Is JIDF back, or has plebbit finally taken over this place?

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hello Ahmed, Argentina is a catholic country go away

CTR is now funded by the US Federal Government, and JIDF is working overtime.


fuck off monkey

>not being irrationally afraid of jews is grounds for being a "kike lover".
911 and the holocaust amirite??? XD XD XD XD

Something is very wrong with the board these last days. Moderation/janitors seem to be involved as well. We at getting a big hit.

You know all those fags that were spouting "le god emperor trump!"? It's them, so yeah i think you could say plebbit has taken over.

The only jews that are a threat to us are the ones who have been brainwashed by cultural marxists in the eilite ruling class and a part of the mainstream

Rabbi Yentl is no threat to anybody.

If you think all jews need to die then you sound a lot like a muslim you retarded nigger

/rwss/ triggered leftists into the ionosphere. They really want to take this place over now.

Ever since the globalist Jews(kerry) talked shit about our brothers the nationalist Jews ( israel)

I agree with this. Can you also confirm that you Americans dont have Lays Ketchup flavored chips in America?

you dont like israel ? are you an anti-trump shillary SJW cuck ?

It's because Trump is pro-kike, and Sup Forums can't stop sucking Trump's dick no matter what he does.

Neither. Sup Forums has always more or less put some support behind Israel. If you were anything more than a brainlet, you'd know that the Jews pushing SJWism and destruction of America are not Israeli. You seem to think all Jews are the same. You know nothing.

Israel is Sup Forums: the state, and the Nazis were shipping Jews to Israel covertly before the war even started.

I like big zionist titties

Yes we do

CTR stopped paying, so they are back to getting neetbux from the jidf


Get that straight. Forever and ever Jews drive Marxism. Problem is, there is a divide, even within, because of Israel and it's land grabbing nationalism.


Not all jews are globalist elites promoting marxism, but all globalist elites promoting marxism are jews

It's reddit fags trying to D&C like they always do. Just post dead kikes and hitler

so you'd rather the muzzrats rule? someone's going to have the territory and i'd rather it be the jews.

We do, but they are uncommon.

Usually you only see
>wavy original
>salt & vinegar

Sometimes you see the flavor of the month shit like
>memphis bbq

The only place that i can honestly remember seeing the ketchup flavored ones was at the hamburger stand near the clinic where i get my bi-yearly penis inspection for my truck driving license.

I do live in the south though.

They can't admit Trump is another zionist jew puppet, and we Pro-Israel now.

their arguments are " muh israeli jews are based"

there are probably a lot of good muslims out there, that doesn't mean they have our approval.

Being american and supporting Israel is the cuckest thing you could possibly do, they have a massive political lobby for Israel, they made you go to Iraq to die for Israel, you have a massive debt and you still send them billions of dollars. And if you think globalist american jews have nothing to do with Israel, then think again

It's this.

You can tell by giant generalizations about how everyone who comes here apparently likes jews now even though there is zero evidence saying anyone at all likes kikes.

This, I think some sort of psyop is going on or we got an influx of stormfags/ledditors

reddit fucking hates israel.

Yes, its the divide between the government of israel and the people but at least their government knows they are landlocked between shit and more shit and that sucumbing to the marxism/globalism in their position would literally be actual and cultural suicide

The people there cant really help it.

The fucking kikes in the US however are going to force us into either becoming the new Israel or going to war. We need to keep them at heel

Who are the jew lovers

The ones supporting the jews or the ones supporting the jews?

>plebbit finally taken over this place?
they love fucking over Jews
BDS loving cesspool it is


I got my IP banned for neck beard Pepe Leaf...

A true white country, bravo.

Hi pol
Jewish man here and id like to say on behalf of all jews. Our people need to do a better job to stop the blatant hate and racism that my people have caused.
Diversity for Israel is best /pol
please help me to make that a reality
It's what my people ( the jewish people) desperately need
Join me my ..fellow jews. Our people's time is over,

No, everything is fine. Please carry on as normal.

>all of the shecky goldsteins ITT



such deep scars, never heal


>They can't admit Trump is another zionist jew puppet, and we Pro-Israel now.

Actually thinking Trump was going to do anything but throw the 14/88ers overboard.

It's now politically correct to hate Israel and Trump. So maybe these jew haters should fuck off to plebbit.

>the enemy of my enemy is my friend
Israel is useful to keep the Jews contained, reduce and discredit the dismissive accusations of "OY-VEY ANTI-SEMITE", and waging a war contained in the MidEast against Muslims without losing any Westerners.

If you disagree you're either a retard or a Redditor.

Sup Forums is and always has been a pro-Israel board

Powerless proclomations, misdirecting virtue signaling and feigned interest by an outgoing neoliberal interventionist cabal trying to remain relavent to its "useful idiot", emotionally manipulated liberal base.

Where were you for the first two years of presidency when you controlled both the house and senate Obama? Sitting on your hands, biding your time and making excuses rather than putting an end to the Saudi funded muslim invasion of Sudan, endless Israeli settlements in Palestine and the corporate harrassment/poisoning/planned eminent domain seizure of indigenous North Dakota tribes lands.

In all cases big schnozed, rapist, ethnic ratfaces bully ethnic indigenous peoples, and in all cases Obama now pretends to care as he walks out of the white house. An attempt to continue the crumbling (((two))) party facade of good cop, bad cop. An attempt to make 8 years of nigger neglect look like white cruelty.

>I hate muslim refugees and jews
>so I'll side for the group pushing for terror and unstability of muslim countries in the Middle East, leading to mass exodus to Europe

We side with the Jews to destroy the UN.
Even Hitler sided with Muslims to destroy (((them)))

This is the end of Sup Forums. Electing Trump has taken all the power we have, we have lost our (YOU)s and no longer have the force inside us to fight against the reddit advance. But we have secured the Don in the whitehouse, and there is nothing wrong with being dust oncemore.

Yeah I agree, he's trying to scorch the earth on the way out. Though it is funny watching leftist American Jews get what they've been begging for.

Social Justice for Israel!

> they made you go to Iraq to die for Israel,

If only there was a President who thinks the Iraq war was a huge mistake.

Fugging Trumpsexuals vomiting the red pill already?

Has Sup Forums always been a pro-Muslim anti-Israel site?

Don't think so Ahmed

Fuck off and kys

women are funny, get over it

the jews are them you kike shill, yes israel too you rat fuck

100 million dead by the Soviet Union am I right? You dense motherfucker.

Pol talks shit about Jews all the doo long day.
Why would they support a nation of them?

>feed the world
For how long? These libtards...

That's cause it wasn't real socialism goy.

We fightin Israel now, fuckin big leagues.

We got Trump elected. So ADL and SPLC are sending in their nasally-wailing monkeys again

why? the UN is more productive than the EU council or the united states government

how about we use the UN to destroy israel , saudi arabia and america. 3 birds 1 stone

The_donald is a jew loving cesspool and it's leaking to Sup Forums. Smells like jidf


i can't wait until we finally face off against the final boss of the internet, the (((rothschilds))), and bring them to their knees.

Then you fell for the oldest trick in the book.


Israel calls us anti-Semitic racist while they rape whomever they please. And you think that's great because currently it's brown people ? Great shit user.

you guys are lost souls. You'll never be like Mike.

>If only there was a President who thinks the Iraq war was a huge mistake.


DESU Faam, Hillary would have probably started the war with Iran just to kill off as many FUCKING WHITE MALE infantrymen and marines as she could. She really despises us.

>our brothers
Speak for yourself Shlomo. No jews anywhere are brothers of Whites. You have your own country now, so gtfo of ours.

Sup Forums fellates Trump. Trump is the biggest jew ever. Sup Forums fellates jews. Makes perfect sense.

You've been asking this for a week now. Sup Forums has temporarily switched priorities to get rid of muslims and separate Israel from globalists.



Notice kikes like her don't want to live among their fellow kikes in jewland, no, they want to live with us. And notice this unfunny jewess doesn't advocate selling off jewry's assets. The Rothschilds are equally wealthy, but no, she wouldn't dream of suggesting they forfeit their ill-gotten assets.

Fuck these vermin.
1 Exile every single rat-faced one to their shitty little desert country
2 Quarantine them. NO ONE GETS TO LEAVE ever, and
3 Put a sterilant in their food/water, no more kikelets but they can live nicely until they die off.
4 ???
5 Profit

>Notice kikes like her don't want to live among their fellow kikes in jewland, no, they want to live with us.

Why would they? Israel is just like any other shitty middle eastern country. If you call the cops cause you got beat up by an orthodox, and an orthodox cop shows up, you get your ass beat again.

Semites gonna semite.

nice shoop

For 2,000 years, their excuse for living with us was that they didn't have their own country, but now they do and the majority don't want to live there. Why?

Apparently the worst thing in Israel is being taken advantage of (being a 'frier' or some shitty yid word). They can only jew each other, so there's less fun and profit for them. That's why they don't want to live with each other.

This all jews push Marxism around the world and nationalism at home. The duality of Jewish deception

Inshallah, m8. Stay strong!

yo guys check this out. This jewish girl was complaining about there being swastikas but it turned out that the ones drawing the swastikas was the Jewish girl herself: youtube.com/watch?v=aF5UfnhuF_c&t

Well they have lived with us for 2000 years. As deep as they are in our psyche, we are just as deep in theirs. It's really hardly possible to tell where the jewing begins and ends.


Shit is uncanny.
It makes me fucking furious when I (or anyone) gets called a muslim because they question Israel or the Jews.

They won but I don't how they did. Must have cost hundreds of millions in "social media presence" (shills and propaganda).

Or realistically there are 2 sides, and most hate Arabs more than Jews right now.

There are more than 2 sides user. Realistically we don't have to take either Israel or the Arabs side.

It's not our fight.





correct. 5* post

BTFO israel

That's actually the majority of cases. They are predictable.

>It's really hardly possible to tell where the jewing begins and ends.
Maybe for some who are new to it I guess.

That's right - there are more than 2 sides and it's not our fight. A lot of this bullshit is to redirect our energy into helping jews, being against their enemies, and stop us from advocating for and doing what is in OUR racial interests.

Shouting doesn't make JIDF wishes come true, Moshe.

based af lol


And you think Trump wont do the same for Israel?


its JIDF.

apply gas directly to the jidf


Did you just resurrect an 8-year-old meme?

Yes, it's bad. Something is going on. Check'd

Do all these liberal Jews hate or love islam? I don't get it.


I'm thinking about converting to Judaism. Currently a Catholic.

small raid, probably some people from here shitposting too


>literally some #NotAllJews posts all over the chan

The fuck is happening? Is some big decisions coming up?

So, we got raided by the goverment now?

That's a waste of tax payers dollars.