>pol can't tell the difference between bad jews and good jews
Pol can't tell the difference between bad jews and good jews
Other urls found in this thread:
inb4 there are no good jews
>pol can't tell the difference between good news and bad news
name 1
>pol can't tell the difference between bad jews and good jews
Every jew is good
Ivanka Trump
Ben shapiro
okay shabboh's goy
>Sup Forums can't tell the difference between webms and png
i sincerely thought the filetypes had to match up for this thumbnail fuckery to occur. guess not.
because there is none
>as if it matters
their lies will be their undoing
I'm pretty sure everyone can tell the difference between a pile of ashes and a living kike.
You can't convert to Judaism, and it's Matrilineal. She and her kids are LARP-Jews but they are not members of the tribe.
I'm well versed in checking whether or not someone has a heart beat
Larry Goldstein
dead ones
Her kids definitely are.
>Good Jews
>same place where you find good women?
ones dead (good) , the other is living (bad)
Pretty sure if that was the case it would've happened by now. How many countries have they been kicked out of again?
Distinguishing good Jew from bad is a youtube.com
you have good taste in music but your understanding of the factions within the jewish diaspora are shit
Less than a day after her daughter died
>good jews
Pic related
>he doesn't know how to inb4 correctly
wow hasbara really going downhill yo
>bad jews are alive
>good jews are dead
It's simple.
Winston Churchill
>pol cant tell the difference between terrorists and peaceful musli-
>there are ""good"" jews
>You can't convert to Judaism, and it's Matrilineal. She and her kids are LARP-Jews but they are not members of the tribe.
Love this kike meme!
>"We're going to breed your women and bring the children up entirely Jewish, but the mother isn't Jewish so it doesn't count and they're 100 white ;) ;) ;)"
>pol can't tell the difference between good wews and bad wews
underrated post
Of course I can. The former are living, the latter are dead.
that thumbnail is tripping me out.
How does that work
I've studied the Jews with an open mind for at least 14 years now. Used to be a philo-semite in NYC.
Scratch a good Jew and you'll find a bad Jew, who believes there's nothing wrong with a Jewish 1.4% minority running the US or any other gentile country.
They'll insist the Jewish establishment is no worse than the previous (democratic/representational) establishment.
NO anti-Zionist Jew supports taking power away from Zionist Jews.
Let God sort 'em out.
It's a bug
Hiro needs to fix his servers
don't lie to me user
Good jews are dead.
They share this with commies.
Burger education in action...
Marx was just a Jewish shit-stirrer who fomented civil wars in the goyishe countries, for Jewish benefit.
we must support israel, not for oil, middle east posture or identity politics.
its the underground labrynths, reptilian cities and ancient technology buried under the dirt.
theres much more than that.
theres a reason why so many popes tried to take jerusalem.
OP cannot inb4 you massive faggot
what colour are her eyes? Mine are the same and idk if they're hazel, yellow, or brown. They don't look like negroid or mongoloid black eyes
Literally no such thing as good jews
>implying its hard to tell the difference between a living jew and a dead jew
>good jews
No such thing shill.
YES I Can.... GOOD JEWS burn faster
there's always those libcuck collegiate types whose progressive parents raised them and their sole sibling to hate israel bc muh poor minorities. cucks.