Feminists Want Sexbots to be Banned

Who wouldn't want a beautiful sex robot who happens to be cheerily multi-functional?

Frankly if scientists can get a good realistic sex robot to be the price of a car or thereabouts, then men will suddenly ignore biological pussy.

She cooks.

She cleans the toilets.

She recharges in a closet for a couple of hours while you are at work (battery tech is getting more and more amazing).

She will wash your car in your front yard, to the envy of all neighbor men.

All she wants to do is please you and then give you a relaxing massage (and only about half of the women I have ever dated could give a decent massage, or wanted to -- though they loved to get one).

Or a good hot bath where she washes your back and then hits all the fun spots with a glee indistinguishable from any other girlfriend you ever had. And better than most.

She can come programmed with audiobooks, too, for when you want to lay there in post-coital darkness and bliss and read a book.


But Feminists want Sexbots to be banned in the UK and the US.

>Canada, too, probably.

Other urls found in this thread:



Feminists don't want men to turn to sex robots because it drives down demand for their real pussies.

They want to drive the "cost" of pussy up, making it valuable again.

Simple economics.

The supply curve was damped in olden days, because women were good and chaste.

So men had to marry the pussy to get the pussy. The "price" was marriage.

Now, imagine how little valued pussy will be when millions of realistic sexbots flood the western market?

Will there be a shitstorm over this? Because once women are irrelevant, feminism is reduced to being a joke

Shithead professor in England wants men to stay enslaved to the vagina:

>Maybe it’s time to take misogynistic sexual dysfunction more seriously. Maybe people who want to buy sex robots need to present the agreement of a couple of doctors, before they are judged emotionally restricted enough to need to retreat to such an inhuman fantasy. Or maybe, out of respect for women, this technology should just be rejected.


tl;dr: Hillary and feminists like her are determined to take away our last chance at happiness in a world gone mad, anons.

Who is this semen demon?

she is a pure maiden you asshole

Can't fucking wait.

welcome to the internet

>Now, imagine how little valued pussy will be when millions of realistic sexbots flood the western market

Not much will change

All that will happen is that betas/neckbeards/manlets who would get rejected by women regardless, will buy sexbots, leaving the top 20% alphas like me cleaning up 80% of the pussy like we've done for years.

So, a feminist wants to ban masturbation - because that's what sex with a robot is.

Good luck with that.

(You) have to be joking.

>the top 20% alphas like me

Sure, pal. Sure.

While the idea of a sex bot sounds amazing I know they would only worsen birth rates of superior races because said races would be the only ones able to afford them and realize they're easier to live with than real women

Maybe she quit so long ago that many do not know her arts.

Pretty much. Which is why society is ready for sexbots. It's not going to ruin anything.

Guys who couldn't get girls will probably stop giving them as much attention. Which is a good thing.

But there are those on the fringe of dating not being worth it (because they're lower value) that might check out of the dating game. Also some might stop dating out of pure laziness. Which is unfortunate I believe.

Still a good thing overall though. It will fix the imbalance in dating a little bit. Nothing will beat a good relationship with a real woman, but not everyone can get that, nor is it always worth it (especially in the current circumstances).

obviously shopped

Some women are just beautiful.

>Some others, though, are rabid feminists

Pic related.

Any race that can produce sex bots can produce pod people.

Der takin our jobs'

Fine by me, but we need to ban strap-ons & dildos too.

Take that feminists.

>top 20%
Sure thing Pajeet.

I don't get what the problem of feminist is...

They wont get fucked anyway...
Not even by the majority of beta males

I remember seeing a feminist suggest that the sex bot should be able to decline sex.

Rabid Feminists don't want men to be happy.

They don't know much about strategy but they cling to that dictum like a tick.


This thing was touched once? Fucking hell what a human trashcan.

>only about half of the women I have ever dated could give a decent massage, or wanted to -- though they loved to get one

>pic related

No feminist ever suggested that sexbots should be banned. You people are wasting your time on a strawman.

oy vey

They can get fucked alright.
It's having a turn with Chad they might have trouble with.
>that nose

Cuz they're retarded, or because they're retarded. Lol same reason they don't like traps, aka it's degrading to women even though women aren't being degraded. Someone throw these outdated opinions in the trash. The should make a new wave movement that's about equality and not being fuckig nazis, aka make male sex bots for women. Now everyone is bein degrade.

Fucking hell Lena the hut is a mallet.


Yeah, what's her name?

Ann Coulter

literally looks like a chris chan selfie

You have made this thread before mate give it a rest, why don't you watch some more VR porn?

Why do you always use an image of Sasha grey for your OP?

Fuck, he's back

but arent woman gonna want sex robots too? i mean even tho feminist have alot of political power most woman dont define themselves as feminist
if there is something they want they are gonna complain about it

This post appears like clockwork

Why would I use the same robot that I have sex with to do all these other things? Filthy!

you asked for it

Why did you shop a WWE divas belt onto her?


I only want love

So meaty.


>. Nothing will beat a good relationship with a real woman
Being single already does, no bots needed.

I'm 40 years onl and in the last 20 years that image has been more true then the price of cornflakes...

Who gives a shit? These theoretical sex robots are so far into the future that it doesn't fuckin matter right now

Thats an extrordenarily strong point- are Sexbots a Zionist ploy to lower the Whitemans baby-rate even more? I suppose only time will tell...

Sexbots looking pretty good to ya now, aren't they?

>not just uploading your conciousness to cyberspace as a 2D loli (male) and making another player your girlfriend

Some do. But it is rare. They know how silly it sounds to advocate banning what is just a sex toy. Which can be used by both men and women, and even couples.

And they realize it won't have much of an impact anyway.

But some of them make good points. The misogyny angle is ridiculous. But it is fucked up that things came to this desu. For a certain fraction of the population anyway. The demand is there for reasons and it's not going away anytime soon. But some men (possibly at a very young age) will get used to that instead of real girls. It's like porn but worse. Just a small minority of men (some who can't really change their situation), but still.

She's the ass mechanic

Ann Coulter is my Goddess...

A women who wants to ban a sexbot says more about how she views the role of women in a relationship then how men view a women.

Most men want an actual companion, someone to talk to and love, not just a wet hole. Those of us who don't care about a companion already don't have one, an actual sexbot would change things very little.

Its sad that women think so little of themselves


Sexbots are the Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the feminist culture war. Bots + surrogate/artificial womb would render biological women totally obsolete.

I would

Heh. Sucks. I wonder how grave the situation is though. I assume it's like 20% of the lower value men who are shit out of luck. Maybe it's not that bad though.

Just make it so the bots can get pregnant.

I would want a sexbot that would look like something Masamune Shirow would draw. Very few women could maintain that level of fitness or even come close to that shape.

Some feminists like robots.

This lady wants to marry one.



Found the 10 y/o



How brave and empowering. You go girl.

Seriously though, this helps a lot promoting acceptance.

>implying you wouldnt

That's a sex robot, (You) idiot.

Some of these sex dolls look pretty good, don't give me shit, and they don't spend my money.

Thinking 'bout it.

What you're describing, OP, is exactly what's going on in the TV series Real Humans, except the women replace evil useless stupid men with bots.

You do know you sound like an oldman who just realized tha that a game about 'cops and robbers' his grandson just bought has actual firearms and hookers?

this proves women are immoral pigs

>the top 20% alphas like me cleaning up 80% of the pussy like we've done for years.

Spotted the virgin.

Uh. They're already eerie enough without the extreme proportions.

I wish they would go for more of an anime look desu.

Thanks for the (you)s, redditors



I'm assuming you'd apply that sentiment to men too, who would reject a woman they thought were attractive at first glance but turned out to be ugly.

Men are shallow with regards to looks
Women are shallow with regards to resources

Get over it, beta shithead

It gives me a
Under the number instead of a you.
I heard about it and wanted to test it.

That in itself sounds like another front of a feminist agenda. Shiiieeeet.

A sex robot obvi newfagget

Looks like about half of all the women I've slept with desu

>men are shallow with looks

only the top 5% of men are, the rest will fuck anything so you are COMPLETELY WRONG U KEK

half of 0 is still 0 though pal... xD

Hey maybe if they weren't in a shit room, with shit poses, in shit lingerie and also weren't mentally brain dead I might be able to call the won on the right vaguely attractive.

But that is fiction. In real life women cant get anything out of a robot they cant get out of a vibrator.

And you cant get money out of a robot so they are fucked.

Do not be worried, once they make good sexbots then they will likely have good programming and when AI can gather all our kinks and wants without restrictions in IOT our friendly AI mommy can just hook us all with likeminded people, and who says 'nuclear family' cannot mean 2 people and 2 robots with children... with their own caretaking robots?

>inb4 merely pretending, social experiment b8ing for male outrage

And the cheap robots will stop niggers from raping. Everyone wins.

Sally Garret

>No feminist ever suggested X
Is automatically wrong.
Feminism is so fucking large, with a real lack of leadership or distinction, so there are a fuck ton of crazies in it. I'm sure there's a feminist somewhere that thinks the moon is a lightbulb.

>Did I really expect a different outcome?


As long as """"""sexbots"""""" continue to be creepy rubber pieces of shit the demand will never surpass that for living women.

Will my sex robot waifu look like this


dude people joke about it but anarch0-transhumanism is the inevitable future. For better or for worse
