Trump is a kike puppet. Should we use Kek's power one final time, before the end of 2016 and meme WWIII into existence? Everything is fucked up beyond repair anyway.
Please do it.
What has started cant be stopped
Which country should be the sacrifice (Like Serbia, before WWI or Poland before WWII)? Latvia or Ukraine seems good enough
The ride was long and tiring, it's time to end it.
By the almighty Kek I pray for WWIII.
Bless me with digits!
Finland joins NATO and Russia attacks it.
If singles WWIII will happen before 2017
Another Simo Hayha when?
>"p-pls kek, please make Trump win!!"
>Trump wins"
>"Hurfurdurr everything is ruined anyway, lets make Kek start WWIII"
It doesn't work like that, you cheeky Hungarian fuck.
Watch this ^
These digits show it will happen before January 20th.
nah, that's exactly how it works. Kek is chaos, and Sup Forums only wants chaos.
Reporting for duty gas the kikes race war now
That's not how it works faggot
Finns are itching for another war. We are raised for the single purpose to kill russians.
NZ and UK confirmrf for standing up to the kikes
I never understood this line of argument, if I'm honest. What makes people think the population will support an actual anti-semite, no matter how popular they are, without a major catastrophe where the attackers ended up being blatantly jewish in their nature (aka, WWI, the 1919 revolution, and communist in general). Attacking their source of power is, however, a very popular position and what should be pushed.
Additionally, what happens when Israel is abandoned by the USA? A bunch of muzzies get the holy land. Attack their power and you win, attack them directly and you allow them to shield themselves with the compassion of people who don't see how they are harmed.
It's like all these threads are concern trollign and don't actually think ahead even a minute.
Race war in 2018
Welcome home Anglo brother
Anglos are subhuman
And I thought we were the only ones with revisionist sentiment.
Sometime I wish we were neighbors with Finland. I bet our history would've been much different in a good way.
>tfw you realize this is indeed a fucked up timeline
Wtf I hate NZ now
This NZ user confirmed for Islander scum
it will happen, doesn't have to be in 2016.
kek has no human schedule conditionings.
January 7th, 2017.
The ultimate masterrace is being French
jesus these fucking shills. kys op. sage
Isn't it bed time over there little billy? If you keep posting naughty things on the internet, mom will get mad.
In all seriousness, how the fuck did you type that without becoming embarrassed? It's like something a 10 year old kid would say.
Right, you piss off to then
>It's like something a 10 year old kid would say.
This what I feel when I read most posts here. Maybe replace "10 year old kid" with "uneducated manchild"
we shall not will kek to do anything. All is as kek wills it not the other way around.
Spurdo Spärde Death Squads when?
Welcome to Sup Forums
>Should we use Kek's power
There's a flaw in your argument. Kek does what he pleases, we're along for the ride
WWIII New Year's Eve
Now check these sequential numbers
Heheh (:< Our Dark FROG GOD wants Chaos! that's what we all want! Mwahahaha!!! Man I'm so mad at people I just want to watch it BURN!!! Sometimes I'm the nicest guy you'll ever know...and sometimes...I'M A TWISTED FUCKING PSYCHOPATH!!!
So close
I can see your face as you type that.
Kek hear my prayer, Russia invades and destroys Finland and the entire middle east is nuked into a fiery inferno by Israel. PRAISE KEK
KEK says it's not time for WW3.
He says it's time to set the stage.
He say's it's time for revolution.
Hungary and Finland will grown big enough to share a border confirmed
Kek always confirms for me