
>rhythm and blues

Why are blacks so much better at music than whites?

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the best music is always made by unemployed people with no real usable skills

It's the only thing they're actually good at.

It's a nigger-barely-manages-to-wake-up-this-morning-only-to-complain-about-having-things-to-do-and-family-to-support-music

While this used to be true, niggers stopped making good music a long time ago. Not since the 80s, really. Maybe throw in the 90s if you're inclined to include rap's golden age. Beyond that, nigger music has been shit for decades.

Do you even into musical theory? All these genres use standard european musical theory. The instruments are almost all white.

>prog rock exists
opinion invalid


That's Bono you nitwit

>>rhythm and blues

>Why are blacks ...

You mean were better. I'd figure it's due to them sublimating their excess drive into music, their average lack of education not permitting engagement in traditional fields of sublimation for whites, say maths and science.
That's all over now. While it was a tender "I want to hold you tight" back when, it's all "Make dat pussy ring, guurl" now. And there's obviously no sublimation involved when you just let your drives run wild. All popular music succeeding Funk is just degenerate.

>all coon-tunes attempts at imitating white music so they're all white in origin anyway
Try harder

You forgot Techno and House

>Why are blacks so much better at music than whites?
You what now

Now all they do is gangsta rap and hip hop


yeah, I agree performance-wise; but the real compositional work is all done in the middle ages and late classical period by northern europeans.

I think you are on to something there. Possibly even one of the main influences.

I love Nickelback!

Sure kiddo.

Sorry nigger nothing can compete with that and it's only whites in that

It's funny blacks used to produce such good music.
I hear some mad tunes from the 50s and 60s from them.
And now look at black music,all they sing about is fucking girls or drugs and gangster shit .
They wonder why they get called niggers.

Wrong. Oogabooga music is yuge compared to what it was, its quantity and quality. Just like 90% of any of the biggest genres including Metal.
Most metal is degenrate horseshit and so is hip hop.

if you put a prodigy classical pianist with no jazz training in front of a bassist and a drummer, say "bemsha swing in C ready set go", they'd have no idea what to do and they'd sound like ass. meanwhile, any half-competent jazz player can sight-read bach til the cows come home.

jazz might be loosely based on european harmony, but it's just a starting point. the main feature of jazz theory is this enormously flexible, complicated set of rules for improvising as a group. white people generally take about 10 years to get to the point that black kids can get to in six months, it's crazy. you have these kids who can't pass math classes to save their lives but they can rattle off modes of the melodic minor and other abstract esoteric bits of jazz theory like it's nothing.

>any of that trash
>good music

Go check out some of Benjamin Bagby's recreations of bardic music.

White people invented folk which is at the heart of rock, punk, and metal.

Blues, Jazz, soul, funk, and RnB are just precursors to hip-hop, which was amazing in the 90s and has corrupted our culture to the point of no return.

Do you want to know how hard it is to play the blues, soul, jazz, or RnB? You learn scales and then free-style on them while you cry about your life. That's fucking it.

And don't even get me started on classical symphony.

That's because of a shift in culture and the garbage you hear on he radio is the only type of black music you hear. Blame the Jews

>no music is degenrate but black

you're making a very poor generalisation and assumption which is very far from the truth.

Yeah i never said that.
I said that today's black music is shit compared to what it used to be.

>Le jazz requires no skill may-may

I thought rock came from blues and jazz.

>giving blacks credit for rock

>meanwhile, any half-competent jazz player can sight-read bach til the cows come home

And that never happened. Niggers can't into polyphony, specially playing a fugue.

>the main feature of jazz theory is this enormously flexible, complicated set of rules for improvising as a group

Jazz improvisation is just going up and down scales and that's it.

so has white music

music in general has been trash since the late 70s with a couple of exceptions here and there

Niggers are good at entertainment and forced physical labor

Whites invented Rock

Rock n Roll is different from Rock

dance rock is the only non-degenerate rock

>20th century nigger party music
>In any way comparable in complexity, beauty, and nuance to western art music

nice try schlomo

>you have these kids who can't pass math classes to save their lives but they can rattle off modes of the melodic minor and other abstract esoteric bits of jazz theory like it's nothing.

wow too bad they weren't alive 100 years ago when that would have been something

why are you so enamored with simple music? they only reason they excelled at those genres, except jazz, were because they were easy as fuck to play. they basically helped music to regress when we already had classical music,

>hip-hop, which was amazing in the 90s

hip hop was never amazing

Pretty much every great rock musician, especially from the UK, credits blues as a major influence if not the origin of Rock.

Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, Eric Clapton, Bob Dylan, Jimi Hendrix, etc

I heard a song on the radio today that sounds like something Prince would have made in the 80s, but I know it's modern since the lyrics are about instagram. I need to find this song.

arguably, rhythm n blues has origins to jewish folk songs. particularly the tempo. i think we need to make a cutoff for origin stories, or ill probably start attributing henry ford's model t to the caveman's wheel

And they also remade Blues. Don't forget Hendrix played in a band with two other white dudes. The greatest rock bands are in Prog Rock, there's really no comparission.

Blacks came up with those styles but white people and asians, to a lesser extent, perfected them

and tom waits made the blues white again

music is a worthless distraction intended to provide discipline and entertainment for spoiled upper class kids and act as an escapist medium for the lower class

music's only practical purpose in culture, aside from profiteering, is to convey aesthetics and ideas to those otherwise too unwilling to listen to them: ignorant hedonists, decadents and the uneducated

that's not to say it's a bad influence, just that if your goal is to create a healthier society, the quality of music should be among the least of your concerns. far too much engineering, legal and financial genius is expended on finding new ways to force sequential sounds into your ears, to pacify you, to give you a false sense of identity.

sure the period of pre-modern western art music birthed many works that people on here would get mileage out of, for promoting heroic values, for their european stride, but in the end it's just a white noise rhythm to follow, no matter how much harmonic beauty or countermelody is contained therein, ultimately you're just tapping your feet to an escapist beat that makes you feel like a cultural archetype that you aren't.

i feel this way about most art, really. generally speaking, aesthetic bliss is a trick of the mind. you tend to like art because it affirms your identity -- even art you like with a political bent that you may disagree with

They don't have jobs so they have more time to practice

All the best songs from those genres were written by whites, though. Ignoring that those genres already existed in one form or another before blacks adopted them, everything blacks are known for has been done better by whites.

>lyrics are about instagram

Does suicide notes have hashtags too? If not, I'll be the first one to do use them in my suicide note

Not to mention whites inventing all of the theory and the pitches of the notes, the scales, the instruments, folk music (which all pop music is derived from), etc. Black musicians were a large part of the initial rock musicians, but they didn't invent the major chord, or 4/4 time, or the basic rock setup. The guy who decided to put a radio in a car, and the guy who invented the amplifier are more important the the development of rock than any black musician.

Had a discussion the other day where I said Mitch Mitchell would be considered a top 5 all-time drummer if he didn't have the "misfortune" of playing with Hendrix, then he gets replaced with Buddy fucking Miles

There's also Captain Beefheart. Whites really recreated the Blues.

music is as good as it has ever been

It's just popular music that is trash

And all of those genres are trash. Not real white music.

>And all of those genres are slight variations on the same thing.


Brazilian blues ain't so bad either.

>Either love popular music or be considered hipster for not listening to anything but popular

Is that the definition of "catch-22" if I have no desire to be/do either?

groovy man

I'm convinced crack cocaine is what turned black americans into the retarded bix nood niggers they are today.

Thank you.

Techno and House are both Afro American inventions

Well the cia did flood their neighborhoods with crack, and sterelize them for 70 years.

bull fucking shit. techno has archived roots in underground britbong clubs

Take vocals off of any 80's pop song, make it slightly faster, add some noises, congrats you have a whole new genre somehow. This is as bad as two metal heads arguing over a band being black thrash or old school death metal. Its all the same shit.

Based on african american appropriation of white folk music.

Based on appropriation of white tin pan alley pop music.

Based off of black gospel music which is inspired by protestant white gospel music.

Created and played by white people.

>rhythm and blues.
white people Swing Jazz with a heavier beat accent.

The only purely black created american music is bix nood rap.

then why are blacks outside of the U.S, shit-tier humans as well? Did the CIA get them too?

sure thing kiddo

Shut up nigger.

No I agree, they mostly suck, but at least if they're going to complain about muh oppression they could at least talk about that shit.

Robert Johnson fucking sucks.

Props to whites from the boomer generation who were able to listen to 78s of niggers hoopin and hollerin and somehow getting inspired to create Revolver, Sticky Fingers, Who's Next?, Willie and the Poor Boys, Pet Sounds, The Village Green Preservation Society, and Houses of the Holy because of it. That's some god damned next level white ingenuity.

I guess. Most of the African immigrants I met here in the U.S. are respectful people who don't associate with niggers.

Oh come on you corny as fuck

No one listens to that white haired cornbread classical piano shit. It's not 1500s anymore music has EVOLVED the only people who listen to piano classical shit is white people who is are mad that blacks created literally every music genre. Except for piano classical because we knew better than to make gay shit like that

Gauranteed replies.

They still do good music. Kaytranada, Robert glasper, karriem riggins etc. If you are into jazz and groovy beats you should check them out

you really expect anyone to take that bait?

fuck off you faggot

>Pet Sounds
the only good record you listed, and it owes more to jews like gershwin, burt bacharach and phil spector than any black man with a steel guitar

Blacks may be at its roots but half of the best muscians of all those genres are white, ESPECIALLY rock, thats like 90% white people

vegas actually has one of the few dedicated classical music radio stations in the US. i love it.

>Pet Sounds

Not Blues.

>The Village Green Preservation Society

Only has a Blues track (Last of Steam Powered Train).

I'd like to counter with:


Bob Dylan says that rock was invented by both races


Not exactly true. Rap is the white man's invention too.

So let's get this straight.

Whites invent classical music. As far as music goes, it's GOD-tier there's no competition.

Niggers come along and try to mumble some bullshit over guitar and they're best musicians all of a sudden?

Give me a break.

I eat at McDonalds, but I don't call it the best food of all time.

What, You cant tell me kanye west is more talented than even the worst fucking classical muscisian, jesus christ you make bad bait

t. Scaruffi

Rap is just talking in a rhythm over a simple repeating beat. Lyrics =/= music.

>Why are blacks so much better at music than whites?

Bach, Brahms, Beethoven, Tchaikovsky, Mozart, Chopin, Handel, Hayden, Vivaldi, Verdi, Rachmaninoff, Mendellsohn,

GTFO of here with your primitive jungle noise 'music' you fucking sub-ape.

When the pinnacle of music was already invented by whites hundreds of years ago, the only place to go is backwards.

Hence we get blues, jazz, soul, funk, rock, rhythm, and blues.

Another example
There is another video about a train on youtube but I can't find it.

I don't think niggers are better at sound, they're just better with rhythm. Notice how they're over dramatic when they sing, thinking it's good? Their voices are everywhere. It sounds like Middle Eastern singing.

Pop music has always been shit. You don't hear the good shit until later after time separates the wheat from the chaff. Like in the twenties pop music was literally Take Me Out To The Ball Game and It's a Long Long Way to Tipperary

> implying a nigger could ever come up with anything even remotely approaching this, talent-wise

yeaaaaah, no

>Kanye West
>Is Alive
>Makes real music that comes from the heart
>His music is technically brilliant
>Has a hot thicc wife and probably a whole bunch of bitches on the side
>Supports Donald Trump

>Is dead
>His music is phony bullshit for brainlets
>His music sounds like something a child would make
>Was a fag
>Supported Hillary
Classical music is shit.


It was. Rock 'n' roll was a cross of country and blues. What separated it most from previous genres was that it was made for teenagers. Rock music isn't black people pretending to be white or white people pretending to be black. If anything, it's always been 30 year pretending to be in high school.

it's almost like you're proud of being a stupid fucking monkey, running around listening to monkey anthems

then again, as a nigger, I guess you take what you can get

Black people communicate subliminally using music. Actually everyone does, which is why Hitler was so concerned about creating a society with lots of marches. The more rigid the music, the more rigid the society. The I ching was inspired by binary drum rhythms of african and asian tribes. The i ching was hugely influential to the formaliser and inventor of binary and calculus--Gottfried Leibniz. He was trying to find a way to communicate directly with god through numbers. These two maths were directly influential in the creation of computers, which are beginning to create a simulated reality. All of this started with binary music made by black people. They have always been the creators of reality through music. Also birdsong is data, that's why it sounds like a modem. it is transferring the data that makes our reality possible. Black people conjure reality, white people decode that reality. If you want to live a better life, start treating musicians better, they are in charge and always have been, which is why they rarely care about anything other than music. The reason why our lives are terrible, is because we are treating musicians so terribly. They have the power to undo our minds and our society. Listen closely to modern music, it is full of marching rhythms, combined with unrelenting machine accuracy, and then also combined with the despair of its creators. Every bad thing you see is a direct result of a society listening to the sound of music and words that unsettle them. It would not take much to give a musician a happier life.