So Bibi is a Trump supporter after all! Yes!

So Bibi is a Trump supporter after all! Yes!
Is he, dare I say Sup Forums, /our guy/?

Israeli jew on a proxie is obvious

You sure are.
>muh counter-shilling


Based Bibi. He also practically denied the Holocoaster.

Hi pol
Jewish man here and id like to say on behalf of all jews. Our people need to do a better job to stop the blatant hate and racism that my people have caused.
Diversity for Israel is best /pol
please help me to make that a reality
It's what my people ( the jewish people) desperately need
Join me my ..fellow jews. Our people's time is over,


As far as kikes go I like Bibi more than most.

Hopefully he calls Obongo a monkey on national tv the day he leaves office.

Fuck YOU kike.

Yes Bibi is our guy. He knows how dangerous Islam is and this is the opposite of how liberals think.

Nice proxy Jew

Powerless proclomations, misdirecting virtue signaling and feigned interest by an outgoing neoliberal interventionist cabal trying to remain relavent to its "useful idiot", emotionally manipulated liberal base.

Where were you for the first two years of presidency when you controlled both the house and senate Obama? Sitting on your hands, biding your time and making excuses rather than putting an end to the Saudi funded muslim invasion of Sudan, endless Israeli settlements in Palestine and the corporate harrassment/poisoning/planned eminent domain seizure of indigenous North Dakota tribes lands.

In all cases big schnozed, rapist, ethnic ratfaces bully ethnic indigenous peoples, and in all cases Obama now pretends to care as he walks out of the white house. An attempt to continue the crumbling (((two))) party facade of good cop, bad cop. An attempt to make 8 years of nigger neglect look like white cruelty.

JIDF sure is busy today

Nice concern shilling by CTR, you really have no clue how Sup Forums works if you seriously think this bullshit is going to weaken Trump

You have got to be kidding me...

This is what passes for intellect around here?

Listen juden, if you are going to shill us white folks, at least act like we have a 100+ IQ. You are literally offensive.

Did you think you were shilling basketball americans at at a BLM board or something?

The good part of this that it's terribly easy to say now that shilling goes on here for Trump and always has.

Because Israel is darkness incarnate and the Jews are the enemies of a peaceful world.

Israel kikes = / = Globalist US/EU kikes

Israel instigates civil wars and terrorism in the Middle East, which leads to massive migration to Europe and terrorism everywhere.

They have the exact same consequences on you.

I'd rather side with the zionists rather than the globalist Bolsheviks. The immigrants are a good wake up call for the West, too.

The zionists are the cause of the immigrants.

You do not have to side either with the globalist bolsheviks or the zionists. You can be against both and support secular arab nations in the Middle East for arab people.

Since Israel was brought back can we bring back Babylon and Assyria?

The Nutty-yahoo is a typical kike, there's some old video where he talks about playing the dumb goyim for all that they'll give him, to achieve his plans (more or less, laughing). He's only in it to try to pull on them holohoax strings, drawing on cartoon bombs and so on to try to evoke the last memory of an emotion regarding the jewish problem that he can.

Trump should claim not to be able to afford to support Israel for budget reasons, and that he respects Israels right to make their own way in the world, and the security council, stopping all the vetos that the US routinely do to prevent retribution to Israeli war crimes.

He should be strung up in a light-post and let hanging until the crows picks his filthy corpse clean, like all zionist pieces of shit.

>O-Oh he's not an international zionist, they're diff-
Just what the fuck do you people think Israel is?

>support secular arab nations in the Middle East for arab people.

No thanks. They've been proven inferior and the lands they're on belong to more deserving people

IQ 147
Not a Jew
Do you have an actual argument?
Do you know the history of Islam?

The browns do that themselves to eachother. There's a reason Saudis are disliked by Afghanis and so on. There's cultural and religious differences between ME countries aswell. It was a matter of time. Islam isn't compatible with Western Values, even if they're in the sand and we in the grass.

>They've been proven inferior
Ba'athist Iraq was on the level of most western nations during the 70's and had one of the best healthcare in the world at the time. Saddam even won a nobel prize for that.

Gulfies aren't levantines. You're not going to teach someone from the ME that cultural differences exists. However, arab nationalist countries like Iraq, Lybia, and Syria were very modern and secular countries.

Keep in mind the only recent war between arab countries in the ME was the Iraq-Iran war, due to Iran being taken over by an extremist islamic republic led by Khomeini in 1979 due to the consequences of the disastrous UK+US-led coup of 1953.

Get the fuck out of here mudslime.

Yes he said Hitler didnt want to kill Jews and then blamed the deaths on Islam.

The Shia / Sunni conflict runs deeper than the formally declared wars.


There is no shia/sunni conflict. Syria and Iraq both have a sizable shia minority that lived in peace during Saddam's era (before the gulf wars).

The problem is the emergence of Iran as a regional power, which is endangering to both the gulf monarchies and Israel. Cue the current Yemen war for a perfect example of the proxy wars going on between the two sides.

>Ba'athist Iraq was on the level of most western nations during the 70's and had one of the best healthcare in the world at the time. Saddam even won a nobel prize for that.

That time is over. The people who led the civility of the masses are gone now and all that remains in their country are feral beings, that need to be put down. It may be the West's fault for removing the secular politicians for the sake of Democracy, but it's their fault for allowing themselves to become a barbaric violent mob filling the power vacuum.

The US should support Israel, too. Although their actions with the given autonomy are questionable, they (both Israel and Saudi Arabia) amplify the US power projection in the Middle East. However, with the USS Liberty incident and several false flag incidences (SA too), Israel does need to be kept on a short leash, and will understand that the next false attack will result in their destruction

>There is no shia/sunni conflict

That's where you're wrong, kiddo

>[X] Doubt
Stop while you're ahead, Curly.

Almost all of the current agitation in the middle east is a direct effect of Jewish internationals wanting it, and playing various countries out against each other (mostly the US - daddy good goy). Israel itself, a manufactured occupied territory with no valid claim (except in the book they themselves wrote - seems legit), exists solely for the purpose of fullfilling prophecy because the jews are in fact legitimately insane, and believe the religion they themselves made up to begin with, betting their lives on it.

inb4 "muslim", muslims are semites too so don't be an anti-semite.. or rather, be one, because they're all trouble.

Swedes learned all they need to when the rogue nuclear state of Israel was formed through terrorist acts performed and planned by the same Jewish vermin that would later become prime ministers and knesset (parliament) members. That's after he saved thousands of them from the nazis with the white buses thing.

Fuck semites of every kind, and fuck Israel. All genetical groups related to semites need to be eradicated from this planet, for the sake of mankind's survival.

>That's where you're wrong, kiddo
On a macroscopic level, there isn't. On a microscopic level, of course living in a complete shithole destroyed by bombs will make religious extremism and intolerance grow.

>it's their fault for allowing themselves to become a barbaric violent mob filling the power vacuum.
You can't say that "it's their fault" when there is no military/political force for countering that mob filling in the vacuum.

>they (both Israel and Saudi Arabia) amplify the US power projection in the Middle East
At the detriment of Europe. I guess that, if you see this purely from an US-centric viewpoint, it might be a good thing, but it's really shitty from a global western view.