Let's name things we love about Israel

Let's name things we love about Israel

>they're based
>cool ass flag looks like a ninja star
>cool dances

>Their prime minister is badass

>tfw Bibi just dropped 200,000 documents regarding missing children

>bodies burn impossibly fast in furnaces
>population can recover a loss of millions in less than a decade
>flawless storytellers and give irrefutable eyewitness testimony





their lobbies steal billions from the americans, they make them go to war for them, and we get to laugh at them

They consistently steal American military technology and sell it to CHYNA and pocket the profits.


they are amerisharts slavers, until they uncuck themselves

thats the only based thing bout kikeroaches

nuke em all

What I learned tonight from JIDF is that they're actually the good jews, and that they're based. Please repeat to everyone you know.

My soldiers from Isreal almost always land their coinflip shots in my Long War games.

I like to deliberately put someone from Isreal and Pakistan as the same class and in the same mission.

their anthem was made in Romania

Why do Jews push this thread daily?

jews recovered all their wealth lost in ww2 within a few years

niggers can't recover from muh slavery for 200 years

That Jews can play white people like a fiddle.

Whites are niggers compared to Jews for IQ.

Neat pic! care to share more? I'm really into X-com lately

Dont have much xcom pics.

I love xcom cause all nations decide to fight the aliens together, in UFO defense I always put my HQ in North Korea.


He's just so dreamy desu.

It's ironic that americans who split off from a country that denied them freedom have citizens who openly ask for authoritarianism, just come home ya fucking idiot, we've got more cctv camreas that any nation in the world and our police can detain you for a month with no given reason.




>They own america

>>cool ass flag looks like a ninja star


What about some nice things to say about jews specifically?
They're really good at collecting money, and keeping secrets.

>CTR assignment was to post something pro-Israel
>this was the best he could come up with

Oh look, i found their real flag

>not a single Israeli flag
really made me think

Because of how many newfags came with the election. I mean if we could meme a president into history it would be easy to make Jews the most hated people on earth

as a nation I love their pride and fearlessness

as far as israeli individuals I know I love their laid back nature