/AfD/ General - Spendenfuchs Edition

TT discussion on Alternative for Germany (AfD) and the 2017 German elections.

>Who are Alternative for Germany (AfD)?

>AfD's Basic Program

>Petry's Interview on NATO, Refugees, Sharia, Turkey and Borders

>AfD MEP on Trump's victory

>60 Genders - AfD's Steffen Königer gives the Greens a Reality Check

>AfD pro-Syria on FB: "Merkel must go!"


>7 Refugees try to burn homeless man alive


>Meme Collection v1.3
postimg org/gallery/13dw1v50q/
>Video Tribute

>Find English-speaking AfD followers from twitter
>Gather lurkers
>Make memes
>Spell-check memes
>Spread memes
>Come up with new ideas
>Find or create a friendly guide for voting
>Ignore the shills

We need still 120.000€ more for government funding

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pls reply. I want to know

You don't become or stay a rich country by distributing your wealth to people who will never amount to anything.

The system does not make much difference between Germans and those that were granted asylum. If you wanted to increase benefits for Germans you would also have to increase them for anyone else who is (at least temporarily) allowed to live here.

People who don't want to work are nothing better than refugees.

We need workcamps for these parasites

if they can't afford a self-sustaining life why should others care for them?

AfD will be stronger than the SPD in the next federal election and these digits prove it

Thats debatable; I was 1 year out of working and found myself with a very good job again. Been working since now 8 years. But if I hadnt had those high social benefits, I would have turned a drug addict or homeless.

how do you know they dont want?

because they are your own countrymen?? christ..

>muh no money for food or shelter
>but money for illegal drugs
Yeah, sure.

This is a good idea, might help them concentrate on improving their lives.

Its just figurative speech. You get my point

a piece of paper does not make them equal citizens

According to those in charge of the welfare everyone who gets welfare is one. You may guess why we aren't fond of that attitude. If they're actually German they can work.

>because they are your own countrymen??
Millions of them aren't.

Frogke looks hot

These people are mostly lazy scum. I don't feel pity for them

I am talking about them who are.

I get it, its a good point. AfD is good because it will also cut the benefits for fugees but at the same time it will fuck over your own citizens. Didnt think about it?

I repeat. your wefare is very low. its basically a shame they even use your taxes for it.

Rate m8ts

AfD isn't good enough. We need to push Germany to the brink even more with globalist, bolshevik policies so that they go full sperglord and raise another Hitler to power.


No thanks. They will just invade us other euros again.

HC "Baseballschläger auf den Neger" Strache could reverse Anschluss Germany in 2018.

For many it's just about the same or even more than they'd receive if they actually worked, so to them, welfare is not too low.

Also randomly stumbled upon this gem today, so might aswell share it.



>But if I hadnt had those high social benefits, I would have turned a drug addict or homeless.
What the fuck is wrong with you?

>gib money or I'll be a parasite

9/10 nice plot twist

>those digits
I hope they reduce taxes for lower income workers massivly (20k€ Freibetrag) so there is an incentive to go to work

I make more than you though

What does that have to do with your attitude?

Jesus christ, Luxemburgians are worse jews than actual jews.

I did my patriotic duty yesterday.

I am a naturlized german luxembourger raised here.

Everyday I thank god I dont have to live in merkel land where you work 40 years and get nothing back

>Jesus christ, Luxemburgians are worse jews than actual jews.
Second this

Well done! youtube.com/watch?v=37CJgSb1b_8

literally animals

>40 years
It's 16 to 67, so more like 50 years. And you get something back if you invest on the side and don't rely on the shitty pension fund too much.

Good job

Don't think there are many people left in the working force who still believe that they will receive a pension

>Jesus christ, Luxemburgians are worse jews than actual jews.
I went there once for vacation, made me hate those arrogant assholes. It's the same with Mountain Jews.

wtf I am in favor of an ethnocentric jewish state in the middle east now

congrats did mine too today

how's Frankfurt doing?

Got a job offer to work there

wat dis?


as a heroin dealer?

Main or Oder?

how good is your Turkish?

>white genocide is real and irreversible

Kek, #1 most criminal city in Germany. JUST when you thought Berlin was bad.

Are you white and speak German?

how much more do they need?

And has a literal leftist, anti-white and anti-German as its mayor. Peter Feldmann

~100.000€ till sunday

Everything you can spare

Sounds impossible

Worked there for 3 years then ran away.

Prepare the antidepressants.

Senior Software Engineer


1.I'm white, family came from Germany to Brazil post 1939

dad and mom are 1st degree cousins, also :^)

2. I don't speak German but am willing to learn

>68% of Germans find no links between ISIS attack in Berlin and migrant policies

When the worm finally turns, I don't want to see a single German national in Pennsilfaani. We avoided your disease, don't fuck our shit up too. Let us remember you fondly as a lost Heimat.

>Sounds impossible
Not really

Don't get demoralized. It's called Lügenpresse for a very good reason.

>all this shit happened this year and last year
>cdu+csu now have an 18 point lead, the biggest since Semptember 2015

how rigged are the (((polls)))?


You get one year long 80-90%(dunno) of your last income. One year to get a new job should be sufficient

Post eyes/nipple/hair/hands
Those are not options, they are requirements

could you elaborate more


Italians can't handle the Ordnung, the fact that you actually have to work and the lack of corruption


Die-hard CDU voters will fall for Merkels fake promises such as changes in her migration policy.


>traffic light red
>actually have to stop
Italian hell.

Seid Ihr von nun an bereit, Eure ganze Kraft einzusetzen??


I understand them. Whenever I see something red, I want to run over it with my car, too.

Spende ist raus.

Hopefully they will produce some thank you lesbian pornography of Frau Kepetry and Ali Ceweidel for backers

if that happens it will only take longer until things get better, but they will get better

>how's Frankfurt doing?
Good, lots of multiculti, but generally ok.

>Got a job offer to work there
Why? Why would anyone want to come to Frankfurt? I came here because I had no choice, I had no money, no prospects, but even I am now moving away again. Only cucks and idiots come to Frankfurt. Even the girls in the brothels around here say they hate Frankfurt and rather fly back in their Romanian or Moldavian shitholes for vacation.

>implying they matter in Multikulti: the City
You're not the owner of Frankfurt anymore, Hans.

Frankfurt is the globalist's wet dream. A city without identity, with a lot of coke snorting economists and their hookers, paired with unhappy people from all over the world that hate each other and have nothing to share. Oh and hijab ads in the city center.

Download Blade Runner soundtrack and listen to it while going home at night after 12 hours of shitty wageslavery. That's the only way to find a glimpse of poetry in Frankfurt.


>Why would anyone want to come to Frankfurt? I came here because I had no choice, I had no money, no prospects,
Kek, this is how I ended up in Austria. Don't regret it, thought - it's best Germany.

Well said, Italy

>I came here
>Only cucks and idiots come to Frankfurt
>Even the girls in the brothels

Idiodic cuck confirmed

Let's be honest here, every German city is a major improvement to the entirety of brazil

t. Van der Bellen

I visited kin in Stuttgart last year. It was like that comic with the dog on fire. Germans can't see the forest from the trees.

Really sounds terrible, gonna have to visit it this February to check it for myself. What are some things I should do while there to see the true city instead of the tourist bait activities?

Looks like another fucked up Nazi

So just to get it straight, whats the deal with 2million? Why not 1.9mil?
>Also did my duty. 50€ on their way.

We're a continent unto ourselves, and outside the cities everything is quite segregated. You won't find a single Schwarze in Pennsilfaanisch counties.

You're an ethnostate, it's a lot different and a lot worse.

they get extra shekels from teh gubament, if they reach the 2million margin

>What are some things I should do while there to see the true city instead of the tourist bait activities?

There is only one thing you can do in Frankfurt. Wörk. Well, wörk and go to the brothels. Very good brothels (FKK Clubs) are close to Frankfurt. Other than that, there is no city, it is a fucking small town with nothing in it.

Wenn sie keine 2 Millionen knacken gibt es kein extra Geld vom Staat

In the olde days they would sell light bulbs or gold coins.

yes but that got shut down

>less than 10% non-whites in Germany
>more than 50% non-whites in america soon
What's with the americunts and their constant projection?

p-prostitution is legal?


there are also clubs and so on, but the German user is probably a fellow basement dweller

We're still having kids, with us it is a matter of reversing bad policies.

Germans are well below replacement level, you're already fucked with the ones in your country. And if you think your government is manipulating census data to hide diversity and prevent alarm then you're deluded.

Basically this. Touristic stuff is around the Römer and the cathedral. All the rest is banks and the main shopping avenue (the Zeil) which is multikulti hell on Earth. The river is a nice area to chillax in summer. Nothing much else.

Good restaurants scattered atound the city, especially weeb sushi restaurants.

>>less than 10% non-whites in Germany
not in Frankfurt....