until our great-grandson's generation.
>I've never heard anyone on Sup Forums who thinks it's cool.
Well, there was Space Elevator, but he doesn't come here anymore.
I miss those threads...
the only argument with crime statistics is that black americans commit more crime than whites but the people who commit those crimes commit like 4% of the population, statistically though most blacks aren't criminals and their low iqs/poverty rates could be argued to have been influenced by slavery/jim crow laws/bias in the criminal justice system, not that blacks "have a different brain than whites" which is what white supremacist argue.
That women are bad for doing the things socially inept betas want to do. All of the other hypocrisy and poor thinking as well.
Ranch or cool ranch?
I'm not a flagrant anti-Semite.
there's no point in augmenting a computer into your head when you can just use one in front of you anyway. we will invent AI and then they do everything.
but yes we will reverse aging and that kind of stuff, it doesn't seem far away if you look up the ppl who are working on it
Black people aren't inherently bad and they can be put in line with a rigorous legal system and law enforcement.
Leniency to petty crimes, leftist anti-police indoctrination and welfare dependency are the main problems that need to be addressed.