Is anyone else look forward to the absolute shitstorm that's going to go down after the inauguration?
Trump wants to execute Pedophiles
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>can't proofread
He's going to kill John Podesta after a quick trial.
This isn't hard to figure out.
>tfw Trump strangles Podesta with his bare hands live on TrumpTV
I would plege my soul to KEK for 777years if that were to happen
In related news, Sup Forums to soon be hosted on a single iMac due to reduced server load.
I see no problem with podesta getting the rope
So how many DNC staffers will hang if this becomes reality?
Trump wanted to execute people who kidnapped and molested children, pedophiles don't necessarily act on their impulses.
deploy the drones, drone the pedos, protect the innocent, praise kek
10,000 missing kids in europe
>Migrant crisis: More than 10,000 children 'missing'
no wonder soros pushes immigration so much
>needs to restock his supply
Found the Salon writer.
>implying mook isn't already doing that
Just go to Besta Pizza, 'sure you'll find a few.
Fake and Gay.
Just like the OP.
Gas all pedos
tweet is from 2012
>Trump hinted at pizzagate in 2012
Good lord. he has to be a fucking time traveler. theres no other explanation
How is that a bad thing? Most people are all for that. Pedos are degenerates and deserve to be hung.
Cripplechan retards fuck off
Because Sup Forums cannot comprehend stazi tactics.
Think about it this way dummies.
What happens when trump leaves office in 8 years and a leftie might get in? Because if a leftie does get in and you've just given them a ton of draconian powers.....guess who you'll be lumped in with as a right wing supporter.
Only fucking idiots support increasing the state's powers and surveillance apparatus.
No matter how horrible the crime, it's no an excuse for sacrificing liberty.
And some of you dare to call yourselves americans. You are traitors.
Fuck off autist
here here
Good. Definitely looking forward the shitstorm that will precede and follow the Swamp being Drained. And I hope that cuck Muslim cunt Obama catches as much flak as possible for the shit he did, allowed, and ignored in office.
Basically the same thing that's happening now on the other side.
Liberals terrified of Trump making as many executive orders as Obama.
but remember, it can happen to us too.
pushing for nanny state shit like in my country is NOT a good idea, trust me.
Was going to read your post but saw your flag and stopped reading
Watch out for emus
pedophilia=/=kidnapping children+rape+murder
>Anthony Wiener is going to be hung
if you look at even drawings of flat chested females you should be sent to antarctica
Got to stop pedophiles before they act.
I would say this is one law I could get behind find proof someones a pedo get to drag them in the streets and necklace them like Africans do.
I don't think they're kidnapping much.
Day of the rope, buddy
What exactly is wrong with this tweet? these kids are probably not alive anymore, last I heard kid napping combined with murder is punishable by death
And how would you feel if a corrupt officer planted a stick of CP on you, just because he can?
Want to be dragged on the street and lynched without a trial?
You are a disgusting fucking traitor to western ideals, go back to the middle east as you're worse than a pedo.
The only reason the western world exists is because we have law and order.
reminds of pic related I watched last night. some kid can make shit up and end an innocent man's life.
>Wanting to commit suicide.
Say it ain't so!
There's nothing wrong with it. The sick fucks deserve to die for crimes against children.
>Got to stop pedophiles before they act.
Americans have a history of enslaving people.
Fast trial and the death penalty, if you ask me.
Got to stop Americans before they act.
>that spacing
Fuck off back to pleddit pedo filth
None of this involves having to pass any more legislation though. What the fuck are you talking about? The shit is already illegal and known about but people are being stopped from pursuing.
Seems like a lot of fucking pedos come from the land of the dingo.
Time for some freedoms to be sent your way.
>literally just a big island of prisoners
we'll go if if you cunts go down with us
>another proofless shitpost
Say it ain't so!
He's sending a message to the elites. The gig is up.
>by the grab em by their pussies
Where are ya epstein my brother. Did i do good master pedo putin? Bibi screwin around. Ah. The right. Fucking up like they always do
Kek, Canadians rape dogs.
theres nothing wrong with executing pedophiles
>time for some freedoms to be sent your way
>just a big country of racists and slavers
Pretty sure you can go down alone, m8
nothing in politics is random user
its all show, most of this shit is decided long before it happens, its the way they keep order and make billion on the stock market
In America a guy texting a 15 year old is considered a pedo. Besides they deserve rights. They were born that way.
20th Jan day of reckoning
When did he hint at PizzaGate and how? Was it Twitter?An Interview? I'd love to see it.
Fuck off, learn proper grammar and kill yourself for suggesting we enforce sharia style law.
I'm saying we should be careful of people being framed for crimes they did not committ.
We had a case here in Australia where the kikes framed a guy with a stick of CP and discredited him.
It's about law and order and a fair trial. Anyone who says otherwise is a moron or a kike puppet seeking to further their power.
Think about it rationally. They LOVE having the ability to silence any opposition and discredit them, without normies thinking rationally and seeing if the guy is actually guilty.
>Comfyness intensifies
Truly God emperor
holy fuck.
he knows about the italian fooders.
>before they act
Not every pedo is a monster that'd kidnap and rape. Some just want to jack off to cp even animated cp which is illegal here and maybe consensually have sex with a teenager.
>child-diddlers deserve rights
i think it should be a public affair as well
Thats called common law and i hate it. Your president is a weedman. Your 2A is apt to be lost under the same system too
>t. plebbit the pedo poster
are child-kidnappings actually on the rise or is this just baseless fearmongering to cater to an illiterate electorate with kneejerk emotional reactions?
Huh, someone explain plz
Didn't he use Epstein's lolita air and then brag about how young the girls were? There's video of him saying it multiple times.
Like with everything he says, mostly bullshit done to drum up attention. People have to be real gullible, or redditors, to take him at his word at this point.
>humans don't deserve rights
Only an American could say something THIS retarded
t. traitor that believes we don't need to prove someone guilty before passing a judgement
kill yourself
yea i think they should be executed after found guilty court
>we don't need to prove someone guilty
Stated in first post you lying fucking pedo filth from plebbit.
I get you except the people Trump is talking about are actually committing the crimes. It is just a fact. He has to know something and in that tweet he is insinuating he has evidence. Which if he doesn't now he will definitely have it when NSA enters the picture. All pedos deserve to die.
is this real?
Please happen.
i absolutely, positively, 100% genuinely support an expedited death penalty for convicted pedophiles.
no second chance horse shit. you sexually abuse a child, boom: speedy trial, then immediate execution upon the deliverance of a guilty verdict.
Nah, he was in a party with Epstein and then little girls who participated in the party said he raped them together with epstein
A "speedy trial" generally isn't fair.
that tweet is from 2012. really makes you think. gets those almonds a churnin.
Would make a fucking great reality TV show. Would be highest rated show of all time easy.
I agree. Child rape should be treated just as murder, because the truth is that when you rape a child, you have killed that child. You have killed the person the child would have become had you not raped them. Their entire personality and the rest of their life is completely different than it would have been had they not been raped.
It's essentially murder
I really hope he does it
the tweet is from 2012, retard
he also banned epstein from his club and only flew in that plane once (2 hour journey)
bill clinton has 600 hours on that plane
Every crumbling empire descends into faggotry and pedophilia
No reason to prolong it if there is evidence you fucking pedo. Scared?
>proofreading a twitter post
should be glad he isn't autistic
There are sources at the bottom of the image.
Here, have more sources
>speedy trial
this is one of our rights so they dont have to wait for years to get a trial
organized disinfo fags are back
>No reason to prolong it if there is evidence
>no reason to be sure if you're asking for the death penalty
Trump made a joke about Anthony Weiner being unable to keep private communications private. When he was investigated for a separate matter they found emails on his computer related to Clinton's scandals.
top kek
it's funny how all these sources say "accused" and not convicted
i'll just get my microscope, and o look its all bullshit
tell your boss
all this does is let us know we're scaring them
EVIDENCE YOU FUCKING PEDO. Americans have a right to a speedy trial. If there is enough evidence you get killed, simple. Are you really defending this shit? You sound like you have a dog in the hunt here. What ya gonna do when they come for you?
>Joan of Acre is related to Muhammad
Yes user, it's real
Its not their fault they're attracted to kids you autist.
>Trump wants to execute Pedophiles
>> TrumpTV
Make this a thing and we solve the fucking deficit