Why is the atheism red pill so hard to swallow?

Why follow semitic religion?

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Most people, especially shitskins, are too dumb to be atheists

>Why is the atheism red pill so hard to swallow?

you´re a big burger


Kikes shoved MUH ONE GOD so hard for so long that it became cultural for us of European heritage.

>Atheists believe in evolution/darwinism
>Religion was a strong aspect of society for thousands of years
>Man killed those that did not conform to society
>Therefore, man evolved with religion as part of it's being
>Just as man evolved to breathe air and eat meat
>Atheists don't understand why religion is important

>God doesn't want to prevent evil
wew lad nice diety you got there 10/10 would worship again

So you're saying God isn't all good or all loving?

Or are you just disregarding that he is described this way in the Bible?

Though most people assume being “spiritual” entails being “religious,” this isn’t a necessary connection. When people talk about a spiritual life, they point to someone who has his mind on higher things, who is not obsessed with property or gain, and who is passionately devoted to a belief about the meaning of life and the path to happiness. But this describes any devoted philosopher. When people talk about a spiritual “experience” they point to the combined sensation of awe, inner peace, and enlightenment, which culminates in a reverence for life and nature, and a sincere self-reflection about these things and oneself. And yet that, too, is the experience of any true philosopher. I live a spiritual life, because I live a self-examined life of the mind, I care deeply about my beliefs, I care more about my ideals and human happiness than about material things, and I experience awe, inner peace, and enlightenment when I fathom human minds and the natural world.

As Sagan would put it:

"Science is not only compatible with spirituality; it is a profound source of spirituality. When we recognize our place in an immensity of light years and in the passage of ages, when we grasp the intricacy, beauty, and subtlety of life, then that soaring feeling, that sense of elation and humility combined, is surely spiritual."

This is not an uncommon sentiment among scientists, proving that spirituality is not exclusive to what we normally regard as “religious” life, nor does the term always entail something supernatural.

Meditation as a secular path to spiritual enlightenment is perhaps unequaled, and ought to be mastered by all.

>So you're saying God isn't all good or all loving?
the point of the diagram is to show that the problem of evil doesn't work on a logical level, only an emotional one, since philosophers have no means to prove God cannot have a good/moral/loving/benevolent reason for allowing the presence of evil and suffering.

the problem of evil only works on an emotional level.

No, that's fucking retarded.

"I know God says he wants the apartment to be warm, so he must be blasting the cold AC to make it warm! We'll never know! "

sometimes causing or allowing suffering can be beneficial to ones you love.
for example:
>parents refusing to support drug addicted child until they agree to enter rehab

that's not really analogous, since we know that blasting cold AC does not make a room warm.
we don't know whether or not the presence of evil and suffering can bring about a greater moral good purpose.

>we don't know whether or not the presence of evil and suffering can bring about a greater moral good purpose

Well, considering God is all-good and didn't need evil to get that way...

You're ignoring the part of the original flow chart that basically asks "could God have made a universe that doesn't need evil?"

go on.
or was that it?
we're not God, or all-good.

God could have made us all-good without needing evil.

On a related note, it's impossible for a perfect God to make an imperfect universe. Yet another disproof


that's addressed with "does god want to prevent evil" bubble

>God could have made us all-good without needing evil.
maybe the moral value of human free will is a credible offsetting justification that God could have as a morally justified reason for permitting the existence of evil.

>it's impossible for a perfect God to make an imperfect universe
what makes you think it's imperfect?
maybe it's exactly as he designed it to be

>maybe the moral value of human free will is a credible offsetting justification that God could have as a morally justified reason for permitting the existence of evil

Nope, see pastebin.com/r407sbC0

>what makes you think it's imperfect?
>maybe it's exactly as he designed it to be

Lol, so now we're perfect? So much for your claim that we aren't God



i'm not reading a 300 page monologue by richard carrier, he's a joke.
boil his argumentation down in your own words

>the universe is as God designed (wills/wants) it to be
>therefore we're God
i don't think that follows

>i'm not reading a 300 page monologue
It's two paragraphs. Read it or admit you're afraid you're wrong.

>God wanted an imperfect universe
Also impossible for a perfect God. Heck, an imperfect desire is basically a sin

>Nope, see pastebin.com/r407sbC0

If you really want a counter-point, this is a good place to begin hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/Nave-html/Faithpathh/keller32.html

if you are so damn edgy and know theres nothing after death, why dont you commit suicide?
complete darkness and nothing is way better than being miserable on an chinese cartoon image forum right?

We've pretty much already discussed those points in this thread

If you think a paradise awaits you, why don't you go get yourself killed?

i've heard it say this way. As hard as it is to believe that man was created 2k years ago by a guy in the sky, it is as hard to believe that all of this, all this beautiful syncronicity, was created by random action...

You can enjoy your life without believing in an afterlife.

Whats better to live with no regrets and the fade to nothingness.

Or live in mundanity in the hopes that it won't be nothingness?

God works in mysterious ways :^)

Sure, mutation is random. But survival isn't.



Please explain what synchronicity you are describing and what seems random without the assumption of God's existence.
I've heard the "nature is beautiful, so God must exist" line of reasoning so many times, but I've never heard it explained.

I'm saying the source you posted is proved to be set upon false assumptions. The link provided gives a good refutation to your objection to god's permitting evil in the world.

I looked over it and I can't find what you're talking about