Thank you, Sup Forums

>be me, 26
>was an athlete in high school, but became a greasy, liberal stoner
>no college, no job
>settled with an 8/10 gf that quickly eroded into a 5/10
>just sort of went along living that NEET life and losing my chin
>parents and family disgusted with me, never want to see me again
>don't give a shit
>late 2014 discover this place
>become increasingly anxious as the redpills hit me
>stop eating junk food, progressively stop smoking weed
>buy a gun for personal defense
>gf starts telling me she's unhappy with how I've become
>stops putting out
>don't really give a fuck, keep inhaling redpills, start working out a shit ton
>go from 230lbs to 160lbs
>2016 hits
>gf threatens to break up with me
>take her for a drive and kick her out ten miles from my place
I'm now on my way to becoming a police officer. I've decided to become a decetive so I may have a chance to shoot shitskins, but I don't tell anyone that.

I visited my parents the other day and they cried and said they were so proud of me.

I just wanted to take this moment to thank you guys.

I want to be you when i turn 18 xD

off topic question.

has your sex drive changed at all after you quit the weed?

What is a decetive?

nude pics of ex gf....?

Local dekektive, at your service...



Really, my man? He said 5/10.

wat a gr8 story, thx OP, I cum on cat it hiss at penis.

I am considering to join the militia too, but in my country is not that easy to clean the society out of shitskins since the police/soldiers do not have many powers to legally kill citicens (in the Uribe era they did it but the libtards and other fags protested)

So my other option is to become a doctor, specialice in obstetrics and make abortions but only in negros regions, if a white woman ask me for that service i will persuade her to don't do that (nd make more babies)

>want to shoot shitskins

You're unfit to be a cop desu user. The things cops and detectives see daily fuck them up for life. If you give in to that temptation once you'll be smeared in the news and lose your career.

It'll be tempting to pull the trigger on the dindu that raped and killed his 4 year old daughter or the one that robbed a gas station and killed everyone else and only didnt shoot you because he ran out of bullets

Your job is to uphold the law, not make things personal, you dont get to be an executioner no matter how much you feel its justified

i want /r/thedonald to go back

Why didn't you game your gf?

Manlet found

Good job OP. We need more dekektives in law enforcement.

Sup Forums fanfics have become so blend and predictable, where are the dinosaurs you MOTHERFUCKER?

>number of fingers used when lonely

HOL UP, HOL UP, lets first see that 5/10 and then decide, I don't trust OP story, it looks too good to be true, he wants to become professional nigga killer (he fucking gets paid for that shit)... he went from 0 to Hero pretty easy, didn't even mention that million times when he watched his wife getting destroyed by bbc

dont bully

He's going to solve pizza gate and become a true detective and a real human bean

have fun choking yourself with donuts user!

Congrats m8

I'm calling bullshit. You have to wait 3 years since smoking weed in order to be considered as a Police Officer. And detectives don't shoot people you tard; they investigate crimes from behind desks.

Most firearm discharges in Law Enforcement involve beat cops & SWAT units. And even then, less than 1% of officers ever fire their weapons on duty.


What an incredibly mediocre story

life is mediocre friend

Why did you do that? People here are assholes. They hate one another. They're going to report you.