He's never been to church

>he's never been to church
seriously what's wrong with you?

Other urls found in this thread:


>muh magic
show me proof that your kike god exists.
even if it did, it does not deserve to be praised nor worshiped.

1. it's called faith
2. yes he does

>Visiting some robed tax dodgers who repeat the same shit endlessly then expect donations so he can pay for his mercedes

faith dont mean shit.
and have you seen the state of the world? how about the state of humanity?
if it is a all powerful thing it either does not care about us or outright hates us.

1. yes it does
2. not an argument

i'm not a christcuck alhamdulillah.

I'm relunctant to go. I distrust the catholic church as well as protestants.

just saying not an argument does mean your opions are validated.
your "god" either does not exists or gives no fucks about humanity thus does not deserve praise.

1. yes it does
2. wrong

Eastern Orthodoxy intensifies

>god cannot be both omnipotent and benevolent

I remember going as a kid and being really fucking bored.

I've been to church
It's boring
I'd rather shitpost here and predict the future and meme ppl to death.

Isn't God just the biggest meme ever created though?

Destroy your enemies and go to Valhalla >Turn the other cheek like a cuck

>had my confirmation
>confirmation name is andrew after st andrew
>went to catholic school
>went to church once a week for most of my school life

heretics get out

>yes it does

Not an argument.

>Worships Mohammed
>Has the nerve to insult our Lord and Savior

Why dont you go live in the poor part of europe you pope-loving nutjob, do you cry about Guy Fawkes every year?


Kek is all I need

Well, it's your choice not to believe, it's the same for every god there is.

Lord Kek, unlike others, makes an effort to prove his powers. I hope you get smitten, heretic.

Christians, enlighten me about how you see heaven

>Is it a physical realm?
>If so, how does everybody look? At your prime? The moment you died? How does this work for (unborn) babies and children?
>Current estimates run that 108 billion people have ever lived on Earth; is heaven overcrowded?
>Do animals go to heaven? Do animals have a "soul"?
>Considering we have a relatively close common ancestor with chimps, where's the cut-off between that ancestor and humans when it comes to going to heaven?

Bring Ratzinger back!

Complete belief that God exists is stupid. Complete belief that God does not exist is stupid. But belief either way is fine as long as you remain open minded.

Actually believing in a specific God (i.e. kike or Christcuck God) is stupid, but following such religious traditions and believing in some kind of higher power is fine. Church is a very uplifting experience and communities centred on them are usually the most peaceful.

You worship the same god, only different prophets

there are tonns of peoples who've seen afterlife
the light, the warm and comfy feel and the unlimited knowledge

I want to but I don't want to get blown up

Ratzinger endorsed Francis very early on.

Great post friend.

Literally the same as stoners who get high and proclaim they "understand it aaaaall maaaaaan".

God is a mind (I can elaborate if needed), and we are said to be created in his image.
we will probably just go back to being minds (souls). maybe even become one with the God "mind". at least that's how I see it.

I'm Jewish.

>falling for a meme church that supports abortion
no thanks

I don't follow a kike

The "mind" is a series of chemical reactions and electrical impulses within the brain. How can the "mind" exist after the cells which these reactions spawn from are all rotted into dust and rogue molecules?

>Worshipping a turbokike
Good goy

There are ways you can confirm these things. For example, the out of body experiences typically involve seeing oneself from above. A number of experiments have been done where secret symbols or sequences of numbers have been placed in hospitals out of view of normal traffic, but readable from the ceiling. So far no out of body experience has included these.

>"...I saw two roads. One was broad, covered with sand and flowers, full of joy, music and all sorts of pleasures. People walked along it, dancing and enjoying themselves. They reached the end without realizing it. And at the end of the road there was a horrible precipice; that is, the abyss of hell. The souls fell blindly into it; as they walked, so they fell. And their number was so great that it was impossible to count them. And I saw the other road, or rather, a path, for it was narrow and strewn with thorns and rocks; and the people who walked along it had tears in their eyes, and all kinds of suffering befell them. Some fell down upon the rocks, but stood up immediately and went on. At the end of the road there was a magnificent garden filled with all sorts of happiness and all these souls entered there. At the very first instant they forgot all their sufferings" (Diary 153)

> November 27, 1936. Today I was in heaven, in spirit, and I saw its unconceivable beauties and the happiness that awaits us after death.

>I saw how all creatures give ceaseless praise and glory to God.

>I saw how great is happiness in God, which spreads to all creatures, making them happy; and then all the glory and praise which springs from this happiness returns to its source; and they enter into the depths of God, contemplating the inner life of God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, whom they will never comprehend or fathom.

>This source of happiness is unchanging in its essence, but it is always new, gushing forth happiness for all creatures.

>implying I didn't

It was stupid.

>Now I understand Saint Paul, who said, “Eye has not seen, nor has ear heard, not has it entered into the heart of man what God has prepared for those who love him.”

>And God has given me to understand that there is but one thing that is of infinite value in His eyes, and that is love of God; love, love and once again, love; and nothing can compare with a single act of pure love of God.

>Oh, with what inconceivable favors God gifts a soul that loves Him sincerely! Oh, how happy is the soul who already here on earth enjoys His special favors! And of such are the little and humble souls.

>The sight of this great majesty of God, which I came to understand more profoundly and which is worshipped by the heavenly spirits according to their degree of grace and the hierarchies into which they are divided, did not cause my soul to be stricken with terror or fear; no, no, not at all!

>My soul was filled with peace and love, and the more I come to know the greatness of God, the more joyful I become that He is as He is.

>And I rejoice immensely in His greatness and am delighted that I am so little because, since I am little, He carries me in His arms and holds me close to His Heart.

>O my God, how I pity those people who do not believe in eternal life; how I pray for them that a ray of mercy would envelop them too, and that God would clasp them to His fatherly bosom... " (Diary 777).

>...and know that all this beauty is nothing compared to what I have prepared for you in eternity
When I was at Kriekrz to replace one of the sisters for a short time, I went across the garden one afternoon and stopped on the shore of the lake; I stood there for a long time, contemplating my surroundings. Suddenly I saw the Lord near me, and He graciously said to me, All this I created for you.....and know that all this beauty is nothing compared to what I have prepared for you in eternity. .... Oh, how the infinitely good God pursues us with His goodness! It often happens that the Lord grants me the greatest graces when I do not at all expect them. (158)

>..God..allows man to participate in such a high degree in His divine happiness!
After I had gone into the refectory, during the reading, my whole being found itself plunged in God. Interiorly, I saw God looking at us with great pleasure, I remained alone with the Heavenly Father. At that moment, I had a deeper knowledge of the Three Divine Persons, whom we shall contemplate for all eternity and, after millions of years, shall discover that we have just barely begun our contemplation. Oh, how great is the mercy of God, who allows man to participate in such a high degree in His divine happiness! At the same time, what great pain pierces my heart that so many souls have spurned this happiness. (1439)

>It is from the face of God that this joy flows out upon all..
>February, 1938. During meditation, the Lord gave me knowledge of the joy of heaven and of the saints on our arrival there; they love God as the sole object of their love, but they also have a tender and heartfelt love for us. It is from the face of God that this joy flows out upon all, because we see Him face to face. His face is so sweet that the soul falls anew into ecstasy. (1592)

>I saw how the Angels and the Saints of the Lord give glory to God
>When during adoration, I repeated the prayer, "Holy God" several times, a vivid presence of God suddenly swept over me, and I was caught up in spirit before the majesty of God. I saw how the Angels and the Saints of the Lord give glory to God. The glory of God is so great that I dare not try to describe it, because I would not be able to do so, and souls might think that what I have written is all there is. Saint Paul, I understand now why you did not want to describe heaven, but only said that eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor has it entered into the heart of man what God has prepared for those who love him...Now I have seen the way in which I adore God; oh how miserable it is! And what a tiny drop it is in comparison to that perfect heavenly glory. (1604)


I do not think that Kek is the Christian god. It is blasphemous to worship false gods. Sup Forums is the church of Kek. Anywhere that people gather to praise him is a place of worship.

>Implying the church that wrote the Didache supports abortion

The Church has been subverted for decades now... Paul VI was the last pope that even tried to enforce something remotely resembling the Nicene Christianity era, but I would hardly call him a Christian.

If you go to church just to virtue signal, you are what's wrong with this society.

Sage because this whole imageboard is full of fucking demons anyways

Kek is an Egyptian God so it makes sense that if you worship him than you should be believing in the Ancient Egyptian Pantheon. But of course only worship his Holiness Kek.

Ha! Let's hear some charlatan talk about positivity and never once utter Christ's name, then we'll sit through some guitar music and go to Chilis, and watch "the game". Or perhaps we'll go to mass, and impotently kneel, then stand, then kneel again, surrounded by brown foreigners.

Christianity has not been a positive thing for our people in quite some time. It has made us complacent and put us on the defensive. We need a new ideology, that makes us dangerous again.

Catholicism is most definitely fucked but that does not mean Christianity is doomed. Eastern Orthodox, Evangelical, Amish Protestant, Church of England are all pretty uncucked. Just don't follow that asshole in the Vatican.

they are also in favour of contraception

>LARPing as a Christian


because a mind is a necessary property of whatever caused the universe to exist.

I will expand a little.
basically, the argument goes like this:
>Everything that begins to exist has a cause
>The universe began to exist
>Therefore, the universe has a cause

Whatever brought the universe into being must be
>extremely powerful
(in other words: God)

So why personal, most people ask. It's because the only immaterial entity with agency to will the universe into existence is a mind.

And to come back to what i said before: we are said to be made in God's image. That's why I believe our minds are in some way what religion often describes as souls.

mind and soul are not the same thing

Oh no, US Evangelicals are cucked as can be. Orthodox and Amish are still worthy, though. So are alot of Baptists.

>muh cuck meme
such high and spiritual reasons to choose a denomination....

that's why I added "in some way"

Friendly reminder you can't LARP online...


I actually kind of agree. Conciousness creates reality and reality creates conciousness. I think it is a two way street. But because of my differing view to you (matter also makes mind), I think that our minds do end at death. Perhaps our matter or energy or something joins a higher mind, but it is no longer "us". Once your brain rots, the stream of conciousness is broken and your mind as an entity no longer exist.

But what IS a "soul"

You humans can be so moronic sometimes.

>attending something that requires you get up in in the morning on the weekend, the time when everybody wants to sleep in

Fuck that shit senpai

I can't remember the last church service I didn't sleep through

>implying there's only mass on sunday morning

>all those pantheist, new age memes mixed with kekism

*with kekism and materialism

*tips alien fedora*
Go to Church in the afternoon then, but it must be on Sunday. Find a Church that is more lively, Catholic services are way nicer than Protestant ones, except for the fucking kneeling.

I'm not even saying that our mind is our "real" form. it's a property of the vessel (body) we use to interact with creation.
so I do aknowledge that matter plays a role in all of this. in death, our soul ("pure mind", if you will) will be one again with the great mind (God).

btw, you haven't read Bohm, by any chance?

I'd probably melt after stepping inside.

Christians are just niggers. No difference in IQ

Real talk nigga.

I went once with an old girlfriend and got creeped out. Best religion, least likely to promote degeneracy but I don't believe the story.

That said, if the crusades start again count me in. Nothing against you guys.

Have been going to church every Sunday for 23 years.


I wonder how strong the faith of the Christians in Syria and Iraq are after being able to celebrate Christmas for the first time in 5 years??


Nothing abortifacient.

Orthodoxy simply didn't paint itself into a corner with Humanae Vitae.

No I have not, I will perhaps try it. I'm not discrediting what you are saying, I just think that matter and mind are interwoven. So we may join a higher mind, but it is not very comforting as it does break the stream of conciousness, which I regaurd as the "self"

I've been in many many churches, but I've been to total of three worship services in my whole life and I'm 40 yo.

I went to church for a while, they didn't present any convincing arguments.

so you think it's not sinful to use contraception? good to know
>Orthodoxy simply didn't paint itself into a corner with Humanae Vitae.
Except there's nothing wrong with Humanae Vitae. It confirms what has always been the stance of the Church, and what the orthodox church used to believe too, but apparently they think it's too old-fashioned and changed their mind

I'm currently reading "Wholeness and the Implicate Order".
I think it will be right up your alley, Hans.

I know you consider me a new age fedora shit (even though I highly respect Chritianity and am in no way Atheist), but could you please differenciate for me the mind and soul? The mind to me is just how we think, how we experience the Universe, and is in turn bound by matter and time.

But the soul is eternal and metaphysical, yes? Do we still have a "mind" or conciousness once our souls are gone from our bodies in your opinion?

Abortifacients are bad all the time. Non-abortifacients like NFP are a pastoral issue and depend on whether the bishop or priest determine it is being used for selfish reasons or not.

Actually I'm a Britbong in Germany but yes it sounds interesting and this whole soul and mind thing is to me the most important philosophy there is. Thank you for the suggestion.

I remember at my church, we had a bloke come a few years ago for about a month. He decided it wasnt for him when he worked out Jesus watches from above and sees everything.

I think he was a bit of a druggie too and it scared him to think that someone is watching his criminal activites 24/7

If faith is your source of belief rather than logic, why do you believe in Yahweh rather than Zeus, Odin or Vishnu?

What specifically is it, other than childhood indoctrination, which lead you to have faith in your particular religion?

there's no official stance of the OC on it. It's basically "the priest decides", which can only give rise to many abuses. No thanks.

I'm no theologian, but I know they are different.
Yes the soul is eternal. I think the common opinion is that the mind acquires a higher degree of consciousness because the body is sort of a limiting factor. We can only take so much information with our brains, and that poses a limit to the mind.

I don't understand how you can enjoy any part of a protestant church service. My parents were fundies and made me go multiple times every week. Average service is the following (for protestant, I dunno exactly how catholic mass goes):

>sing along to shitty music
>somebody talks about community events
>more shitty music
>more shitty music as a performance that you're not supposed to sing along to
>sermon usually about some current event or general life stuff that pastor spins to talk about from religious perspective
>sermon is always tiresome and boring and has little to do with the actual religion
>sermon has bonus lame jokes because this is a press conference or corporate presentation or somethign
>sermon has bonus slides
>sermon takes an extra 45 minutes past the time it was supposed to end
>bonus shitty singalong

>doors open
>everybody shuffles out and then socializes in the lobby for like two fucking hours

So as a soul, the limits of the body are removed and thus we truly experience the Universe? I get you. Seems to me to be the other way around through. The brain is the tool we use to experience the Universe. Once we are just rogue particles surely there is nothing left we wold regaurd as thought.

Perhaps, however, this release from thought is what allows us to become at peace. I've long though that life is full of much worse shit than there is in death.


Abuse of non-abortifacients doesn't kill a child, so we've already dismantled the accusation that Orthodox support abortion.

Hating on pastoral regulation of non-abortifacients like NFP now comes down to how tight you want to hold onto Humae Vitae


Church is fucking awful, I've been forced into catholic and baptist churches and they're both full of socially inept wierdos who rely on the ceremonies to mingle with someone other than their immediate family or pets and yet they still spill spaghetti to all hell.

all birth control is sinful. Also your same link says that there are those in orthodoxy that support abortifacient contraception. Either way leaving it up to the priest is pretty much a tacit way of allowing it without explicitly saying so. Your damage control is quite amusing though

I dont remember jesus saying anything about going to a church every week

not the universe, but God.
We don't experiene the universe with our brains, the same way a computer doesn't calculate data with electricity

t.supreme gentleman posting on 4chinz

>Going to church

>every church everywhere is just like my church

Guess what fag, you aren't the center of the universe.

What part of "There is complete unanimity that no form of contraception that is abortifacient is acceptable and there are definitive ecumenical canons that proscribe abortifacients." means that some in Orthodoxy support abortifacient contraception?

> The point
you missed the point

no we celebrate having him hung drawn and quatered

the new pope is false

also fuck you heretic!