Stop worshiping Kek

stop worshiping Kek

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No one does it seriously, Jesus is our true Lord and Savior.

Praise Jesus

I'm Pagan. I'll worship whoever I fucking please.

jesus is my saviour.

Then come back to life

>I was just pretending to be a sinner
that's not how it works

Jesus only for me. People promoting that false god are committing blasphemy.

Good goyim.

kek is a figment.
JC is real. And he's still alive. Visits people from heaven regularly.
Get on board with Him and stop fucking around and wasting your life.

Praise KEK, you fucking heretic. Get smitten.

take me to church

Yeah, fuck your false worship of the son of a whore.

Keks power is great, he is older and more powerful than your young abrahamic god.

You are lucky Kek has use for you jew worshippers, do not think he will permit you to attack him. You are part of this alliance only because it benefits keks will.

>stop fucking around and wasting your life.

>JC is real. And he's still alive. Visits people from heaven regularly.

Use your own advice and:
>stop fucking around and wasting your life.

I love Jesus!

Christianity is mere millennia old... Kek is eternal... Kek works not only in the physical dimension but in every dimension... The christian god only exists in one universe in a couple timelines... And only because Kek allows him to exist... In other words, the christian god is more of a messenger of kek... Kek exists in every timeline and every multiverse, in every dimension, conscious, physical, and metaphysical...

"God is light, and in him there is no darkness at all"
1 John 1:5

Stop worshiping Kike on a Stick first.

No, kek hates you and your religion

"I am the light of the world, whoever believe in me shall always walk in the light and shall never walk in darkness"

>never walk in darkness
you're doing it right now.

repent, its never too late, seek god and he shall seek you...

Please read more scripture, i'm intrigued at how people read this and think "man, hes totally right"

Why would i do that?

>Be Jesus
>Piss of Jewish elite so bad they put you to death
>Transfer God's favor and the Jewish birthright to the gentiles

Turns out the anti-Christians are the true controlled goyim

Go away

Jesus only hated pharisees, not all jews, you dumb goy.

You think so because you know in your heart subconsciously that its the truth, you can feel it, honestly, one just knows good from bad -it can not be thought, thats why machines can never be like us.

There are forces that hate God, that hate the light and that hate your free will.

You know whats right, you know you prefer love instead of hate, you know you belong in the light, you know that light is good for you, that the light will look after you if you shall pray for it, if you shall pray to God.

One just knows inherently in their heart that light is better than darkness.

Bill Wiese is great with scriptures; (watch this)

Also you might wanna research Ian McCormack, Afshin Javid, The Atheist professor, Tamara Laroux,

Modern Jews are satanic talmudist Pharisees. Any real Jew followed Christ and thus became Christian.

So fuck off you faggot who's never read the Bible

Start worshipping him or else, nigger.

>One just knows inherently in their heart that light is better than darkness.

No, its a preference. Also, implying God has to do with any of what you're discussing is silly.

Christians Rock!

Praise kek

what if Kek is God

about as real as God.