Are jews master race?
Are jews master race?
nobel prize winners get a say in who wins nobel prizes
By the various conspiracy theories passed around by white nationalist and the like of ZOG control of the United States and the world, they must be. Less than .02% of the world population somehow directs things against the will of 99.98? The only logical conclusion are that the biggest proponents of Jewish supremacy are those who propagate ZOG conspiracies.
>(((Nobel Prize)))
Fuck off JIDF
isn't it obvious? who could resist them?
of course goy :^)
>Are jews master race?
The concept of Master Race comes from the works of the 19th century Madame Blavatsky. Her ideas were taken up and developed by Guido von List, who added German nationalism. The Thule Society in Bavaria formed a Nordic Mysticism off of List's ideas. Some of the most important members of the NSDAP were in the Thule Society.
The idea was that literal ancient aliens mixed with humans. The Germanic peoples are the descendants of those mixed people, giving them latent psychic superpowers.
So unless you have some proof that Jews are descended from literal ancient aliens and have latent psychic powers, the Jews are not Master Race Aryans.
also it's funny you would use a chess player as a picture when arguably the most famous, bobby fischer, hated jews while being one himself
Of course, this is what actually is going on. Similar your "WE WAZ CHESS MASTERS" anecdotalism, when the reality is that the professional chess circle is extremely insular, will most all of the United States grandmasters acquiring their experience at a singular place where excelling at chess is actually valued, the Manhattan Chess Club.
If jews are superior should we just admit we are inferior and follow the natural order?
Its not really funny. Bobby Fischer is an autistic, ill-socialize single skill basketcase, and his opinions on just about anything other than chess theory is neither asked for or wanted.
Kys shill
I'm sorry. Do you have something to say?
>using a picture of half-jew anti-semite Bobby Fischer to support your kike agenda
Should I start posting some quotes from him?
No, because they're not relevant to anything.
This is, though. Are you one to feed the Jewish supremacy meme?
The philistine goyim will never know what ir's like to be a jew, to have the 6th sense. Let me tell you a secret Sup Forums, I will be banned from synagogue if any find out I said this. The Jewish nose contains a special gland for locating currency, and releases dopamine with it's presence
Bobby is not even close to being most famous. No surprise you are being taught that way though.
Your Jew shilling won't stop the Jewpocalypse. It is at hand. Kek wills it.
this kind of blame quesitoning, i can smell the shill from here
youre a fagot but im gonna help you. your typical kike dissuasion wont work here, because everyone here wants to oven you... the only thing that could work is making more noise than the rest. good look with that
>Are jews master race?
It's hilarious watching the muslims and white trash on Sup Forums tripping over themselves trying to argue that Jews are inferior while simultaneously arguing that they dominate every aspect of their lives.
If Jews are inferior, what the fuck does that make you?
Besides just a leech riding on their coattails with medicine, science, energy, defense, astrophysics, aeronautics, and pretty much the entire modern era?
If us whites arent the master race, what is our reason to live? Should we accept we are inferior and serve you guys?
Fischer was pretty popular his time, being an "average" guy to beat the Soviets (who themselves created an insular culture of chess including many, but not exclusively Jews). Current most famous is Gary Kasparov, from OP's pic. Another jew, BTW, but then correlation is not causation. If the limited talent pool you subsidize is inclusive of many Jews far above their representation to the overall population, its no surprise that Jews will over represent as leaders of that pool.
>youre a fagot but im gonna help you. your typical kike dissuasion wont work here, because everyone here wants to oven you.
Did you just make the logical leap that I must be a Jew myself because sound reasoning belongs to the Jew?
Damn dude I've was laughing my fucking ass off at how ASS pained your other posts were but this one quite literally is the most ASS pained thing I've ever literally seen on any website literally ever
might as well be, a non kike woudlnt care so much wether shilling gets associated with kikes. funny that you ask in a typical shill fashion, kike... does it matter wether youre a kike? you dont belong here. gtfo, now. go. go.
>Hates Jews
>Jews are his boss and owns/controls everything in the country
>Still thinks he's superior.
>Pays his taxes
White racist logic.
oops wrong link
Jews were behind the holocaust... and it was a hoax to gain Israel
AshkeNAZI jew...
NAZI = NAtional ZIonism
They are partly so successful because they are a group that uses in group nepotism. while the population they are present in does not.
>does it matter wether youre a kike? you dont belong here. gtfo, now. go. go.
You do realize, of course, that your opinion of whether or not I can post here has no bearing on if I do or not. Neither does your singular interest on whether or not I am a Jew have a bearing on anything else I've posted. Do you have a thing to contribute to the discussion beyond my own person?
Do you contest that with there only being so few Jews in the world, and there being so many more white (or other) people who propagate Jewish control theories, that the larger advocates of Jewish supremacism are in fact not Jews, but whites (or others)?
Being cunning and manipulative is not a sign of intelligence. Judaism, the religion and the culture whether orthodox, secular, or atheist is a group evolutionary survival mechanism. Jews rely on immigration to non-jewish hosts they parasitically live off of using there their nepotism network.
This is simply a survival strategy for a race on the brink of total and utter extermination. Not intelligence and in now way implying they are a superior race. Hey are inferior and degenerate on even a genetic level. There will come a day in the near future when pogroms are fashionable and holocausts are real and the jewish race will be no more
dont care didnt read fuck off bye!!! lol
Drop Zionist/Talmud/Jew red pills in this thread
Its kind of cheating if you have the source code
as master race as any other race. we are all one universal race fuck off.
It's those Neanderthal genes. It's the same reason civilisation began in Mesopotamia near the Levant.
t. liberal babby