You.... what would you do different in WWII with your country?

You.... what would you do different in WWII with your country?

First of all would i say to mussolini that this little faggot needs to arm up fast enough or he will never get his "muuh new roman empire".
(his main goal north africa)

Same with turkey "muuh ottoman empire" arm up and get your shit straight roach god damn.
(his main goal arabian)

Next run over france like always (vichy would got all of france) but this time attack the UK too + destroy them (mosley would get the power here) and after that prepare an attack with full power straight to the usa in cooperation with japan. (silver legion would lead now)

This will make sure the udssr will never get the lens laid and so they have no power to attack...
and if they still attack can we use the other axis euros to stop them for some time while we fuck the USA but they would let us enough time anyway because

(after we attacked the russians stalin was like hit from a flash and he did not know what to do for many weeks because he killed all the people who have potential and a brain in such things so all this was only his own.. ) hahaha

After france, uk and the usa have now new fascist as führers we all together can now concentrate to destroy communism once for all...

Do the same the allies did with us.... give them "free after some time"
you're welcome communism died long ago and democracy too....

the usa and europe is 100% white again of course.. all the niggers died sadly while they did a free holyday ship trip sadly :(

I would never have gotten involved in Europe's problems and never sanctioned Japan. The war would have ended the exact same way, just later, and the US wouldn't have bought fleeting international influence with the blood of millions.

Get the IRA started early so that we can destroy British assets such as damaging Belfast harbour so that the British can't compete with the U-boats. Maybe then Hitler would support a coup so that we can set up a Nazi government and give us back the 6 counties.

Why the same way ? Without you japan can concentrate more at russia, france would be ours anyway and UK would shit them in the pants without you and would drop out (they are not really strong anyway) so the russians would be all and they would be overtaken in 3 months.

>Defeating Britain

Got any other good ones, Hans?

Fire the old fuck veterans from WWI and listen to De Gaulle and his models about mobile warfare.

Focus on making medium/light tanks rather then heavy ones that we can't get to the battlefield.
Basically, make our army more suited towards the offensive rather then the defensive. Without the advantage of superior tactics, we and the UK would be able to steamroll Germany relatively easily.

Well well yeah of couse hitler would gave you enough divisions to do this.. hitler was a nice ouncle.. i mean he invaded even the enemy filled italy just to free his friend mussolini and only because they had a pact..

Japan would have still rejected the north expansion scheme without US involvement, since that's what actually happened. Japan never had the naval capacity to support their invasions of British overseas territory long-term.

I would still sell arms to the Soviets and British, who could have pulled off D-Day on their own if they waited for Stalin to reach the German border.

m8 if the nazis showed up in ireland it'd be to stick you lot in gas chambers not bring harm to a country they actually wanted to ally with

Your country was almost in a civil war how do you think vichy got etablished..
sry but your only chance were if you had 30k aircrafts to safe the air and 1000k nukes.. WWII was not your war accept it m8

You know they never would have abandoned the Maginot Line stationary defences.

You also know that even light or medium tanks wouldn't have stopped the panzer blitzkrieg.

in real hitler and hirohito had only 1 or 2 times contact.. it was a alliance without real planing because hitler said he could only attack syberia from his side and syberia is absolute worthless....
a plan together FINALLY WITH a real plan together they could fuck the usa without any problems

Well it's about about what we would do differently, so while France was divided politically you can still change a lot of things and make them abandon the idea of the Maginot line in favor of a lot of planes and medium tanks.

Then when Germany is in Poland actually use those tanks and planes in way different than fucking WWI defensive tactics.

Japan and Germany didn't have the navy to even bother the US, dude. Midway happened like a year into the war, after Pearl Harbor, with most resources dedicated to the Atlantic war.

it was mostly because of hitler he did not wanted to really attack the english becaus they have germanic blood..

he was more one the euro ground but like i've said if he would go for a attack on the usa instead of russia you would have no chance
Axis GDP was years enough bigger as the allies GDP it was just wrong to trust fellow white people

-Don't become USSR manufacturing plant
-watch Ivan and Ahmed-to-be slowly bleed to death over the years
-Just as the war is dwindling down, slam in. Drive all the way to Moscow with the liberating force.
-No cold war, no USSR, complete American hegemony in the aftermath

>You.... what would you do different in WWII with your country?

Shoot Churchill before he can chimp out.

Also stop Edward from marrying that American whore.

help binland and germany against the soviets

send back the jews to hitler


>Be me
>From NJ
>Take the train to NYC
>Go to 5th Ave, between 76th St. and 77th St.
>Be 10:30am
>December 13, 1931
>Witness car hit pedestrian
>Have baseball bat
>Finish off wounded pedestrian

Just like that, I changed the world forever.

Join Axis then Japan can focus on Asia while we focus on the Pacific

slam in from where? because without your gibs and and the war with the east we would have so much fun power enough that we would in the time got africa and asien in axis hand

who dat?

you did your job germanic brother... i've heard your convertive is wants to do a coali with the SD and this menas next election is right wing 100% safe?....
wish you luck m8

BIST EIN HELD :`') fuck churchill

yeah no even hitler dog was more relevant and powerfull as this uselees ex prison colony

even.. hitlers..

How would you invade Britain with the RN protecting the channel?

Anyway, I'd join you and invade Portugal and then focus on Africa. Controlling Gibraltar and invading Egypt we would easily controll the Mediterranean :D

There was no way of winning the ww2. The anglos were simply waiting to wipe out the winner. Russia didn't get destroyed only because they got an atomic bomb. Stalin was at least aware of it unlike hitler who was either a complete dumbass or a puppet.

(after we attacked the russians stalin was like hit from a flash and he did not know what to do for many weeks because he killed all the people who have potential and a brain in such things so all this was only his own.. )

this part was no joke stalin was really surprised of this attack he never throught that we germans would fight on 2 fronts...

and without the lends lead from the USA would the union go to the bottom in only some months...
The anglos were weak everyone was weak only germany had enought economic power for a war and the missions to do a really big arming

Lmao, this german cuck thinks a land invasion of the US would have been successful.

greenland aka danmark was under axis many south american countries were under faschism + boat invasion from the right + boat invasion from the left or first alaska then over canada with his non military.... you underestimate the axis you stupid leaf...


I would have pushed for the holocaust to actually be real :^)

The Axis had no projection power to successfully sustain logistics in a hypothetical invasion of the U.S. Not only that, the civilian populace was heavily armed, you'd be fighting millions of more well armed Americans than you ever fought Russians.

found the FUCKIN LEAF

Not an argument, Heinz. You lost the fucking war yet you're acting as if you'd actually be able to defeat every nation including the U.S. To even get to the U.S. you'd have to secure your eastern front first. If you couldn't sustain a ground invasion into Russia, what makes you think you could sustain a naval invasion of North America, lmao?

Where were your aircraft carriers? What good did your battleships do you, lmao?

Listen to Patton. Absorb the remaining German forces and commanders and roll into Russia. Fuck commies.

I'd do the same thing my based grandfather did, bomb the shit out of fascists. Then after our glorious victory I'd return to my home which flourishes and prospers by helping rebuild Europe. I'd marry my sweetheart and have 8 beautiful children and a long happy life.

And all of your 8 children will get a marxist education because you allie faggots got tricked from the sowjetunion....
Jep a "Victory" on the paper looks pretty good i guess but all of your children will get you jamals and pacos 3 but i think that's the price for being a winner... oooh no wait if your children are full grown they will life in a 40% white america hahahah yeah dupdidubididup AT LEAT WE WUZ ON DA MUUUN but only with (german peoples help) yeah i would feel really froudif i were you hahahahha

Stupid German can't even argue against a leaf, you're the most cucked nation on earth right now.

Wait for the nuclear bombs
Erase US, moscow and London
Erase turkey
Create a country for my greatest ally in the middle east and act like they are our enemies to allow them to finish it if we fail

Tell me exactly how my country is the cuckest and i will tell you why you are wrong

If the starting point is 1936 or so. I would first start by creating chaos in the government, while at the same time funding whatever fascist/Natsoc party seemed most promising, Quisling was not a honourable or very inspiring man. After they'd take control they would start a modified version of what Hitler did in Germany, but smaller in scale and designed to fit Norways meek industry.
What Quisling was doing sounded great. But since the Norwegian people hadnt experienced utter economic collapse like the germans had, they didnt go along with the National socialist propoganda.

IF i could have had my nation united with the same ferver and fanatasism that Hitler had Germany in. I would have armed the Norwegian army with as much equipment that we could buy/get from the rest of the Axis. Perhaps get some captured surplus from the Germans or something like it. Norway had a MASSIVE trading fleet, which could be usefull if it had enough convoys. Norway also had a sizeable naval production capacity, which Germany could find usefull. Maybe a trade-off could work. Equipment and training for Norway, and U-Boats or smaller frigates for Germany.

Get maybe 20-30 thousand well trained and properly armed men, with a few thousand men as motorized infantry to use as the speartip and either send them to the eastern front. Or do what the Finnish refused to do and attack Leningrad through Finland.

I would use the military effort as justification for new territory that hopefully the Germans would promise. Like Iceland/Faroe/Greenland. Start programs for all Norwegians in foreign lands to return to the fatherland, aswell as promote emigration to hapitable parts of Iceland and Greenland. Population programs would be set up like the Germans actually did in Norway, and perhaps Norwegian children of pure enough stock could help Germany purify it's own stock.

>inb4 autism

We don't repeat mistakes

Accept German offer, give them Gdansk and Highway, form an alliance with Nazis, finish improving army and join Germans in war against USSR, to remove red plague. After that focus on polinizing Ukies and watch what will hapen with Nazis. Either backstab them or do nothing depending on situation.

lmao okay Hans stay mad and bitter that your grandma got buttfucked by Russians and you're their bastards offspring.

Enjoy all those Muslims my country is sending to your nation by destabilizing the middle east btw, when we're done Europe will burn and we'll prosper by helping you rebuild again lmao cucks

wir hatten die bombe schon lange bevor den usa negern aber hitler sagte selbst sowas grausames darf niemals eingesetzt werden und da dachte er die anderen würden es auch nicht machen...
und da er kein bösewicht wie die allies war würde er sich sicherlich nicht den sieg durch die civil mit a bomben erkämpfen

don't give lend lease to any country
don't send personnel
don't get involved at all
Americans died in Europe for nothing
it was never our war in the first place
FDR was a communist/heavy sympathizer

Get involved diplomatically on England's/Germany's behalf so we could all stay friends.

>tell the poms to get fucked
>invade new zealand
>take new Guinea from the Germans
>take Indonesia from the dutch
>draft massive gook/nigger army to hold off the japs
>get comfy

at least you guys were on our side.. in WWIII you will get your extra clay ok? :'D

You invaded Norway actually.

I would bet my left nut hitler would gave you for a alliance some big clay in russia....
I'ts that enough? go go off to the east hahaha

Remember when you got btfo by Aussie madcunts in North africa?

They've never done any good in their missions.
It was always for israel or to destabilize other countries and steal their stuff

1.Don't follow britain like a dog
2.Accept the fact that they're taking rightful clay
3.Don't be a complete retard


Yea, as we invaded austria


not even 100k were raped. we are not some dirty lazy muricans..
we got fast enough to leave east prussia and go to the neue heimat..but yeah your rape fantasies and cuckolding goes hand in hand... pathetic mixed race bastards

Elect daddy

>Brits mine Norwegian waters
>Plan to invade Norway with the French to secure our coast
>Germans come to the rescue of their nordic brothers and dethrone the jewish leaders

Nah. The Germans did jack shit to our civilian population. Unlike the allies, who bombed schools full of Children.


>You.... what would you do different in WWII with your country?


where's the white flag ?

Ive read somewhere that in case of this alliance Poland would get Ukraine. It would be enough for us since there would still be internal problems in Poland. Tbh everything was better than being first victim of Reich. Dumb Poles fucked with hungry German wolf and got rekt like noone before. Even if Germans would turn against Poland at some point after defeating Russia our country was in batter position. And Hitler wasnt stupid, relations could only get better.

Tell the cunts at the ministry of homeland defence to focus on making Buzogányvetős instead of shitty tanks that were obsolete for 5 years by the time they got out of the factory.

Buzogányvető : literally means mace-launcher. Imagine a giantic panzerfaust that's launched in pairs from a tripod or similar mounts. Basically the predecessor of the semi-mobile AT missiles like the TOW. That shit and our copy of the Panzershreck (which was better than the original) were probably the best infantry use AT weapons of the war, but so few were made, hardly anyone knows about them. With enough of them we could have blown the fucking soviets back to Moscow, without having any tanks of our own.

And how because jews won and burgers where the DUMBEST idiots since then... :'DDDD

Problem was that stalin gave really no fuck if or 10 million at the front died i mean he killed 10s of million just because "it was not the stalin way of life"

Is this what you do all day on Sup Forums? You think about the past what ifs?

Get a hold of yourself Fritz, holding onto the past is like being unable to get over your last bae.



>boat invasion from the right + boat invasion from the left or first alaska then over canada with his non military.... you underestimate the axis you stupid leaf...

You overestimate how competent the krauts were in general.

>enigma code
>make it unable to encrypt the letter e with itself
>mfw alan turing would've been eternally BTFO and unable to break encrypted kraut messages
>mfw this one change would actually changed the course of the war and have made uboats be able to sink allied shipping unopposed.

jk they fucked up way worse than that

>every kraut radio transmission has heil hitler at the end, it's so common in fact that it becomes a constant when decrypting kraut messages.
>break encrypted transmissions within minutes

The hilarious parts about WW2 aren't the military choices made, but the german engineering mistakes / oversights that were made.

The krauts had so many little things wrong with their toys, but if any one of them had been corrected early enough like the above example, the war very well could've changed.

>mfw krauts only made heavy water as if it were a real threat at all
>mfw it's the equivalent of having a slap of steel and calling it a broadsword.

the meme weapon project the krauts had called the V2 cost 2 - 3x more than the Manhattan project.

>mfw krauts could've won the war if uncle adolf didn't think atomic bombs were a jewish trick

>lost WW2
>losing to rapefugees now
>somehow has the biggest ego out of anyone ITT

Well competent enough because we NEVER lost a single fight if you count KD and else....
so YES very very competent
MUUH fleet... we had over 1200 submarines.. this fucked you really hard get over it.. submarines are a german thing...

we had nuke one year before you but hitler said this weapon should never be used....

you lost, hans, get over it

your new master dude weed who brings weed smoker in jail wants to brings every year 2% of your subhuman population in this shithole...
and they want 2100 to have 100million people.. jahahahah good luck.

What? Can't even understand you, Heinz, you still lost WW2.

they are the same like you unlike they have nigger skin bonus and + them are your natives... is it to be a third class citizen?.... :')

Lol you are so stupid

İ await the crusade hans ! Seig heil!

I have no clue what we were thinking when we decided splitting your country in 2 was a good idea.

We honestly should've let the Soviets occupy your entire backwards country.

Krauts have been butthurt ever since getting eternally BTFO in WW2, like an ex-gf.

>waaahh nothing is my fault
>wah listen to my great ideas for once!
>no it wasn't me that did that it was you!
>it was the polish that invited me over for tea and cake
>it was the anglos that wouldn't listen to my reasonable offers
>it was the soviets that were asking for it
>it was the jews that i was trying to warn you all about

>it's never my fault because i'm the chosen people

I wonder sometimes if it's actually the germans and not the jews that are the cause of all misery in the world.

>we had over 1200 submarines

Now, I don't know how true that figure is, but key word here.


>german military
>history lesson time
>Wehrmacht BTFO everything in sight
>falls for their own memes and actually tricks themselves into thinking they're good
>suddenly going toe to toe with an adversary that has better tanks, shittier planes, better guns, 100 gorillion more people that are all very angry.

Enter the battle of Kursk, the most ideal setting you could think of for the Wehrmacht. It was the wetdream of all armored corp generals.

>"finally these cowardly russians show themselves in an open field where the blitzkrieg meme machine can end this war"
>"no more jungles of debris that we bombed into existance to hide behind ivan!"
>completely exposed ground, no cover anywhere in site
>Krauts couldn't believe the subhuman soviets were bold enough to fight them in open ground, in a TANK BATTLE of all things.

>still lose

And ever since krauts still brag about how the panzer 3s and 4s that took 10x as long to build were still better than the t-34s.

Britain and france had over twenty years to prepare , after bankrupting germany with their kike brethren in order to secure Palestine for the zionist movement(balfour declaration). Even after that the Germans beat france and Britain. In an unprecedented act of peace and reconciliation they spared the lives of the british and french troops massed like chickens in a storm whimpering and what happens next!? British ships go to dunkirk and you make it into a :"glorious victory" haha and shut up belgium your a non nation. Thats why farage is laughing in your picture. We are all cucked and equally fucked now. Seig heil!

actually take a side and help reduce yugoslavia and greece to pieces, regaining macedonia and thrace in the process :)

Evade British coup.