Why are Americans so fucking disgusting

Why are Americans so fucking disgusting

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McDonalds drive thru on the way home from climbing the career ladder and smashing glass ceilings?

Because the sexual marketplace in the U.S. is so screwed up. Spend some time in Russia or Eastern Europe where there's a shortage of solid (and sober) men who make a decent living. There's heavy competition among women to snag a good man, so they're all hot, thin, and dressed to kill. There the men do the choosing and women are SOL if they're not married by 25. Here it's the opposite.

At least my bbw fetish isn't looked down on

This is a good time for us, friend. Sure, fatties - like every other group of people - are 50/50. Some ugly ones, some attractive ones. Whales with proper proportions, hygiene, and a pretty face make my dick diamonds.

Celebrating failure and the grotesque instead of beauty and acheivement. Who could be behind this?

The fuck are you talking about? Being fat isn't healthy. If there were a way for women to be overweight and healthy I wouldn't mind it as much

I feel like this is a meme.
Russian posters always say how the girls there are awful people

Still hanging on

More like pig related

This is what T H I C Cfags want everyone to like.

I didn't say healthy, I said hygienic.


>its a media forum that pushes fat as average.

Obesity is a disorder. Average means you don't have a symmetrical face. Or a big nose. Or a crooked smile. NOT FAT.

But Sup Forums, curvy girls used to be the high-tier.
Back when people made fertility statues.

Why all the anger toward the curves?

The only reason it was considered beautiful was because only rich people could be fat

Of course they are awful, but at least they aren't fat cows.

>over 1/3 of American children are overweight or obese
This is a national issue!
>average American woman is overweight or obese
We need to celebrate this!


Because its easy now. You should never promote an easy unhealthy life style like being a fat fuck.

I don't know how you guys resist not leaving a trail of cum inside all the THICC american women, you have so many girls of all races.
All of them posting slutty shit on fb, instagram, tinder.

They're clearly ready and willing to be bred, these bitches shouldn't miss a year where they're not pregnant (except for ethnically challenged folk)

>was because only rich people could be fat

>big titties full of milk
>doesn't die in childbirth like the skinnies

Those fertility statues come from a time before money, user.
Girls were favored and well fed if they looked like that, not necessarily the other way around.

Well the states are 70% overweight, half of which are fucking obese.

Still better than having colored people from your former colonies I guess?

You niggers better stay the fuck out of my way, number one programmer extraordinaire coming to fuck your social security benefits package

Being a fat shit has nothing to do with dying in childbirth you fucking mongoloid. They can have wide hips without being fat.

>American women reported to have the biggest bra sizes

Ahhh, you fucking faggots should be busting nuts, not shitposting here.

yeah g-gross haha

Compelling argument, nigel

my first policy as american hitler would be enacting a national mandatory fitness regime


>They can have wide hips without being fat.


Wide hips may tend to give you a fatter ass.
But people really did want the big girls back then.
Probably a significant reason for humans evolving much bigger breasts.

>The only reason it was considered beautiful was because only rich people could be fat
>plump bosoms, bum, meaty thighs and arms with a tiny amount of soft belly doesn't attract him
>muh money meme


Its biology.

>being a low test cuck

I am glad you have insight into people who have been dead for thousands of years based on one statue.

Also, who the fuck cares what they wanted? Shit is gross. Cottage cheese, stretch marks and rolls, disgusting.

Except that average is due to fat women. I see a thin pretty girl with huge boobs only a couple times a year.

>posting your own presumptuous rubbish as fact
not an argument

gf has the exact same panties, much semen was spilled on them.

>I am glad you have insight into people who have been dead for thousands of years based on one statue.

It's what archaeologists do.
But like, that's obviously not the only statue.

Besides, you know there's a difference between chubby and obese.
No matter how much the ancients might have preferred a fat well-fed girl with giant tits and ass.

Both are gross.

>posts a statue with thin face and just tons of titties

Why must the girl be thin?
If the girl has a well proportioned body, close to a hourglass frame and presents the characteristics of a fertile woman.

>TFW fat fetishist

And the ones who were obese before are blobs now. It's glorious. The only problem is that they're starting to get an entitled attitude.

Do we have a shittonne of megafats skewing the average or something? That doesn't look anything like the average I see in public each day. They just hide inside?

>gypsy detected

It is mostly blacks and hispanics skewing things. Black women are the most obese by far, followed by black men.

This is actually a lie but picked up upon by msm outlets.
More athletic women are proven to have healthier child births and their babies are less prone to illness and other complications in their first few months

>Both are gross.

And yet if you were pinned down and inserted, odds are you would impregnate her.

You body knows the truth.

>Lots of fat titties.

It takes a lot of fuel in the SUV to transport all those flip flaps. Thats why they are so butthurt with climate change and even deny it.

>More athletic women are proven to have healthier child births and their babies are less prone to illness and other complications in their first few months
Maybe because the average woman doesn't work out at all today?

Women used to work for a living, doing hard work around the house, on the field.

>Russia or Eastern Europe

stop reading. you don't know shit. kys

Where the fuck are you going with this? Fat chicks are disgusting and you are most likely some low test skinny fat/butterball that just sets his standards low.

>More athletic women are proven to have healthier child births

In modern times. Not in paleolithic times. You were dead by 30 most of the time back then.
Being well fed and young was FAR more important for women.

lel, this

I married a Russian girl. As with anywhere, there are bad ones, but by and large they make good wives and value family.

You can't be this fucking stupid. That is a misunderstanding of statistics. The average age was drug down by deaths in youth, usually children. People usually still lived to 60s and 70s assuming nothing like disease/violent death.

i bet I'm the only one ITT with a healthy BMI


Bin that knife, Nigel

Where did her soul went? In what language was she programmed (C/C++, Java, etc)?

>yes, good goyim girls.
>stay fat and hideous so I can get all the Chad cock to myself

>and you are most likely

I'm an internet troll, user.
"Your inner projections are showing!"

Besides, you know your dick would enjoy being buried in tit-flesh, so I don't have much work to do on the baiting.


Exactly. Back 1000 years ago feeding your children would be a concern
But nowadays the 'fertility godess' argument is invalid as there have been many studies showing the opposite to be true
Yet people still drool over fatties because they are the only girls they can get, and as such have fetishized them by trying to convince themselves that they are ok with marrying disgusting looking and smelling women

>just trollin guise

>People usually still lived to 60s and 70s assuming nothing like disease/violent death.

In the PALEOLITHIC age? But that's wrong, user. There are modern-day countries that don't have that level of life expectancy.

That woman is actually better looking than the 'average American woman'. She has a pretty face.



Its mostly blacks and Hispanics

Well you got mad, so it worked.
>Haw haw haw!

>because they are the only girls they can get

But user, couldn't she lose weight at any time? Your argument seems somewhat flawed...
Especially since it ignores >biological desires, like hip size and bust size.

>the average woman in 2016 weighs more than the average man did in 1970


The pic you posted is fucking pig disgusting. Fake everything, face plastered with jaundice-hued foundation, ridiculously arched eyebrows, fake-ass hair. Go figure someone dumb enough to think men choose their beautiful partners in East Europe thinks this Barbie-doll shit is attractive in any way.

>couldnt she lose weight at any time?
Yes she could! And she would be much more attractive if she did.
My argument is not flawed. Men in general prefer a slim waist. Obviously hips and breasts are important as well but they do not matter as much. Thick hips and breasts on a fat girl is like abs on a 100lb man

If you believe cavemen had a 70 year life expectancy, I'm not even going to google it for you.
You can stay that deluded. Like a national treasure or something.

>Fake everything

Now this is the real problem with modern women. Big naturals > cosmetics addicts.

You're absolutely wrong about the life expectancy of people in the Paleolithic era or earlier. The life expectancy is only shorter when you account for the children who die in infancy.

>value family.
wew lad. russians are golddiggers extraordinaire, she memed you hard

Not true, people only made it to 50 or 60 generally.

>The life expectancy is only shorter when you account for the children who die in infancy.


Come on now, you DO know how life expectancy is calculated, right?
Fucking 70 year old cavemen on the regular when people died of the common cold.
Real Sup Forums delusions here.

Just embrace the fat milk-laden titties.


You confuse life expectancy, which is an average, vs lifespan, which was usually around 70 years when excluding war/disease. Infant/child motality was very high, which skewed the average, which is why the statistic is fucking stupid and is not representative of what their lifestyle, diet and such had on their life. Our life expectancy went up so much due to the healthcare and lower infant mortality rates, not cause we live longer.

Your original bullshit post basically said cause they weren't fat fucks and worked, they somehow had a lower lifespan. This was stupid as fuck and inaccurate. It was due to child mortality and war/disease, which has nothing to do with diet of the time or being in shape.

>b-but muh freedom

The user he's arguing with said 60... lol.

You're clueless. The common cold was neither deadly nor existent in the Paleolithic era. It only existed post-agricultural revolution after we domesticated livestock and inherited their plethora of diseases.

Point being, 60 and 70 weren't unreasonable estimates of age for people living back then. Very frequently rural Japanese live to be over 100. Warfare is not ubiquitous in every tribe throughout existence. Nor is malnutrition. You mostly see malnutrition from aid-dependent Africans in the 21st century. Do you honestly fucking think the most intelligent species in the world has trouble finding food?


>which was usually around 70 years when excluding war/disease

Weren't you the one demanding I provide a source?
Besides, excluding disease would be >stupid.
Sorry, but geriatric paleolithic dudes, that's before most farming BTW, was an extreme rarity.

My post said that the woman being well fed and young was a far greater factor to child survival than being "athletic".
You would absolutely prefer a fat girl back then.

Why would it be stupid? Your argument was literally that they were healthier when fat than when athletic cause of life expectancy, but this is false. Disease has nothing to do with this aspect but it does cause child mortality to go through the roof, which would lower the average life expectancy by a shitload, cause of the way averages work.

Meanwhile, we know overweight women have more problems now than athletic all around, so we have controlled data to show you are wrong and a fucktard. Just accept it and move on with your disgusting fetish.

I love Russian women. They are so lively and joyful.

Their porn is my favorite: youtube.com/watch?v=TSza2XH28hs

>The common cold was neither deadly nor existent in the Paleolithic era.

>Common cold, also known simply as a cold, is a viral infectious disease of the upper respiratory tract that primarily affects the nose.

>Nobody got viruses in Paleolithic times.

Gonna add this one to the /poldelusions/ record, too.
Respiratory infections were quite deadly without most forms of medicine.
But please continue about the arthritic senile hunter-gatherers of the ancient past.

>Didn't even have asprin.

>I will choose a path that's clear
>I will choose freewill
>unless the neo nazis say that's not cool

>as the non-white population increases
>the height goes down and the weight goes up
>always show a white female

Fake news is fake news.

feminism and sexual liberation is part of socialism

such as "woman has rights over her own body"
so she can do whatever her own body

marrige and family replace to irresponsible hedonism

women body is now "public property"

today every single white women are used up cumslut

women must know that sex with anonymous guy
mean devaluation on her value
who buy Used goods or free sample ?

do you really wanna starting a family with "Someone else's Masturbation vessel" ?

Worst part is many america white women produce half-breed mutant
so that half-breed mutant join BLM , with hated for whitty

and every single one of white boi castrated
so they can be faggot cuckold who want provide non-white baby

I have been to the United States many times, in big cities, mid to small sized towns.
And i've legit only saw thin as fuck women like 7/10 times, the other ones i saw gigantic hamplanets, no middle ground.
I mean, while America wasn't full of far women as its made to be, but the ones that were fat were INCREDIBLY fat, much more than in other countries.

Just so we make sure we're on the same page here... do you think THIS is fat or nah? 'Cause I like bitches shaped like this.

You're clueless: youtube.com/watch?v=FOtkVEp7Ezo

Uhh, you know there's different kinds of colds, right? The Wiki article you're quoting says the common cold is an infectious disease of the upper respiratory tract, which it is. And modern scientists believe it comes from the domesticated horse. GOOGLE FAIL.

Have you ever known anyone who wasn't a baby or an old person who died of a common cold? No? OK, then neither would our ancestors. Especially since what we now know as the common cold DIDN'T FUCKING EXIST then.

Actually it was common to live to around 60 if you survived until you were in your 20's. Life expectancy is based on the age at which half of a cohort's members have died. This number is lowered severely by extreme infant mortality rates of a time before medical science.

>Have you ever known anyone who wasn't a baby or an old person who died of a common cold?

>Modern people don't see cavemen dying of respiratory infections, so therefore they didn't!

Keep goin' Sup Forums.
You know "catching a cold" is slang, right?
It's like you have no idea how much modern nutrition and medicine does to extend lives.

Chad fucks anything that isn't ugly

>lets not kid ourselves here, men are viciously horny
>they will fuck anything in relation to the amount of testosterone in their blood at a given time

Most women can fuck Chad easy, the hyper sexual market of women in Tinder makes that obvious

>as long as they're land beasts or hideous they'll easily get Chad D

>Come on now, you DO know how life expectancy is calculated, right?
Do you? I do and it actually points toward 60 year olds being around.

>The common cold is a respiratory infection, therefore all respiratory infections are the common cold.

You're a low information shitposter, and you continuously expose this simple fact through your lack of reading comprehension and blatant disregard for well-known facts. The method used to calculate average lifespan accounted for infant mortality, among other things. That's why it's so low. In modern hunter-gatherer societies and even agrarian societies, it is FAR from uncommon to see people live beyond 60 years old.

It doesn't matter , faggot

Master already decide it

Master said "It's not enough , Let make white men life miserable"

Master gonna take away white wife and social dignity from YOU (and every america white men)

>TFW white liberal whore become Robin hood and took over all the white men money

>and give money and body to shitskin

>A RACE race traitor
>Someone else's Masturbation vessel

>and it actually points toward 60 year olds being around

Well if you move the goalposts to "60" and "some" from "70" and "most".
See the original: You obviously have no idea what you're talking about if you believe 60-70 wasn't extremely rare in paleolithic times. Do you even have a source for that?

I've seen 30 with infants and 44 without on even Inuit data.

Thanks, added South Korea to the list of countries I filter.

>Just so we make sure we're on the same page here... do you think THIS is fat or nah? 'Cause I like bitches shaped like this.

Literally no one would call that fat, she has defined arms and shoulders, a jawline, no jowels and normal looking breasts. This is just a normal female build, nothing wrong with that and isn't considered obese by any actual metric.

Literally the first google result you retard.
Why would you talk abotu something you obviously have no knowledge in? What do you get out of it?