Converting to Islam

I'm seriously considering converting to Islam. It's the counterweight to the rampant degeneracy of modern civilization and at this point appears to be humanities only hope of retaining some kind of dignity. The alternative is a rapid descent into complete and utter materialistic narcissism, sexual perversion, and moral decay. Am I wrong? I'm open to constructive debate.


Starting to think this way myself... sucks for woman but I am not one so not sure of any other cons

t. Ahmed al Londoni


I have been listening Nasheeds whole day, it's time for me to become a Muslim

>Hate modern degeneracy
>Converts to stone age degeneracy

Might as well just kys

Islam isn't that bad actually. While i prefer traditional european religions i'll say Islam is sertanly better than cuckstianity.
The problem with Islam is that most of it's followers are shitskins that dosen't belong in europe

>Oriental barbarism is the answer to degeneracy

Couldn't be more Anglo if you tried

What happens when you have 'converted' ? Does your life get instantaneously better just by accepting intellectual defeat?

It's going to be funny when I convert to Judaism and bulldoze your dirt shack.

>Islam isn't that bad actually.

This desu

not an argument

Muslim here, I am seriously considering converting to Christianity. Despite all the cannibalistic themes in Christianity, it really is one of the saner religions to spring from the Middle East.

I am an ex-muslim, Islam is shit.

Sup Forums is an Islamic board. Death to Israel. ṣallā Allāhu ʿalayhi wa-ālihi wa-sallam.

go on and worship satan. i dont care, but i dare you to try to rape and sacrifice our children


I feel the same mate sucks that most of them are ugly shitskins though

It's always Brits, Swedes, or Aussies making this argument.

Further proof that these are the most cucked nations and Canada remains a bastion of integrity among degenerate countries who elect women and niggers.

Mashallah. See? Allah has guided to his light as I have been saying forever.

Why don't you go find a sand dune beyond that mountain of camel shite?

So? Just one more beta to be gassed in the future.

Good choice. The truth is evident for whoever has their eyes open. Islam is the last line of defense against rampant feminism, pothead culture, LGBT nonsense and other degenercies that has engulfed and taken control of our societies today. The Christian religion once a great force that protected societies from moral and spiritual decadence have largely played a passive role in this. Oh how the mighty have fallen.

This is poor bait.


stay cucked faggots

What could possibly go wrong? Webm related.

Also, OP, you fucking muslim subhuman piece of shit, go practice your dawah somewhere else. Sup Forums is a Christian board.

1. They believe in a theocratic oppressive government. If that's you, fuck you, and I hope I have the chance to kill you some day.

2. They take their non-degeneracy too far. I.e. throwing gays off buildings, stoning sluts, ect.

3. The religion is mostly filled with backwards inbred sandniggers.

#1. Is really the only one that matters. I'll die before I let Allah run my government and collect my taxes.

Answer the fucking question bitch


Literally 0% chance that you arent an agnostic neckbeard.

>claim to be Christian

great meme

Then why is it that majority Muslim countries commit so much degeneracy? Do you like diddling kids, Ahmed?

give me a reason infidel

You being raised in western Culture with western values and weather language would make a conversion to Islam no more authentic (nor intersting) than 2nd year uni students 'converting' to Buddhism or whatever.

I.e. No one cares and no you won't.

Left Islam two years ago, making a dish with pork in it right now. You dont know what you're missing, senpai. Also, pork carries less transferable disease than chicken or beef, and as such can be served seered more readily.

Fixing a broken foot by sawing off your leg. Congratulations, you are retarded.

Will be seeing you on the world news.

I'd rather have open Muslims collect my taxes than closet Jews desu

Make sure to get the NUS' blessing when you firebomb a synagogue.

Islam is not a race hence I cannot be racist, petiole.

lol Trudeau is literally a meme with his ultra feminist and pro white genocide agenda. Well at least he knows the Muslims are not the enemy.

same bitch tho

Why don't you try Buddhism first? Learn about Buddhism, live the lifestyle a while, and if you decide it's not for you, you can just leave because they aren't barbaric and insecure enough to have a death penalty for apostasy.
Then maybe repeat with Hinduism, Daoism, Catholicism, Paganism or even heck atheism. If none of those work for you, THEN risk converting to Islam. It's the roach motel of religions- you check in but you don't check out, so you'd better hope you stay muslim, and that there isn't anything they hadn't told you about hundreds of chapters of a book in an extinct language and several hundreds of thousands of Hadith of various tiers of authoritative authenticity that would make you want to leave Islam, you wouldn't be able to without risking your life. Makes you really appreciate the privilege of living in a county that encourages people to believe true to their heart, huh? Makes it seem pretty scary having Islam gradually expanding around the globe, huh? What's the worst that could happen, worshipping the Prophet sallaallahualeihiWASALAAM as a perfect man and inspiration to all mankind? Besides sexual slavery. And beheading prisoners. And torturing people to death with fire. And smashing pagan idols. And getting rich from plunder.

How will I speak to muh overlord if he has been gassed?

Not afraid of your people. I've seen you irl. You are pitiful beggars desperate for even a small chunk of what we have. I shot your dead bodies for fun.

Pathetic fucking cucks

>massacre and take land from dozens of ethnic groups around the world

>Hurrr Islam is barbarous

We kill animals for various reasons. We dont just allow dangerous animals to wander around. What is so different with sandniggers?

See I was raised Muslim and then quit when I was around 15. Was fairly irrelegious for several years, never went to mosque etc, nobody gave a shit. Then found spirituality again recently and embraced it. Your problem is that you think Islam is supposed to be enforced upon everyone when this is just not true. The Quran literally says that there is no compulsion in religion. See you think ISIS represent Islam when this is just not true. The Buddhists too are massacring he Rohingya in Burma but no one would say that Buddhism is inherently bad. You can find bad elements in every religion.

As far as smashing idols is concerned, pic related is the statue of Hindu God located in Malaysia, a Muslim country. It has not been smashed. Guess why, because actual Muslims live there and not the terrorist scum who have political motives.

Organised religions are obviously for the blue pilled masses. Society is fixable without desert memes.

Orthodox Christianity is, Islam is worldly and thus a cancer.

He's still not a fucking woman like your precious chancellor you delusional faggot.

Islam and the West are zero-sum game.

lol Merkel is a physicist by profession. Remind me if Trudeau ever held a job in his life? Better a conservative woman (albeit with faults) than a cucked "man".

Mashallah one brother in faith more.

Trudeau is still a white man, infinitely better than some hysterical cunt with Jewish education. Christ you fuckers are cucked.

>Following Ishmael when you know it should be Isaac.

But they are supposed to destroy the as ordered by the prophet