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Don't dare suggest that things are more complex than one may realize here.

Every Juden is a good Juden

Guess which one is bibi and which one is soros?

Guess which one is going to win

no difference

Stop insulting our allies. Take your anti semitism back to stormfront.org

This. Open-mindedness is frowned upon here.

you have to be a little bit anti-semetic just to get Sup Forums to listen

the jew crips and the jew bloods

Fuck off kike

Netanyahu isn't good, he's just useful.
By supporting him defend the ethnic identity of Jews in Israel from forced assimilation through immigration and racemixing propaganda, we have the right to defend the ethnic identity of whites from the same perils.
It doesn't necessarily mean that Netanyahu himself wants to help whites do it for ourselves, in fact, it's likely that he doesn't.

What's the difference, both are soulless and don't care for goyim lives, thus deserve to be exterminated.

Oyy veyyy JIDF is out in full force today.

I agree, I was being somewhat facile.

We can trust Netanyahu to do the best thing for Israel, which right now happens to also be the best thing for America

My point is that by saying Jews have the right to exist as a unique people in their own country, we also have that same right, whether Jews like it or not.

This. Israels interests are Americas interests.

No difference kike they both need to hang

Don't forget Bibi is also compromised in those emails.

Seems like he's thrown in the towel, and is willing to throw a bunch of his rivals under the bus to save himself.

Maybe for once the US will be the one with all the blackmail cards. A nice change of pace.

>Everything is black and white
>If you think differently than me you automatically wrong
>I only surrounded myself with ideas that fit exactly my beliefs and shun all else
I swear to god the only thing more SJW than some of this board are actual SJWs, and even then I'm not sure.

eat a dick jewish shit

sure there are good and bad jews but both jews in OPs pic are bad jews

They're two sides of the same rotten coin. One side destroys us from within via cultural marxism and the other has us fight their wars for them and give them money.

Globalist jews are NOT THE SAME as nationalist jews, learn the difference, it could save your life


Israel is under direct control of the United States. They are truly the goodest goy of America. A convenient puppet state that serves as a barrier between the primitive savages of the islamic world and the civilized peoples of the west. We should treat the based Israeli with respect for shouldering such a burden. They are masters of wallbuilding, and have endless supplies of fresh IDF girls. No memes, no irony; Israel is truly our greatest ally.

Israel is best nation, all other nation is run by little girls.


i cant believe dumb goyim cant tell the difference
israel is our greatest ally!

as if they aren't one and the same. more jewish trickery.

That's right goy
it's that simple!


thats right goy! and dont you forget it!

Yeah. Just imagine black people saying the same things about white people that they say here.

>I can't believe this is normal for people to say this!

look at how bravely they drive over farms in their tanks

we are Israel's greatest ally. we don't get anything in return but shit upon.

That bad juden gave millions to Trump because he is an investment for jews

Soros is just an old very rich guy.

He has no power or status beyond his money. No real position of influence of control over world happenings. Yeah he can fund things, but that's about it. His lobbying and his think tanks or protests are his limit.

Yet media keeps naming him.

The real powerful ones are the ones who could lift the phone and give a command to most CEOs, Bank chairmen, or the leader of most nations? Yep you know who I'm talking about. How come we don't see their names in the media all the time? Like we see Soros? They're bloody plants to distract from the real controllers.


All I see is Oven-dodgers.

Luckily, we just got a new supply of Gas.

>soros donated to trump

confirmed CTR is back

all kikes are bad
all kikes rot in hell

So im guessing you just got your first period?

>more pro-Jewish shilling

wew lad

>No real position of influence of control over world happenings

Then why does King Nigger himself go to grovel at his son's home at his command. You are an idiot.

>anti-semites elect a racist
>forced to argue that you can't generalize people to defend him
holy shit

>Trump is a rascist

Not fooling anyone

The only good juden is a dead juden.

I'll fucking rake you into the oven




>Beautiful women
>Hates Muslims
>Far away from USA
>Based military operatives
Israel is NOT Hollywood Jews.

Hollywood Jews are your true enemy. Israel is based and we should help them shit on Muslims.

Hollywood Jews are different from Israel. You guys are so fapped out from your circle jerk that you can't conceive that things are more complex than black people and Jews are bad.

True Sup Forumsacks fucking hate guys like you. You're all a bunch of neckbeards and you're ruining this board.

remember when Sup Forums only hated ashkenazi jews?

Soros uses his money to control the world

Netanyahu is a sobbing little bitch who needs to learn to get along

I like the idea of israel being a tactical base of operations but at this point I'm also for letting these fuckers figure their own shit out without any of my goddamned money.

See how uppity you act then.

It's not a secret, fag

Oven them both just to be sure.

Because names like Rothschild & Rockefeller don't get their hands dirty with minion work?

I'm not saying Soros isn't involved in the control system, I'm saying he's a fucking stooge, lower on the food chain.

Sup Forums will never know what it is like to be Jewish. Best food, best women, and lots of money from (((connections))). I almost feel sorry for you goyim....almost.

IIDF in full force today holy shit

Israel controls the US you cucks

Let me get this straight. The good Jew is the one that runs a terrorist state, which has committed various acts of espionage and terrorism against America?

Fuck off, you un-American, traitorous faggot. Israel is cancer.

give me sauce

Before trump ran for president, it doesn't count

>implying there are any good juden

Fixed within 6 gorillion hours in paint


>I like the idea of israel being a tactical base of operations but at this point I'm also for letting these fuckers figure their own shit out without any of my goddamned money.
This. I don't even hate Israel, but giving US taxpayer dollars to another first world nation is absurd and should never happen.
>See how uppity you act then.
Worst case is without free complimentary F-16s, some mudslime country in the area gets uppity, and Israel nukes them back into the stone age. Not seeing the problem tbqh.

They don't need American subsidies, because they'll just expand their espionage and sell even more American technology to the Chinks.

You must kill the Jew with fire.


I see your brain has been infected already. Your as useless as tits on a bull now.

took 60 posts before someone made this edit

you're loosing your touch, Sup Forums

>I don't even hate Israel
>I don't even hate a country that operates large-scale cover operations in the USA with the intention of wiretapping key American targets and also using their positions of power within the government to commit espionage against the USA
>I don't even hate a country that has committed multiple terrorists attacks against American targets with the intention of drawing the USA into a war
Kill yourself, traitor.

Yes goys, the one on the left wants to flood your countries with mudslimes to undermine your nations from within, the one on the right just wants you to fight, die, and waste tax money killing mudslimes on his behalf

To be fair, I still haven't found a Sephardi who is a world-level cunt.

Everyone we shit on here, is in fact an Ashkenazi.

But we won't legitimise them with classification, it will slow down the line at the bbq.

same shit, a jewbag is a jewbag

and by doing that, they paint themselves as our enemy, beyond a shadow of a doubt.

They have no chance at an industrialized economy, any gains they might have would be extremely short lived

Also, we build the shit they buy, we certainly know how to break it.

Rockefeller are WASPs. Give credit where credit is due.

Bibi & bobo

Golly, whining about spying and Palestians and sounding like edgy John Kerry. Let me take you seriously.

>Sup Forums supports a country that wants to exterminate the muslims

stop the fucking presses!


Israelis are sleeping user, theres literally no reason to shit post

>implying there are good jews

JIDF is not pol.

what the fuck anons, is this your solution to the dissonance you feel when Trump endorses Isreal?

you need to realize that Trump is just a plugged in Alpha normie


hes not a Sup Forums lurker hes the best we got for now and possibly another JFK. But even JFK was only half woke after months in office

why cant you see this

Jews fight each other to become top Jew
Goys are their pawns that they fight each other with in real life and online
Both are equally bad and goys itt are fucking retarded for becoming a pawn for one of the Jewish factions
I'm not suprised that Jews see us goys as inferior as us goys play right into their culture war as pawns for our Jewish masters

>W-who cares that Israel attacks American naval intelligence ships in a false flag attempt to get America to attack Egypt?
>W-ho cares that Israel bombed American-owned sites in Egypt in an attempt to blame it on Egypt?
>W-who cares that Israel routinely commits espionage against the USA and routinely sells American military technology to China and pockets the profits?
Into the fucking oven, kike

If you are Israeli reading this, try and break bread with your Arab neighbour.
Make him feel welcome in your home and he will return the favour.

It's the only way for peace to prevail.

>Dead Juden = Good Juden

Attacking American naval ships and stealing American technology already paints them as our enemy, beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Kike enablers need to be deloused as well. You're just as bad as the kike itself.

>Good Jew

Nice bait

Jej Sup Forums doing mental gymnastics now oh the irony

Good Juden.......still they MUST take the zyklon Shower , no exceptions

i dont get it, why are showing Augsutus not Julius as the one who is assassinated?

No, I don't particularly give a shit about irrelevant ancient history, or the obvious fact to anyone older than 12 that all nations spy. And your level of stupid makes it so you will never, ever get to judge me. Instead, it is I who get to judge you.

I sat on a jury for a Stormfag once. Literally a Stormfront poster from the evidence presented. We found him guilty on all charges of some stupid white trash theft/assault shit. Just a total mentally ill degenerate. On the way out after the trial ended, he called all of us on the jury Jews. Funny thing is, not a single one of us were. In the end, he just never understood.

>hes not a Sup Forums lurker hes the best we got for now and possibly another JFK. But even JFK was only half woke after months in office
The fuck. JFK?

>cuts off diplomatic ties with UN members
>threatening New Zealand in a way no one did before
>literally trashes president of another country, which is an ally

Call him an insane Jew, i take it.

>No, I don't particularly give a shit about irrelevant ancient history
>something that happened in the last decade is ancient history
Kill yourself, kike.

Why don't you name a time in the past decade that Israel attacked the US, then? Pro-tip: you can't.

The last time a major Israeli spy ring was caught in the US was in the 2000s.

Into the oven, kike.

Are globalist jews and nationalist israelis against each other? Or is it all a secret plot to destroy the sovereignty of every other nation and then control the world from their ivory tower of zion?

Well done JIDF, reaal smooooth.

This. Fuck off JIDF. You may have Trump under your spell, but I see right through your shit.

Learn the difference goy

More like Globalist - Zionist