Anyone else regret voting for Trump?

Anyone else regret voting for Trump?

Why would they? He's doing great






Stormfags get out

Fuck no! All hail the GOD EMPEROR!

i do

I regret not voting for him multiple times.

What's there to regret?

Hate to say it, but liberal salt tastes much better than Stormfag salt.


the jews lost syria, now they're losing israel.

get fucked kikes.

Sometimes, but then I see some arrogant leftist, and regret nothing

y do u keep posting this doodle girl

What was the alternative?

At least now, the Democrats, or whoever, will have to listen to the people or continue to lose their jobs. The monopoly of information, and power has been broken. A literal slum-land lord won the presidency of the United States.

The is the moment the US become great again, or declines into the shite.

>Gee-golly guys!!

>On my way back from Church, where I was with all the other white people... I couldn't help but think. well... GOLLY GOSH, DONTCHA KNOW?!?!?!

>I sure do regret voting for Trump.. as a fellow white guy... JUST LIKE "Y'All!!"

>Gee... I sure wish my wife and daughter would not vomit on sight of a nig.. uhhh... BLACK "MAN," and rather, do the "right thing" and have carnal relations with them instead!!

>WHEW!!! Yeah!! Sire is great being a "white man" and not a NIGGER!!!


[suicide preparation intensifies]

why can't u even compete


wow, you didn't even vote for him multiple times? you realize the election was rigged right? fucking libcuck.

because the lefty chick who makes that cartoon isn't TOTALLY RETARDED (or her boyfriend is smart) and has trolled Sup Forums and Sup Forums into promoting her stupid blog-cartoon by

>lel. XD, ebin troll this lefty cartoonist Sup Forumsb and/or Sup Forums!!! NEW BEN GARRISON LOLCOW!!!

...and of course... all the 12-14 year olds jumped right on that shit because... self evident,

Basically, they got played by a tumblr chick.


No, trump won faggot. Deal with it.

It basically isn't possible to be worse than Shrillary so no.
If Trump can manage to actually accomplish even one of his major campaign promises, then he will be the best President in at least the last 60 years.

I dont regret Trump running for office. He was better than the opposition.

Now if the opposition wasn't so corrupt and retarded they wouldve chosen the Jew.

But like all Jews he was probably a plant by the DNC in the 1st place.

Daily reminder that /leftypol/ is raiding our board Don't reply to bait threads, let it sink.

>Meanwhile in England...


Not at all. I regret seeing that coal burner with that nagger though

Not really, no.

I regretted it once. I got really drunk on election night and enjoyed the schaudenfreude with us all. The next day I woke up with a brutal hang out over and almost cried on the floor of my bathroom thinking about all the folks whose lives might be ruined. This is for the best. Im surrounded by people at least more skeptical as I am and that makes it difficult not to second guess myself. I hope fascism comes back. Even if Trump is a bad president I think we're on the right track. Corporatism needs to be stopped.

no because if kkkillary was hypothetically much more in-line with my ideals, beliefs, and theory on every aspect compared to trump i still wouldn't have voted for her because the chances of nuclear war between the only 2 major nuclear superpowers are significantly higher than with any other candidate

survival of the nation and non-obliteration of the species before we can propagate amongst the stars a bit is top priority

Yup Trump will become China's bitch